Through the Swordsman

Chapter 97 Luoyang

Chapter 97 Luoyang (1)

On the second day, Yue Buqun summoned all the Huashan disciples and began to discuss the Huashan School's future plans.

It was only at this time that Yue Feng realized that Feng Buping did not agree to stay in Huashan immediately after all.In fact, Yue Feng also has a lot of "credit" for this result.At the beginning, he ignored the lives of these two people and insisted on killing Shi Wenda, which made the two people very dissatisfied.Even though Yue Buqun saved their lives in the end, the two still shied away because they had some important things to do and refused to come back immediately.Otherwise, the merger of the two sword qi sects might have been accomplished long ago.

And Yue Buqun finally decided to go to Fuzhou, obviously after some consideration.

In fact, the capture of Xiang Wentian, the right envoy of the Demon Cult, was indeed a major event in recent years, even more important than when Liu Zhengfeng washed his hands in the golden basin.As the right envoy of the Devil Sect, Xiang Wentian is the biggest figure in the Devil Sect other than Dongfang Bubai.No matter in terms of status or martial arts, Xiang Wentian is by no means inferior to the head of a sect.Moreover, he has a deep hatred with the Wuyue Sword Sect.Therefore, even if Xiang Wentian has now judged Heimuya, Wulin Zhengdao still wants to get rid of him quickly.Now that there is news about Xiang Wentian, it is natural to gather a crowd to crusade.

Of course, being so may not be enough to make Yue Buqun and others tempted to go to Fuzhou without hesitation.But the key point is that Zuo Lengchan said in his letter to Yue Buqun that he wanted to discuss the "major matter" of Wuyue.In addition, there was just a conflict between Huashan faction and Songshan faction, so Yue Buqun had to think carefully.

In addition to the first time, another goal of the Huashan faction is to capture the Six Immortals of Peach Valley in order to make amends to Feng Buping and Cheng Buyou.Only in this way can Feng Buping and others really return to Huashan without any grudges in their hearts.Of course, finding a wife for Yue Feng along the way is something that cannot be ignored.

Finally, there is one more point, the location of the gathering mentioned by Zuo Lengchan happened to be in Fuzhou, Fujian.Whether it's a coincidence or otherwise, people have to connect the rest with Fuwei Escort.It is not difficult to imagine that a huge disturbance may be caused by then.With the above reasons, Yue Buqun decided to take all the members of the Qihuashan faction to Fujian.

Originally, everyone wanted to leave, so naturally one person was left to stay on Mount Hua.As for the candidate, Yue Feng was the most suitable candidate no matter in terms of status or status.If it was before, Yue Feng would never want to stay in Huashan.But now, he is most willing to stay.

It's a pity that Yue Buqun and Ning Zhong are determined to "marry" him out, and they insist on leaving with him.As for Linghu Chong, because of his injury, he was not suitable to stay on Mount Hua.So Liang Fa, the third disciple, took on the job.In fact, in this battle, Liang Fa performed brilliantly, so he won the important task from Yue Bu****.

In the original book, everyone in the Huashan faction was captured by the men in black, and Liang Fa even died in this battle.But because of Yue Feng's crossing, the Huashan faction won a complete victory.Not only did Liang Fa save his life, but because he commanded his disciples to set up a sword formation and capture Lao Denuo, he was highly valued by Yue Buqun.

From Weilin Town to Huashan, it is only half a day's journey.The disciples of the Huashan School naturally returned to Huashan to pack their things.Only Lin Pingzhi, because of the temporary inconvenience, still asked someone to bring back the ashes of his parents and send them to Fuzhou for a proper burial.

Although Lin Pingzhi was pierced through the chest by the sword, but because of luck, he didn't hurt his vitals at all.Coupled with the mysterious effect of internal force in this world, and Yue Buqun's help, it can be said that his injury healed very quickly.It only takes another two or three days before you can act as usual.

It was only the beginning of February at this time, but the gathering in Fuzhou was in late July, and there were still nearly six months to go, which can be said to be very early.Therefore, Yue Buqun decided to take all his disciples to have a good time, and go out to see the world by the way.After hearing the news, the Huashan disciples were all extremely pleasantly surprised.Since they joined Huashan, they have devoted all their attention to martial arts, and they have never felt the slightest bit of relaxation.Now I finally have a chance to relax.

