Through the Swordsman

Chapter 45 Hengshan City

Chapter 45 Hengshan City (2)

When everyone looked up, they saw high mountains rising on both sides in front of them, forming a canyon with a width of about three feet and a length of more than twenty feet.This canyon formed a natural barrier, and it was the only place to pass through when entering Mount Heng.

At the narrowest point of the canyon, there is a city wall five feet high.There were a dozen or so people standing on the city wall, dressed in Hengshan school clothes, they should be some outer disciples.

Seeing Yue Feng and others coming, the first one said: "Who is coming? This is Juyi Pass of Hengshan City. Passing through this place is the territory of Hengshan Sect. Please untie your swords and enter."

Yue Feng reined in his horse and gave Lin Pingzhi a look.Seeing this, Lin Pingzhi hurried forward and said, "We are from the Huashan faction, open the city gate quickly and let me in."

"It turns out that the senior brothers from the Huashan School have arrived. Master Yue and several other senior brothers from the Huashan School have already arrived at Hengshan Mountain in the morning, and they have been asking us to wait here. Please come in quickly." The people above heard , there was a commotion, and soon four or five people ran out, the first person bowed to Yue Feng, and said very politely.Judging from his appearance, he seems to be the leader of these disciples.He glanced at Yilin again, and said: "This should be the senior sister of the Hengshan School, Master Dingyi and other senior sisters of the Hengshan School have also arrived." Yue Feng nodded, but did not answer.In fact, even though they are both disciples of the Five Sacred Mountains School, the status of the Huashan School is relatively higher than that of Hengshan School, not to mention the difference between inner school disciples and outer school disciples.

Seeing that Yue Feng ignored him at all, that disciple was not angry at all.He shouted to the people behind him: "You guys, keep an eye on the city gate, and don't let idlers enter at will." Then he said to Yue Feng: "I think you are the only son of Master Yue, who is known as a 'Little Gentleman'. Brother Yue Fengyue. Brother, I just heard about your name not long ago, and now I see you, you are indeed extraordinary!" He has a very good vision, and he can see at a glance that Yue Feng seems to be the leader of the few people, so naturally he can't stop talking nicely .

As the saying goes, "Thousands of wears, ten thousand wear flattery and don't wear it", even though Yue Feng felt a little irritated hearing the other party's praise, he couldn't bear the non-stop talk of others, so he just had to deal with it casually.At the same time, I was secretly surprised, I didn't expect that the news had already reached here just after he killed Tian Boguang.As for the title of "Little Gentleman", although he disliked it very much, there was nothing he could do about it.After all, the name in the arena is always given by others, not by oneself.

And this disciple is indeed worthy of being the head of the Hengshan School's welcoming disciples, and his eloquence is outstanding.Flatterers who don't want money come over one after another, no matter who they are, they can't resist it.From the admiration for Yue Feng, to the admiration for the Huashan faction, and then to the friendship between the Huashan and Hengshan factions, in short, they talked non-stop along the way.

"Two hundred years ago, my Hengshan faction was just an unknown small faction. When the Tartars massacred our Han people, our Hengshan faction relied on the natural danger of Juyi Pass to stop them and protect the people. For ten years, our Hengshan faction has continuously resisted the invasion of the Tartars, and at the same time has continued to grow, becoming one of the famous and decent schools in the Central Plains." The disciple talked eloquently, telling the history of the Hengshan faction.

The few people had only walked half a mile before a small town suddenly appeared in front of them. "Hengshan City is in front of you." The disciple bowed and said again: "Little brother is sent here and is about to go back. Senior brother, please do your own thing. My five-year-old family, if you have any requests from senior brothers and sisters, you can ask yourself when the time comes. There are also permanent disciples of my Hengshan Sect in the city."

After hearing this, Yue Feng nodded, indicating that the disciple could step back, and at the same time said: "Thank you, junior."

The disciple was overjoyed, and hurriedly said, "It's my honor to be able to lead the way for you brothers and sisters, so there's nothing to write about. I'm leaving now." After speaking, he took several steps back before finally Turn around and go back.

Seeing that the disciple left, Yue Feng was finally relieved.He has seen someone who can talk, but this is the first time he has seen someone who can talk like a disciple.At first he could barely bear it, but in the end, he only felt a fly thinking about it in his ear.But the other party was saying nice things about him again, so he couldn't get angry at all.I can only sigh in my heart: "Talent, it really is a talent! Thanks to my Huashan faction not having such a talent, otherwise it would be terrible."

Yue Feng glanced at Linghu Chong, and said: "Okay, we have arrived in Hengshan City, you also get up and move around for a while. Anyway, the injury is not serious, other masters and juniors are worried when they see each other."

Linghu Chong nodded, he also knew what Yue Feng said was right.And after such a long time, the resentment in his heart has long been exhausted.As for the injury, it was just some skin trauma, with a bit of excessive blood loss. Although I feel a little weak when I walk now, it will be fine.So, he stood up with Yilin's support.

Yue Feng smiled in satisfaction, and they walked forward together.The horse ridden by Yue Feng and Yue Lingshan was handed over to the disciples of Hengshan School to take care of it.As for the carriage, it was given away free of charge by the elders of Hengyang City.At this time, Yue Feng had already arrived at Hengshan City, so he sent someone to send the car back.

Although Hengshan City is a city, it can only be regarded as a small town at the foot of Hengshan Mountain.Liu Zhengfeng has already married, so naturally he is not suitable to live in Mount Heng, so he lives in this town.

On weekdays, Hengshan City mainly supplies supplies for the Hengshan faction.And Hengyang City is the real big city, where the people in the rivers and lakes in the past hide and rest, so it only takes half a day to transfer to Hengshan City.

Therefore, although it is said that tomorrow is the time for Liu Zhengfeng to wash his hands, Hengshan City has not yet been fully opened.Only the Wuyue Sword Sect and other sects that have good relations with the Hengshan Sect and some famous masters can enter.As for other people, they can only participate in the ceremony when they enter on time tomorrow.But even so, Hengshan City still seemed extremely crowded.

Yue Feng and the others walked in Hengshan City for a long time, but they still didn't discover the Huashan faction, so they couldn't help screaming secretly.Just as I was about to ask a few Hengshan disciples to ask carefully, it suddenly started raining.

It was summer, and the weather changed as it said. The rain came very quickly, and suddenly it fell very hard.The few people didn't have any preparations, and their clothes were soaked in a short time.

"Brother, let's quickly find a place to shelter from the rain. If this continues, it won't work." Yue Lingshan shouted as soon as she saw the rain.

"Yes, Junior Brother, let's go quickly." Linghu Chong said with a very ugly face.If it was a normal day, this little rain would not be a big deal.But not long after he was injured, the wound had just healed, and now it was soaked by the rain, and there were bursts of pain inaudibly, which only made him grit his teeth and grin.

Yue Feng was also a little impatient.Naturally, he didn't care about the rain at all, but Yue Lingshan couldn't.If it goes on like this, you have to get sick.Looking to both sides, although there are quite a few houses, all of them have closed doors, obviously not suitable for entering.Suddenly, Yue Feng's expression changed, and he said: "Let's go quickly, there is a teahouse in front, just in time to seek shelter from the rain."

"Where is it? Why didn't I see it?" Linghu Chong looked around, his eyes were hazy and he couldn't see clearly at all. "

"I said yes, so there is. You can't go wrong, let's go quickly." After speaking, he pulled Yue Lingshan and walked forward first.

(End of this chapter)

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