Through the Swordsman

Chapter 70 Suspicion

Chapter 70 Suspicion (1)

Yue Feng was startled, and quickly poured his inner energy into the sword.There was only the sound of clanging and clanging, and pieces of broken swords that were about an inch long fell to Linghu Chong's feet.

Yue Feng stepped back quickly, glared at Linghu Chong suddenly, and said coldly, "Do you want to seek death?"

Linghu Chong's complexion was pale, and his spirit was a little listless. He shook his body involuntarily, and suddenly fell to the ground.

Yue Lingshan was startled, she hurriedly stepped forward to help Linghu Chong up, and asked, "Brother, what's going on, why did you hurt Senior Brother? By the way, your sword obviously didn't hit him, why is he still hurt?" .”

After Yue Feng heard it, he shook his head, but he didn't answer, his face became even more ugly.

But Feng Qingyang sighed, and said: "Little girl, don't ask anymore, your brother didn't do it on purpose just now." Feng Qingyang shook his head again, and continued: "Linghu Chong's last sneak attack just now The sword, although he didn't intend to kill, was a killer move after all. You boy Yue felt the trace of sword energy he inadvertently revealed. In addition, your brother's realm was not stable, so he unconsciously made a hateful move. Even In the end, he took it away in time, but Linghu Chong was still hurt by his aura. Now he just needs to rest well, and he will recover after a night."

Feng Qingyang was silent for a while, and suddenly said to Yue Feng again: "Boy, you won again this time. Three days later, we will compete for the last time. If Linghu Chong still loses, then I will completely admit defeat." For a while, the voice was full of loneliness.After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand, grabbed Linghu Chong's clothes, and brought him back to the cave.

But Yue Feng didn't seem to hear Feng Qingyang's words at all, he was still in a daze.

After a long time, his face suddenly became sad, he bent down, picked up the sword pieces from the ground one by one, and held them in his hand.

"Brother, are you okay?" Yue Lingshan was slightly startled, stepped forward quickly, pulled Yuefeng's clothes, and asked.

Yue Feng gently pushed her hand away without saying a word. After a long time, he whispered: "I was 12 years old. My father brought this sword when he came back from outside. It is said that it was produced in Longquan. Broken Tie is omnipotent, its name is Bishui Sword, it was originally owned by Uncle Dingjing of the Hengshan School."

"During the battle with the Devil's Cult, the master saved one of my uncles. The uncle didn't want to owe a favor, so he gave this sword to the master."

"After waiting for Huishan, my mother also liked it very much. That time, I first asked my mother for half the salary, and then begged my father for three full days. That was the first and only time I bowed my head to him."

Yue Feng shook his head, the sad look on his face became more intense, and he said again: "This sword has been with me for eight years. In the past eight years, I have held it all the time and never left my body. I thought He still wants to follow me. Unexpectedly, it is broken now, and it is still in my own hands."

"Brother, don't say that." Yue Lingshan finally comforted Yue Fengfeng with such an expression, "There are so many good swords in the world, maybe you can get a better one in the future. Does the Clear Water Sword have any swords?" Well, maybe there will be Qiushui Sword, Jade Blood Sword and so on in the future. You can only look for it with confidence in the future, and one day you will find it.”

Yue Feng sniffed his nose, sighed a long time, and said, "You are so light. In today's world, there are no famous sword forging masters. The only remaining swords are also in the hands of famous masters. Can we still grab it from them by force?"

"That's not necessarily true." Yue Lingshan's eyes were full of light, but she quickly covered it up and said with a smile: "Maybe tomorrow, you will be able to get a better sword."

Yue Feng shook his head, smiled, and continued: "Okay, let's bury this dagger. It has been with me for so many years, even if it is broken now, I should find a place to 'bury' it properly. "

Yue Lingshan couldn't help but chuckle, amused by Yue Feng's words, she nodded quickly and followed Yue Feng.

Yue Feng lowered Yue Lingshan to the top of Yunv Peak.After picking for a long time, I found a place and buried the sword in it.

Later, I found some gravel, and Lei was on it.Only then did Yue Feng breathe a sigh of relief.However, he still refused to leave, but stayed here for more than half an hour.

After Yue Feng calmed down the grief in his heart, he suddenly realized that Yue Lingshan was still waiting by the side.

At this time, the sky was getting dark, Yue Feng couldn't help feeling a little anxious, and quickly said: "Lingshan, why are you still here? It's going to be dark soon, if you don't go back, I'm afraid you will be in a hurry now." "I I'm a little worried about you being here alone." Yue Lingshan smiled, and then said: "But it's fine now, I can go in the direction."

"Then hurry up, remember to come up early tomorrow, you can't delay the practice of swordsmanship because of this."

"Understood, brother." Yue Lingshan nodded quickly, and then walked up and down the path.

After Yue Feng watched Yue Lingshan leave, he returned to Siguo Cliff by himself.He got an ordinary iron sword from the cave and continued his cultivation.

But on this night, it suddenly snowed in the sky.Under the heavy snow like goose feathers, it started in the middle of the night and did not stop until dawn.When he woke up the next morning, there was half a foot of snow on the ground. Yu Yuefeng hadn't even thought about practicing swords this night. He was afraid that Yue Lingshan would come up from the mountain without hesitation in order to practice martial arts.Fortunately, on this day, it was Lu Hou'er, not Yue Lingshan, who came up to deliver the meal.

