
Chapter 355 Differences in War Consciousness

Chapter 355 Differences in War Consciousness

For the Tapura civilization, which still needs electromagnetic waves and other means to detect the enemy, the detection method of the physical god is undoubtedly much better!

With the curvature speed of the Tapla battleship, it is too slow to escape the detection wave of the physical god's primordial energy.

Of course, the most important point is that when he was at the planetary base, Wang Dashu learned the approximate coordinates of the parent star of the Tapura civilization from those who surrendered.

If it wasn't for the short distance and the space teleportation ability is still weak, there is no way to teleport tens of thousands of sub-physical gods at once, Wang Dashu would have already been approaching the city by now.

But then again, the delay was worth it.

At least the army of secondary flesh gods led by the flesh god avoided some traps on the way to the home planet of Tapura civilization.

For example, several gaseous planetary bombs set up by the Tapura civilization.

In view of these traps, Wang Dashu has some understanding of the handwriting of the Tapura civilization.

The civilization did not know where to pull these gaseous planets over, and arranged them in the space leading to the parent star. A large-yield nuclear bomb was installed in the star core of the gaseous planets.

Once it detonates, the entire gaseous planet will be ignited instantly, completely detonating into a miniature supernova.

If Wang Dashu was accidentally bombed like this, among other things, the loss of most of the secondary body gods is possible.

As for the gaseous planet, it will only end up as interstellar dust.

Not much nonsense, after more than two months of tracking, Wang Dashu discovered the star system of the Tapura civilization in advance through the continuous scanning of the Yuan energy detection wave.

This star system has thirteen planets, seven of which are geological and six are gaseous.

The number of planets in the star system does not make Wang Dashu so surprised. What really aroused his interest is that the parent star of the Tapura civilization is actually the third planet from the star!
You must know that Blue Star is also the third planet from the sun in the solar system!
Is there any law in it?

But Wang Dashu couldn't help laughing after thinking about it for a while, he undoubtedly thought too much.

The parent star of the Niuslavic civilization is not the third planet from the star, but the one closest to the star, and its real distance from the star is also different from the blue star.

Just as Wang Dashu was thinking about the problem, the army of secondary flesh gods led by the flesh god was already very close to the star system of the Tapura civilization.

Under the action of the special field released by the consciousness of the gods, the various reconnaissance satellites deployed by the Tapura civilization outside the star system failed to find any traces of the army of secondary flesh gods.

Even when the army of the secondary flesh gods advanced into the star system and crossed the many space bases arranged by the Tapura civilization on the border of the star system, the other party still did not find it.

According to the development of this situation, the army of secondary physical gods will definitely be able to win a sneak attack battle.

But the most indispensable thing in this world is accidents!

Just at this time, a large number of reconnaissance ships took off from the parent star of the Tapura civilization, and they continued to accelerate towards the outside of the star system.

Undoubtedly, this is the countermeasure taken by the Tapura civilization after receiving the warning.

They need to know where the enemy is now.

At the same time, the tens of thousands of reconnaissance ships released densely packed reconnaissance satellites before reaching the boundary of the star system.

These reconnaissance satellites have their own power, and they completely block the way forward of the army of secondary flesh gods. Some of the reconnaissance satellites crashed into those secondary flesh gods without any accidents, and the short-range self-defense lasers of the secondary flesh gods are dense. Without any hesitation, the array turned these reconnaissance satellites into gorgeous fireworks in space.

To be precise, this should be a wonderful accident, and in the operating norms of the Tapura civilization, this kind of behavior is a violation, but under the wrong circumstances, the traces of the secondary physical gods were exposed.

After all, the special field created by the consciousness of the gods is just the effect of full-channel invisibility, not isolation from the outside world in the true sense.

But for Wang Dashu, he was not very happy.

A perfect raid has turned into a frontal battle, even the most open-minded people may feel a little suffocated.

Seeing those reconnaissance satellites being turned into fireworks in space, the generals of the Tapura civilization naturally would not think that the reconnaissance satellites were too poor in quality and spontaneously ignited collectively.

Soon, those space bases that had just been swept by the lesser physical gods opened fire violently towards the place where the reconnaissance satellite exploded.

Although these space bases are not as huge as the planetary bases, as the largest artificial creation in space set up by the Tapura civilization, their size is much larger than the main battleship, and the smallest space base has a diameter of more than ten kilometers!
From this point of view, it is much bigger than the physical god.

At this time, Wang Dashu also knew that it was impossible to continue sneaking.

Therefore, the consciousness of the gods immediately released the special field.

However, the scene of the emergence of tens of thousands of secondary flesh gods really shocked the generals of the Tapura civilization.

They never imagined that the mother galaxy, which was so heavily guarded, would be broken through so easily by the enemy.

In an instant, words similar to Bing Lin Cheng appeared in their minds.

But the next moment, the expressions of these generals changed drastically, and they quickly ordered the various space bases arranged on the parent star and even the star system to launch a counterattack, and at the same time fleets quickly took off from the ports on the major planets.

At this time, Wang Dashu also had self-knowledge, and directly delegated all the war power to the consciousness of the gods.

The reason is very simple. If he sends the order and then forwards it to the secondary physical gods by the consciousness of the gods, although there will not be much delay in this, the problem is that in such a cosmic war, a slight delay will cause losses. It is conceivable how big it is.

But Wang Dashu was shocked by the actions after the divine consciousness took over the power of war.

All the secondary flesh-body gods immediately released the warships, and then, they were attacked from all directions, opened their huge mouths, and blue flames emerged from the mouths.

Star Destroyer!
Wang Dashu didn't expect the move of divine consciousness to use the Star Destroyer Cannon in the first place!
According to Wang Dashu's war experience, it should be to destroy the various space bases and fleets densely scattered in the star system first, and then slowly process Tapura's home planet.

But the war thinking of the god consciousness is completely different from his.

From the very beginning, it was the most powerful part of the enemy, which made Wang Dashu almost take back the power of war.

But at this time, all the secondary physical gods, the warships and the star destroyers of the flesh gods have entered the energy storage state. Even if the war power is withdrawn, it is impossible for these star destroyers to exit the energy storage state. Besides, Using star destroyers to attack those space bases, the fleet is a bit too wasteful.

(End of this chapter)

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