Through the Swordsman

10 The Way Forward

10 The Way Forward
Yue Feng, who had initially achieved success in practicing Zixia Divine Art, could be said to be happy in his heart, and even his grudge against Yue Buqun was a little less.

In fact, his dissatisfaction with Yue Buqun was based on his past life memories, but these memories were too deep.Coupled with some of Yue Buqun's actions some time ago, he really disapproved of it, so there is the current stalemate.

With a long sigh, Yue Feng didn't know what to do and was unwilling to ease the relationship between the two, so he calmed down and thought about his future cultivation path.

Now, he has obtained Zixia cheat book, he only needs to practice step by step, and one day he will be able to achieve great success.

There are nine levels of Zixia Divine Art, and only the sixth level is already a skill of the innate realm.At this time, Yue Buqun should have reached the peak of the fifth level, only one step away from entering Xiantian.

As for the content after that, it is far from what Yue Feng can guess now.It can be said that just one Zixia magic skill is enough for Yue Feng to study and practice in his whole life.

As for swordsmanship, in terms of sword theory, he has already reached the peak through the memory of his previous life and the enlightenment that time.Even the senior masters in the world of Swordsman and Proud Jianghu will definitely not exceed it.

Even the "no sword in the hand" state of "everything in the world can be a sword" that Dugu Qiubai had at the beginning may not be as good as the "no sword in the heart" he himself realized "intentionally or unintentionally". idea.Enlightenment once is better than a hundred years of painstaking practice. At this time, Yue Feng has deeply understood this truth.

It's just that in terms of sword moves, he still only knows the single move "Baiyun Chuxiu".With this sword technique, although he can barely deal with ordinary masters, no matter how fast he strikes, he can't completely make up for his shortcomings in internal strength.

As long as someone else finds out about his strikes, a real top fighter, relying on the sword energy aroused by his internal force, is enough to kill him.

The foundation of swordsmanship is nothing more than the basic methods of "point", "slash", "stab", "cut", "cut", "spin" and so on.And these moves happened to be contained in Huashan's basic ten moves of swordsmanship.

For example, "Baiyun Chuxiu" is a simple "cut" move; "You Feng Lai Yi" is a straight stab with a sword, and the other eight moves are the same, with at most one or two subtle changes and internal coordination.

Yue Feng's next preparation is to master all the other nine moves of swordsmanship and master them, so as to reach the state of "no sword in his heart".As for the rest of the Huashan School's sword techniques, Yue Feng still didn't have much interest in learning them.After all, those sword techniques are too complicated and take too much time to practice.More importantly, he will not be able to use it at all in a short period of time.

Of course, it can be said that there is no hope for others if they want to reach the state of "no sword in their hearts", but it is not impossible for Yue Feng.After all, after more than two years of enlightenment, he has engraved this feeling in his bones, and now it is just a different sword move.

As for martial arts such as lightness kung fu, body skills, fist and kick kung fu, Yue Feng couldn't help but sigh when he thought of this. "Manpower is sometimes poor", even if his talent is good and his time travel advantage is great, he can't do everything.Although these things are equally useful, it is impossible for him to waste too much time on learning, so he has no choice but to choose to give up.

Besides, as long as these things are not too far behind, Yue Feng is confident that he can make up for it with his advantages in swordsmanship and internal strength.

"Junior brother, so you are hiding here in a daze, but it's easy for me to find!" At this moment, a voice interrupted Yue Feng's meditation.

Yue Feng couldn't help being shocked, he didn't know who came here.Originally, with his martial arts, he would never be easily approached by others, but because of his preoccupation, he became a little negligent.Moreover, with Yue Buqun and his wife around, who would be able to steal Huashan?It would be a bit bad if someone saw him practicing Zixia Divine Art.

Yue Feng turned around to look, but saw a young man climbing up from the Chaoyang Peak.That boy was two or three years older than Yue Feng, and he was Linghu Chong who had just joined the Huashan School.

At this time, Linghu Chong was wearing a thick cotton padded coat, and he no longer looked like a beggar.Even his body was washed white and clean, and his appearance was completely changed.Coupled with the faint smile on the corner of the mouth, people can't help but feel like a spring breeze when they see it.

"What a handsome boy." Yue Feng couldn't help but secretly praised him.Although Linghu Chong is still young at this time, it is not difficult to see that he will be a handsome guy in the future. No wonder he will become the protagonist in the story of "Swordsman" in the future. Even Ren Yingying, the holy aunt of the Sun Moon God Sect, fell in love at first sight.It's just that for some reason, Yue Lingshan in the book would empathize with others.

On the other hand, Yue Feng, although he is also extraordinary in appearance, but there is always such a majesty like Yue Buqun on his face, it is difficult to make people feel close to him.Coupled with his withdrawn personality and unwillingness to communicate with others, this is even less attractive.

Seeing that it was Linghu Chong's arrival, Yue Feng couldn't help letting go of his previous vigilance, but still said coldly: "When did you come here? Also, who is your junior brother?"

"Of course I just came here. As for the younger brother, it's naturally you." Linghu Chong smiled and continued: "You don't know yet, the master has already agreed to let me be a senior disciple. From today onwards, everyone in Huashan Mountain You have to call me big brother, even you..."

As soon as he said this, Linghu Chong couldn't help but froze, but he saw that Yue Feng's sword had come out of his body at some point and reached his neck.How did Linghu Chong see such a scene? He couldn't help being startled, he quickly shook his hands, and said tremblingly: "Junior brother, if you have something to say, please say it well. Senior brother, I can..."

But seeing Yue Feng's eyes flashed coldly, and his voice was a bit sinister, he said in a deep voice: "If you want me to call you senior brother, at least show some skills first, and let's talk about when the martial arts surpass me."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yue Feng stopped talking, put away his sword, got up and walked down Chaoyang Peak.

Linghu Chong was thrown on the mountain alone, he couldn't help but gulp.He never thought that Yue Feng, who was much younger than him, would have such high martial arts.At the same time, Linghu Chong also determined to study martial arts hard.

It took a long time before Linghu Chong came back to his senses.It wasn't until this moment that he realized that he really needed to find Yue Feng, and quickly shouted: "Junior Brother, Master has something to leave Huashan, so I want you to go back quickly. There is also Junior Sister, she is crying and looking for you. By the way , wait for me, I'm going down the mountain too, let's go together."

Yue Feng, who had already walked a long way, couldn't help being slightly startled, hesitated for a while, but didn't stop, the steps under his feet were even faster.

(End of this chapter)

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