
Chapter 377

Chapter 377
And if other development bases are used as a springboard, the safety will be greatly improved. After all, the distance between these two development bases is only about three light years.

Don't underestimate the accomplishments of the Niuslavic civilization in the curvature engine. With the speed of its escort fleet, it will only take three months at most to rush over!

In other words, its curvature speed can reach ten times the speed of light!This speed is much faster than the curvature speed of the physical god.

If Daphne Cow can't even withstand this temptation to open up the base, then the tentative attack will naturally turn into a full-scale attack.

According to this judgment, that is to say, the counter-insurgency troops sent by the Niu Slavic civilization are about to arrive in the star system where Daphne Niu is located!
In fact it is.

Not long after Wang Dashu and Daphne Niu had a spiritual connection, the warning satellites deployed by the development base on the outskirts of the star system discovered abnormal space fluctuations. After the fleet appeared, more than 1000 warning satellites in that direction were all destroyed.

The only good thing is that these warning satellites transmitted the enemy's situation back in time.

There are hundreds of thousands of warships, of which the main battleships exceed [-]!

This number far exceeds the number of guardian warships that the development base itself is equipped with. This shows that the Niuslavic civilization still attaches great importance to the mutiny of a development base, and even a tentative attack has adopted a crushing posture.

You know, if Dafenniu is not Wang Dashu's clone, if he doesn't have the technical support of divine consciousness and a bio-optic brain capable of controlling the main brain, then it is impossible for the development base to tamper with the production data of the star factory.

In this way, with the number of guard warships stationed in the development base itself, it is impossible to survive this wave of attacks at all!
But that was the former development base. After controlling the star factory, the number of battleships owned by the development base has increased by leaps and bounds, from the initial [-] to the current [-] warships, [-] main battleships and three Ten space bases!
The only flaw is that the main battleship data in the development base database is only the data of the previous generation, and its combat power is about 20.00% lower than that of the latest main battleship.

But in any case, with Daphne Cow's current strength, it shouldn't be a big problem if he wants to survive the first wave of raids.

The war started with the destruction of the outer watch satellites of the star system.

However, for quite a period of time when the mother star escort fleet invaded the star system, they were not attacked.

Until the cluster of space mines densely covered between the sixth and seventh planets caused some surprises to the mother star guard fleet.

Although the commander of the fleet is very cautious, and the power of various detection instruments is turned on to the maximum, given that the Niuslavic civilization basically has no history of being invaded by foreign enemies, even if the Niuslavic civilization has ordered the technology of space mines to some levels, but Their officers are poorly wary of weapons like space mines.

This made even if those space mines were detected, those captains didn't pay attention to the space mines at all.

Indeed, with the defense of the main battleships, those space mines can't hurt their skin at all.

This was also confirmed when space mines exploded one after another.

But the battleships in the fleet are not just the main battleships!
There are also fire support ships, destroyers, logistics support ships and other sub-level warships.

And the defense of these battleships is not as terrifying as the main battleships.

In particular, the effect of those space mines is not in the explosive power, but mainly produces a special wave that specifically attacks the bio-optical brain!

The main battleship was intact, but the fate of the other second-tier warships was tragic.

There were abnormalities in the bio-optic brain, and it even fell into chaos. Unexpected situations such as automatic fire, opening of hatches, etc. emerged one after another.

In an instant, the entire fleet seemed to be caught in internal strife.

Just such a wave of space mine attacks caused the loss of the Niuslav fleet to more than [-] warships, and thousands of warships were injured at the same time.

On the surface, such a loss is only a small problem for the more than [-] Niu Slavic counter-insurgency fleet.

But he was stunned without even seeing the enemy face to face, which was not a small blow to morale.

For this reason, the commander-in-chief of the counter-insurgency fleet immediately changed his strategy!
The anti-insurgency fleet stopped in place, and the [-] main warships did not participate in the rescue of other warships at all, but formed a huge circular formation.

The muzzles of their main guns began to glow with white light.

There is no doubt that after experiencing space mines, the counter-insurgency fleet decided to go straight to the ultra-long-range attack.

For civilizations below level 2-1, it is simply unrealistic to attack the enemy across fifty or even hundreds of astronomical units. The long range will not exceed ten light seconds!
But the main warships of the Niuslavic civilization can do this. They are equipped with super-light-speed enhanced curvature main guns, which can easily send shells to enemies beyond [-] astronomical units!
After 10 minutes of energy storage, thousands of shells disappeared without a trace as soon as they left the muzzle under the effect of curvature. A few minutes later, a large number of shells appeared out of thin air outside the development base that had been waiting for battle for a long time. Impact on the plasma shield.

The shock wave, high-energy particle flow and element decay effect brought about by the shell explosion made the outermost plasma shield of the development base exceed the maximum load in an instant, and was directly broken!
If it weren't for the self-propelled artillery fire of the pioneering base to counterattack in time and hedge those curvature shells, the next few layers of plasma shields would probably be directly penetrated by such a wave.

It has to be said that the new main battleship of the Niu Slavic civilization gave Daphne Niu a disarm as soon as it debuted.

The only good thing is that such an ultra-long-range bombardment is also a relatively large burden on the main battleships. Therefore, after a wave of bombardment, those main battleships fell into the main gun cooling time, but in such a short time , the nano-robots released from the damaged battleships repaired the damage, and the entire fleet began to move forward again.

But this time, they didn't move fast, and they kept cleaning the space mines on the path with secondary guns, lasers and other weapons.

The pioneering base that had been beaten up naturally would not swallow it, and all the main battleships were launched, launching a counterattack together with the base's main guns.

Compared with the counter-insurgency fleet's weapons, the development base is naturally lagging behind, but it has not reached the level of technology generation difference. At most, it is energy storage, the cooling time is longer, and the attack distance is shorter.

But all this is not a problem.

(End of this chapter)

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