
Chapter 366 New Mission

Chapter 366 New Mission

And the most critical point is that Hull must reserve a considerable proportion of divine power to prevent accidents from happening!
For example, a certain god, or a demon lord, finds Hull not pleasing to his eyes, and discovers the location of his kingdom of God, and immediately sends a large army to attack Hull's kingdom of God.

On the other hand, slime is different.

Don’t think that there are so many kinds of slimes now that it’s natural. In fact, the original slimes were ordinary jelly-like slimes, but due to their strange life forms, they are prone to mutations and gradually reproduced. There are so many categories.

Especially those junior mages, one of their favorite experimental subjects is slime, some are used to test new spells, some test magic potions, and some conduct various research on slimes.

And these behaviors are also one of the reasons for the wide variety of slimes.

There is no other reason, but the slime's life form is weird, not very lethal, and has strong reproductive ability.

If the experimental body is replaced with other creatures, it is estimated that these junior mages will go bankrupt in a short time.

Low strength means that when used for transformation, the consumption of divine power is extremely small!
Divine power basically follows the principle of equivalent exchange, how much you pay, how much you get, there is not too much water to squeeze.

Well, don't think that because Hull can't enter the main material plane now, he can't find slimes. You must know that there are slimes in basically all planes.

There are light slimes, golden slimes, holy light slimes, etc. in heaven, demon slimes, dragon slimes, etc. in the abyss, and various elemental histories in several major elemental planes. Limes, and even in the Dragon Kingdom where many dragon gods live, there are corresponding dragon blood slimes.

Of course, the strength of these slimes is a bit beyond the standard, and it is a bit exhausting to use them as samples.

Hull's method is to let a holy spirit come forward, find a plane traveling merchant, and exchange a demiplane and the ordinary slime inside with a statue of the Void Predator in the legendary realm.

For that plane traveling merchant, this is undoubtedly a very lucrative business. The half-plane that I accidentally found was actually sold for such a high price!
You must know that this demiplane was originally a newly built residence of a legendary mage, with an area of ​​only a few square kilometers, but this legendary mage died thousands of years ago.

It is also because of the fall of the legendary mage that the mage tower inside has not been completed, without the support of the energy pool of the mage tower, this demiplane has a small area, and there are dense slimes and various herbs in it, so in the millennium Over time, the demiplane was in a state of gradual collapse, and it seemed that it would completely collapse within a few hundred years.

The plane traveling merchant has the means to stabilize the demiplane, but the problem is that the cost is too high. Besides, these plane traveling merchants don't have a bunch of demiplanes in their hands.

In their eyes, everything is a commodity, whether it is a demiplane, a divine power crystal, or even a godhead, as long as the price is sufficient, it can be sold.

Besides, ordinary mages are fine. It is not easy for legendary mages and above to find a demiplane, let alone gods.

Take Hull as an example, as long as he is willing, it is easy to find a lot of half-planes in the star world, but if he wants to integrate these half-planes into the kingdom of God, he will consume too much divine power, so there is no need to do this. Rapidly expanding the area of ​​the Kingdom of God.

Therefore, for the gods, if it is not a demiplane that contains some rare materials, it is all rubbish!

And the Legendary Astral Marauder is a sought-after item anywhere!

Selling it to the endless abyss, those demon lords can transform the astral predator into a legendary level demon, and selling it to Heaven Mountain, the angels can transform it into a powerful angel of strength, even if they sell it to the mechanical realm, those Powerful constructs can transform astral marauders into souls of their own kind!
In short, this native creature native to the astral world has many, many uses.

But in Hull's view, he undoubtedly made a profit.

Although this demiplane does not contain any rare materials, its rule structure is very peculiar, which is very suitable for the survival of slimes. This is why the demiplane has been collapsing for thousands of years, and those slimes can still survive in it. It is not due to the deteriorating environment of the demiplane that it is extinct.

For a demiplane like this, Hull only needs to spend a small amount of divine power to fix it on the edge of the Kingdom of God, and he can have a good laboratory for research and reproduction of slimes.

You know, if these slimes enter the Kingdom of God directly, with their weak strength, they will be assimilated by the Kingdom of God almost instantly and become creatures of the Kingdom of God. There is not much application value either.

After all, except for the powerful Holy Spirit, among the creatures of the Kingdom of God, none of them can leave the Kingdom of God!

If it weren't for such restrictions, Hull would have asked the church in the main material plane to sacrifice slimes directly, so there is no need for such trouble.

Hull enthusiastically sent an avatar to study those slimes in the demiplane. Wang Dashu's mind connection took a long time, and then he disconnected.

But just as he disconnected his mind connection, the system prompt sounded in his mind.
Repeated world! !

Introduction: Invite the host clone to reincarnate in the real universe once, no requirement.Time limit: one week.

Reward: 50 soul points for task completion.

Punishment: mission failure, related follow-up missions are no longer open.
A new task appeared.

There is no doubt that the rewards for the task of reincarnation are reduced a lot. In the last reincarnation task, Wang Dashu remembered that he had 50 soul points and [-] attributes, but this time he only had [-] soul points. It's just the consumption of a delivery channel.

But having said that, it's not surprising that he is already familiar with the urinary nature of the system.

Anyway, being idle is idle, the flesh god is shaping the star factory under the control of the consciousness of the god, Wang Dashu didn't waste any time, and immediately entered the special space of clone reincarnation after the mission was released.

Well, it has been a year and a half since the last clone reincarnation, so once again entering the extremely dark space of clone reincarnation, Wang Dashu is somewhat familiar with a little strangeness.

Dense options emerged from the light curtain, and after being filtered by the set conditions, there were still a lot of them, but Wang Dashu was not as dizzy as usual. Instead, he turned a page in a few seconds, and it took less than a few minutes. Time checked all the options related to the real universe.

There is no doubt that this is entirely due to his intelligence attribute of 120 points and perception attribute of 90 points.

(End of this chapter)

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