Through the Swordsman

Chapter 38 Apprentice

Chapter 38 Apprentice (3)

Lin Pingzhi still has learned advanced martial arts, Yue Feng just wants to hurry up and pass on his theories to him, otherwise he will enter Huashan in the future and learn some things that should not be learned, which will affect his development instead.

As soon as he thought of this, Yue Feng said: "The most important thing in martial arts is the foundation, especially in swordsmanship. It is even more so when it comes to swordsmanship. In fact, the most fundamental swordsmanship lies in pointing, stabbing, chopping, There are a few simple movements such as chopping, and other moves, no matter how complicated, are just a combination of these moves. For these swordsmanship, my Huashan School has a set of kung fu called Huashan Ten Swords."

While talking, Yue Feng used these ten moves one by one.Every time, it changed from the speed of sword practice in the past, and tried to let the two of them see clearly.

"Brother, now that you know all of this, you should talk about something else." Listening to Yue Feng's explanation, Yue Lingshan couldn't help but said.

Yue Feng shook his head and said: "Although it is the foundation, you may not understand it. I will practice it again, and you have to pay attention." After speaking, Yue Feng used the ten moves one by one again.This time, not only Yue Lingshan but also Lin Pingzhi noticed something was wrong.

Originally, these ten sword moves are a whole, and they must be used one by one in order.However, Yue Feng changed the angle of each sword move, disrupted all ten sword moves, but he still used them completely.

"No, 'Baiyun Chuxiu' should be followed by 'Feng Lai Yi', but it can become ancient cypresses. And this trick 'Golden Swallow Flying in the Sky' should be connected with 'Boundless Fallen Wood', why do you just Added a 'sky pine welcome guest' in the middle. Also, every move seems to be a little different, what's going on?" Yue Lingshan asked after thinking about coming for a long time.

Although Lin Pingzhi was not familiar with the Huashan sword technique, he obviously noticed something different, and looked at Yue Feng expectantly, to see what he would say.

Yue Feng's face was full of complacency, and he said: "This is another point. All the sword techniques in the world can actually be performed with these ten moves. These ten moves are not as good as sword moves. It's the most basic movement, not even a sword move, so you should watch it carefully."

Yue Feng picked up Jian again and used it on the two of them, but this time he only used the move 'Bai Yu Chu Xiu'.

At the beginning, this sword technique was a simple horizontal chop, but gradually, the angle began to change.When Yue Feng used it for the tenth time.It has changed from horizontal chopping to vertical chopping, and it looks like "there is a phoenix coming".Soon, the sword moves changed, and he used hundreds of different forms of the move 'Baiyun Chuxiu'.

These forms, if viewed individually, can be said to be two completely different sword techniques, but Yue Feng slowly changed them, and it can be clearly seen that they come from the same source.

"Swords are dead, people are alive, how can a living person be mastered by a sword. There are endless moves in the world. If you just practice blindly, you will fall into the bottom line. It's better to just pay attention to the basics and combine them at will during the battle. The key to learning swordsmanship is to learn and apply them flexibly." Yue Feng said again.

After explaining these things to the two of them, Yue Feng didn't feel worried at all.Although Huashan School has the difference between Jianzong and Qizong, the real difference lies in the importance of swordsmanship or internal strength.That is to say, should we spend more time practicing swordsmanship, or more time cultivating internal strength.It does not lie in how to practice swordsmanship or how to cultivate internal strength.

Seeing that both of them were lost in thought, Yue Feng knew that he had already explained a lot, and it was better to save other things for later.Nodding in satisfaction, Yue Feng said: "You guys have to memorize what I said today carefully, and you will naturally experience it when you practice martial arts in the future. Don't be in a hurry to learn the so-called advanced swordsmanship, and delay the basics. In this way, the gain will not be worth the loss. However, the realm of martial arts is endless, and one must not be complacent. No matter how good these studies are, one can only become a top master, but it is far from enough to reach the realm of a generation of masters." Speaking here, There was also a glint of hope in Yue Feng's eyes.Now, although his martial arts are already very good, but he has not yet entered the innate level.If you fail to enter the innate, even if you are at a high level, it is limited after all.However, he still has great confidence in himself, and he can become a natural master in a few years.

It took a long time before Yue Lingshan woke up.Of course, she didn't understand Yue Feng's words thoroughly, but she just couldn't figure it out and didn't want to think anymore.Standing up, he shouted to Yue Feng: "Brother, tell me, what is the realm of a generation of masters?"

Yue Feng looked at Yue Lingshan and smiled, and was about to explain to him in detail, when suddenly his expression changed, and he spoke from a distance: "It's the senior who came here and sent Yue Feng to Huashan, please show up and see."

Although Lin Pingzhi was immersed in deep thought, he couldn't help but wake up after hearing Yue Feng's words.He quickly stood up and looked into the distance with Yue Lingshan.

The voice fell for a long time, but still no one came out.

Lin Pingzhi and Yue Lingshan couldn't help but looked at each other, not knowing what was going on.But Yue Feng still didn't say anything, with a serious expression on his face, he stood there quietly.

"My boy, when did the Huashan faction produce such a talent, I was so surprised by the hunchback." At this moment, a voice came.Immediately afterwards, a man with a tall back walked over.

The man's face was full of smiles at first, but his face suddenly changed when he saw the tree that his father-in-law cut off. Then, he saw the leaves that were cut off by Yue Feng, and he was even more ugly.The body couldn't help taking a few steps back, standing three feet away and refusing to approach.

"Your Excellency is the famous camelwood hero in Saibei." Yue Feng thought of someone, and asked.

"The Huashan faction really has a lot of talents. At such a young age, not only is their martial arts strong, but their knowledge is also extraordinary. It really surprised the hunchback!" Mu Gaofeng saluted Yue Feng with a smile on his face, and then looked at Lin Lin. Pingzhi: "Boy, you are Lin Zhennan's son, Lin Pingzhi. I have a good relationship with your father, but it's a pity that when I heard the news and rushed over, your parents had already been arrested by Yu Canghai. Boy, why don't you follow me?" If I leave, I will naturally avenge you."

Lin Pingzhi was startled at first, and a trace of hesitation flashed across his face, but he was not an idiot, so he recovered quickly.In fact, after experiencing an accident, he has matured a lot, and naturally he will no longer be easily deceived.Although the person in front of him spoke nicely, he might be coveting the evil sword manual handed down in his family.If it was really his father's old friend, why didn't he go to save his parents at this time, but instead found Lin Pingzhi himself?
(End of this chapter)

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