
Chapter 385 Annihilation, silicon-based mechanical civilization

Chapter 385 Annihilation, silicon-based mechanical civilization
Therefore, the fighting bugs released the size limit of the main brain bugs, allowing them to reach the size of the empress, thus greatly increasing the reproduction speed.

After multiplying this batch of twelve masterminds, the fighting bugs did not breed more masterminds, but shrunk the spread meat blanket into an olive shape, and then left the third planet, heading towards The fourth planet, full of battlefield wreckage, flew past.

To say that this star system is not the best star system for the Zerg.

The reason is simple, there are too few rocky planets here, and there is not enough space for the Zerg to reproduce.

In terms of the few memories the fighting bugs inherited from their genes, the home galaxy of the Zerg race is an unusually weird star system.

There are actually 37 rocky planets in its parent galaxy, while there are only two poor gaseous planets!

With so many rocky planets, the Zerg thrive in their home system.

It is said that at the peak, there were more than 50 empresses in the mother galaxy, and the number of bugs was even more incalculable.

But no matter how beautiful a dynasty is, it will die under the torrent of time.

This is true for humans, aliens, and Zerg.

About 6000 years ago, the resources of the Zerg mother galaxy were exhausted, forcing the Zerg to disperse and migrate outside the mother galaxy.

Of course, if this were not the case, the Zerg would not be able to develop the technology to sail across the star system at a level 0-4 civilization.

But it can also be seen from this that the development of biological civilization is too difficult.

After a full 6000 years of development, it has not been able to advance from a 0-4 civilization to a 1-1 civilization. Compared with a technological civilization that has been a big step for hundreds of years, biological civilization is indeed a bit sad.

This is not surprising. Take the civilization of the flesh gods as an example. Although they seem to be extremely powerful now, in fact, their development history is calculated in millions of years!
What a terrifyingly long time!

This is why, in the real universe, biological civilization is extremely rare.

Many biological civilizations may have changed their development path due to various reasons and become technological civilizations before they have developed to the stage of leaving the parent star. There are even many that have never been able to leave the parent star and thus perish.

But having said that, once biological civilization develops, its advantages are quite prominent.

They don't need to develop a technological level like a technological civilization at all. In many cases, they only need to evolve their bodies to reach the level of technological civilization. They can even plunder various technologies and transform them into biotechnology applications.

In short, from a certain point of view, biological civilization is more convenient and faster.

Just like the fighting bugs at this time, they themselves are equivalent to a civilization, and they rely on their own bodies to handle production, construction, scientific research, etc.

In a war, even if most of the Zerg races are extinct, as long as one bug escapes and finds a safe place, a civilization can be developed.

Of course, for other civilizations, this development model of the Zerg is really terrifying.

Especially when the fighting bugs went to the fourth planet, the third planet's crust and even most of the mantle had disappeared, leaving only an extremely hard core that radiated a little red light slowly rotating in space.

Oh, if it was replaced by the previous empress, it might not be able to do this step, but the fighting insects that have transformed part of the element synthesis technology can transform most of the previously unusable substances into the elements they need to use!

This planet was almost three times the size of the blue star, and most of its matter eventually became a huge swarm of insects gathered in the star system.

Due to the increasing number of bugs, it is difficult for the fighting bugs themselves to calculate the exact number of bugs, but with the hard work of the brain bugs, the total number of bugs has exceeded one billion.

Under the awe of such a huge swarm of insects, even the iron-headed silicon-based mechanical fleet did not dare to easily invade the star system, but hovered around the periphery to detect the situation.

At this time, Wang Dashu didn't have many ways to support the fighting insects except for the comprehensive attribute blessing.

No way, the star system where the fighting bugs are located is too far away, so far away that the flesh god can't open the corresponding portal.

But for fighting bugs, the previous knowledge in the bio-optical brain is enough.

After devouring the second and fourth planets, under the command of the fighting insects, the huge swarm pushed the three earth cores together, and the fighting insects transformed into a meat blanket, wrapping the earth cores, and then the other The interior begins to generate space transmission organs centered on the core of the earth!
The space teleportation organ is probably the most advanced organ at the core of the physical god, allowing the physical god to easily span the distance of tens of light years!
Fighting bugs can generate space transmission organs, but it is somewhat difficult to use space transmission organs like a flesh god.

The reason is simple, fighting insects have no energy!
Yuan energy is the only energy that activates the space transmission organ!

For some reason, the fighting bugs can't generate a metaphysical detector like a physical god at all. Even if Wang Dashu consumes 50 soul strength to send a metaphysical detector, it will be useless after the fighting bugs swallow it.

Of course, this situation is not surprising. The Zerg race to which the fighting bugs belong is actually a biological civilization with quite good potential, but they are still fundamentally different from the flesh gods who focus on individual strength.

The Zerg always rely on group strength to defeat the enemy.

Therefore, although the body of a fighting bug can become extremely large, the life force contained in it is far less condensed than that of a physical god.

This may be the main reason why its body cannot produce primordial energy.

Fortunately, the consciousness of the gods conducted a detailed study on the space transmission organs early on, and combined with their own knowledge of the gods, they found an alternative.

That is to use the core of the earth as the energy output to activate the space transmission organ!
In the eyes of the consciousness of the gods, the core of the earth is almost the same as seizing the core of the plane in the godhead world, and it is the basis for the existence of planets or planes.

It contains the regular power of the entire planet or plane, including the power of vitality.

Of course, whether this theory of divine consciousness can be realized in the real universe depends on the efforts and luck of the fighting bugs.

This is why the fighting bugs gather the three cores together.

Well, from the perspective of the consciousness of the gods, the success rate of one earth core is not high, and the success rate of three earth cores is higher.

Compared with the flesh god, fighting insects are faster in producing organs. It can generate tens of thousands of breeding rooms in the body in a short period of time, and can also quickly generate a large number of defensive pillars, and even change the body from olive shape to Rapidly transforms into a meat blanket.

Therefore, its speed of producing space teleportation organs centered on the earth's core is not too slow.

(End of this chapter)

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