League Champion Coach

Chapter 45 The 2nd Game Moved!

Chapter 45: The Second Game Moves!
While everyone was chatting, the damage panel of the first game came out. The one with the highest damage from RNG was not Uzi’s Vayne, but Letme’s Karma. The output damage was [-], and Vayne’s output was ranked second at [-]. six.

Although Wayne's damage is high, he is a single-target damage hero after all. His damage after a team battle is probably not as good as Karma's RQ. This is the horror of Karma with full damage equipment. The group damage that can be dealt in a team battle is really too high.

The MVP was finally given to Uzi's Vayne.

Whether it's kda, team participation rate or 15-minute kills, this uzi has achieved the ultimate. It can be said that this is a classic teaching of top laner Vayne, perfect teaching from laning to team fighting.Of course, these are also inseparable from the teammates standing behind him to protect him.

Although the MVP belongs to one person, the victory belongs to the entire team.

After the team members came back from the bathroom, Su Liang didn't tell the RNG people about the BP stuff during the few minutes of rest time. What should be studied and talked about has already been said in the previous five days. It's useless to sharpen your guns before the battle at this time, it's better to let the players take advantage of this time to relax more.

And they also won the first round, the psychological pressure is definitely much less than that of the opposite IG, which is the most important thing for RNG, BO5 is not a round of two rounds, but a protracted battle of four or five rounds, they are now The first thing to do is that one's mentality will definitely collapse. Once the mentality collapses, the operation will be deformed. Once the operation is deformed, the distance from losing will not be far away.

The staff came to accept the roster for the next game. RNG didn't choose to make substitutions, and they were still the five players who played in the first game.

In this BO5 with IG, Su Liang intends to keep using the spicy pot, even if he loses, he will continue to play.

The reason for such a decision has nothing to do with the individual, it was made after Su Liang carefully considered the entire layout.He made this decision when RNG played the fifth game of G2.

This is not the karsa version, this is the Mala Xiangguo version.

A few minutes later, everyone came on the field, and the second game began.

In this round, RNG chose the blue side, IG was the red side, and the second round of the two sides' selection began.

"Move Akali." Su Liang said.

Letme nodded and pressed Akali.

The hero Akali is a very OP hero in this version, and IG can play both the mid lane and the top lane, and he can play very well, so when playing against IG, this hero must not be played.

It was IG's turn to move, and IG moved Wei En.

The relocation of IG surprised many people, including Su Liang, he did not expect that IG would choose to move Wei En.

In RNG's second move, Su Liang chose to continue banning Tam. This hero is also a point that cannot be released. In Su Liang's view, his own bot lane is definitely stronger than the opponent's bot lane, and releasing Tamm will undoubtedly weaken his own team. He will not do such a wise thing as the choice of bottom lane strength.

IG's second ban chose to ban Xia.

As soon as IG moved this hand, everyone in RNG was stunned.

IG didn't move their four guarantees and one system. They didn't even ban their excellent Lulu and Karma in the first two moves. This is something that no one in RNG thought of.

It's not just that they didn't expect it, the commentary on the commentary stage also questioned IG's new coach's first two moves, and the barrage was a uniform 666, which was steady and wise.

"Since they don't move Karma and Lulu, we can choose four guarantees and one!" Xiaohu said.

"That's right, if they don't move, we will continue to choose. We made some mistakes that we shouldn't have made in the last round, otherwise we would have won." Spicy Xiangguo said.

"Let's take a look at the third move on the opposite side. If the opponent still doesn't ban Lulu or Karma, we will choose." Su Liang said.

The crowd nodded.

RNG's third ban was given to Jess, and IG's Jess still needs to respect it, because this hero is also the best among them, and it is also a hero that is very easy to overwhelm in the early stage. It will make RNG very uncomfortable.

Since Su Liang is uncomfortable, Su Liang will naturally be banned directly. The lineup selected must allow his players to play comfortably. If they are uncomfortable, the game will naturally become very difficult to play.

IG's third-hand mover moved Xiaoming's Fengnv, and they still haven't banned Karma and Lulu, who are very good at RNG.

In other words, IG did not plan to ban RNG's three-guarantee and two-system in the second round. Their third-hand ban made it clear that they would continue to give you the three-guarantee and two-system. Although they moved Fengnv, everyone knows the three-guarantee and two-system The core is not Fengnv, but Lulu and Karma.

In RNG's upper lineup, except for Karma and Lulu, which cannot be replaced, the other three are substitute heroes.

If you ban Vayne, you can replace it with the mouse Big Mouth Verus. If you ban Xin Zhao, you can also replace it with the prince blind monk. If you ban Fengnv, you can also have a wet nurse.

As long as you don't ban the two heroes Karma and Lulu, then RNG can continue to use this lineup of three guarantees and two.

There is a saying that changing the soup does not change the medicine, and Karma and Lulu are undoubtedly the medicine. As long as the medicine is still there, it doesn't matter what kind of soup it is, because its curative effect still exists.

"What is IG doing? Why did they let Karma and Lulu go?" Guan Zeyuan asked puzzled.

"Yeah, I really don't understand IG's first three-handed ban. Since RNG's system is so good, you have to move. You can't be a top player. History has proved us that in the World Championships over the years The top teams all lost the game." Hao Kai said.

"This reminds me of the match between RNG and IG in the summer split this year. I remember that in the first game, Uzi Kai'Sa played very well. When many people thought that IG would ban Kai'Sa, IG still had no choice. Ban, and didn’t start to move Kai’Sa until the second game was lost, and it was after banning Kai’Sa that IG was able to fight RNG to the fifth game, and almost won the BO5.” I remember.

"I've always wondered, if IG bans Kai'Sa, who played very well in the second round of the summer split, will the results of the summer split be rewritten." Wang Ji said.

"I remember that IG not only didn't have a ban in the summer split, they didn't ban this hero in the semi-finals against RNG in the spring split. The hero Kai'Sa is too strong in the hands of Uzi, just like Wang Duoduo said before. That way, Uzi plays Kai’Sa, Zhang Fei eats bean sprouts! Sometimes, some players play well in heroes, or the team plays well in lineup, you have to move them.” Guan Zeyuan said.

"Is there such a possibility that IG has found a way to break RNG's system in the past few days of training, so they plan to put it on RNG's lineup, and they have other lineups to restrain them." Wang Wang I remember saying suddenly.

"Since IG dares to release RNG's Lulu and Karma like this, I think there must be a way to deal with it." Hao Kai said.

Guan Zeyuan shook his head and said: "But I still think that RNG's lineup with three guarantees and two guarantees, there is no particularly good lineup that can restrain it. In my opinion, only banning is the best restraint. "

PS: This issue is so strong, there is still a master, so worry!Friends who have book lists can help me add book lists, and everyone can help promote it. Collection and recommendation tickets are too important to me now. I hope everyone can help me, so that I can advance to the top and add two more chapters!
(End of this chapter)

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