Yue Feng directly blocked Lu Hou'er at the entrance of the cave, otherwise he would go in and ask, "By the way, why are you here today? Where did Lingshan go?"

Lu Hou'er called Yue Feng senior brother, but instead asked, "What about senior brother, why didn't you see him come out?"

"Hmph, he is practicing against the wall, no one is allowed to see him." Yue Feng shook his head: "You haven't answered my question, where is Lingshan?"

"Well, Junior Sister insisted on coming up this morning, but Master didn't allow it. It's best to let me do it for you and bring food to you. Junior Sister also said that she will come in person tomorrow." Lu Houer said, suddenly, He opened the rice basket, took out a large jug of wine, smiled at Yue Feng: "Senior brother, this is the wine I gave to the big brother. He is a good wine and has not drank it. I think it is already unbearable." .You can do me a favor and give it to him for me.”

"You're really smart." Yue Feng smiled slightly and said, "It's a pity that now is not the time, you take the wine back, otherwise it will make him greedy if you put it here. If it's just a few days, it will be fine gone."

Lu Hou'er was baffled by Yue Feng's words, but he didn't dare to ask what happened, so he nodded brilliantly, took the wine he took out into his arms, and wanted to go down the mountain.

Yue Feng glanced at it, and said: "No hurry, why don't you eat something here before leaving. By the way, let me explain to you, how is it going, did the master say anything?"

"Brother, don't worry, I naturally have to deal with your affairs honestly. Hehe, according to the rules of my Huashan sect, those who have entered the school for three years are not allowed to contact swordsmanship. That boy Lin Pingzhi is arranged by me every day. Carrying water for work, as well as squatting. As for swordsmanship, he didn’t learn at all, he just practiced indiscriminately there by himself. There is also internal strength, no one gave him advice, he can’t even learn the skills of those outer sects. Disciples are not as good." Lu Hou'er shook his head in fear, and said, "But we also survived like this at the beginning, but we were not as unlucky as him. As for the master, I also asked, but I also follow Huashan It's done according to the rules of the school, so it's hard for him to say anything. Also, Lin Pingzhi and the second senior brother are very close. But the second senior brother didn't teach him any martial arts, so I can't say anything."

A sharp light flashed across Yue Feng's eyes, but he didn't speak.

Lu Hou'er smiled, and continued to speak: "Brother, what are you going to do with him? My Huashan faction can't keep this trash forever. Could it be that you killed him yourself?"

"Huh!" Yue Feng snorted coldly, and said, "Don't talk nonsense. I don't know how to deal with the matter of fighting each other. You are fine, so go down the mountain early."

Lu Houer made a slip of the tongue, nodded quickly, and walked down the mountain.He had just walked halfway, but he heard Yue Feng shout: "Little Liu, remember to make Lingshan wear more clothes, and be careful of catching cold." Lu Hou'er quickly turned his head and said yes, and then continued to walk down the Yunv Peak.

Yue Feng returned to the cave with the food brought by Lu Hou'er. He couldn't help but feel a little happy, so he ate with Linghu Chong and Feng Qingyang.

Feng Qingyang was still the same as before, he was full after just one or two mouthfuls, which made Yue Feng extremely envious.As for Linghu Chong, he couldn't stop eating.

Yue Feng also ate some casually, and lost his appetite. He was about to practice swordsmanship, but Linghu Chong asked, "Junior Brother, don't you think you care too much about Lingshan?"

Yue Feng was slightly taken aback, and said, "What are you talking about, Lingshan is my younger sister, I don't care about him, who else can I care about."

"That's not what I mean. I mean that Lingshan is not young now, but under your protection, she doesn't understand anything. If she gets married in the future, what will she do?" Linghu Chong shook his head and continued: " Besides, if Lingshan leaves Huashan, what will you do if you miss her?"

After hearing this, Yue Feng couldn't help but a look of distraction flashed across his face, but he quickly smiled and said, "That's what you don't know. I've thought about it a long time ago. This time, my Huashan faction wants to recruit a son-in-law. In the end, it's Those who have no parents, brothers and sisters, and are orphans in the end. Hmph, in fact, Master and Mistress think so too. At that time, Lingshan will naturally not have to leave."

Linghu Chong couldn't help being taken aback by Yue Feng's incomparably powerful answer.Ordinary people choose a son-in-law, of course they choose those whose husband's family has a large number of people, but Yue Feng prefers to choose a son-in-law who has no parents and brothers, and he still looks for a son-in-law.

I only heard Yue Feng continue: "Actually, what I hope most is to find it directly in the Huashan School. It's a pity that none of the Huashan School's disciples can be successful. Lu Houer's temper is too jumpy, Liang Fa is a dead wood, Gao Gen Ming still has family members, and others are also not very suitable. In fact, your martial arts are the best, but it is a pity that you are the worst thing. Lingshan can never get together with you. It seems that I have time Go down the mountain and bring back a husband for Lingshan."

"Why, you can even snatch your husband." Linghu Chong was even more surprised and asked.

"There's nothing wrong with it." Yue Feng replied with confidence as before, and said: "First look at the person, if you are alone, you can just take him back, and then let Lingshan see if he likes it. If you have a teacher, although it is troublesome It’s not difficult. First beat his master, then force him to leave the sect, and then lead him away in an open and honest manner. Hmph, my disciples of the Huashan sect couldn’t do such things as bullying the weak. But For Lingshan, this is the only way."

(End of this chapter)

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