Five days later, in the early morning, Yue Buqun of the Huashan School took all the formal disciples of the Qi Huashan School and set off for Fuzhou.As for the outer disciples, they were all left on Mount Hua without taking any of them with them.

Because of Lin Pingzhi's injury, a carriage was arranged for him to sit in and recuperate.Ning Zhong and Yue Lingshan were also riding in the same carriage.Followed by Yue Buqun and Yue Feng, each riding a horse and walking in the front.The other disciples don't have this kind of treatment and can only walk on foot.Ever since, thirty people set off from Mount Hua in a mighty way, first heading east all the way.A group of people are seen by outsiders, and they don't look like people from the rivers and lakes on their way at all. Instead, they seem to be a group of rich children going out to play.

From a practical point of view, the current Huashan faction not only far exceeds the situation in the novel in terms of strength, but also in terms of financial resources.Because Yue Buqun showed his strength in the battle with Dongfang Bubai more than ten years ago, the Huashan faction as a whole has lost a little bit of hiding its strength and bide its time, but has a little more vigor.

Relying on Yue Buqun's title of "No. [-] Master of the Five Sacred Mountains", the Huashan School has attracted countless people to come to apprentice.At the same time, the Huashan faction developed rapidly and spread almost all over Shaanxi.Many pawnshops, shops, restaurants and other things have the shadow of Huashan School behind them.

In fact, martial artists always need various resources to learn martial arts.Just at the beginning alone, various supplements are needed to strengthen the physique.In the later stage, sometimes some natural and earthly treasures are needed to increase internal strength and even break through the bottleneck.

It was because of his extremely fast cultivation speed and some other reasons that Yue Feng was unlucky or it can be said that he was extremely lucky not to receive this kind of treatment.For people like Linghu Chong, from the medicinal bath at the beginning to the food supplement later, it is said that they cost countless money.

It is precisely for this reason that the so-called "poor literature and rich martial arts" is.Ordinary people, even if they want to, don't have enough money to support their disciples to practice martial arts, let alone those who are more difficult to get to the essence of martial arts.And the big sects never easily accept inner disciples. One very important aspect is that even if they lack financial resources, they have to carefully select disciples.

Similarly, as the saying goes, "one part of medicine is three parts of poison", and the same is true for martial arts practice.Excessive reliance on external objects will always have some adverse effects on subsequent cultivation.But these things are often indispensable for martial arts learners.In fact, like the Huashan School, this is not bad.

Huashan Sect originated from Quanzhen Sect, and Quanzhen Sect was the orthodox martial arts school at that time, the orthodox Taoist sect, and the most powerful sect in the world, the pursuit was to strengthen its strength through inner alchemy practice.The so-called "elixir" refers only to the dantian, and it can also refer to elixir.As for inner alchemy cultivation, one only relies on self-cultivation to improve one's inner strength, and other things are just for assistance.If it is the dragon and tiger sect, although it also originated from the Taoist sect, what you can pursue is the cultivation of outer alchemy.In the process of practicing martial arts, he even needs to take alchemy medicine non-stop, which adds a lot of trouble.

Therefore, those true elite disciples of the sect usually need to spend a lot of resources to cultivate them. Although they don't want to be rich on weekdays, they will never be short of money.Of course, except for Shaolin and Hengshan, which have strict discipline rules, even if they have money, they never let their disciples waste it.Coupled with the fact that Yue Buqun's entire sect leader is leading the team on this trip, it is even more important not to lose face of the Huashan faction.Even if it is a facade, it must be sufficient.Naturally, it will no longer be as shabby as in the novel.

By the afternoon of that day, Yue Feng and others had only traveled more than 40 miles to Guxian County.Guxian, located on the bank of the Yellow River, is an important port.Everyone rested here for one night, and then went by boat.

At this time, only four or fifty years have passed since Zhenghe went to the West.Although the subsequent history is greatly distorted from the real history of China, for example, Yue Feng has never heard of Japanese pirates and Westerners, but the general development is still somewhat the same.

In the past four or fifty years, although the imperial court has imposed a sea ban, it is forbidden for people to go to sea without permission.However, the development of the inland shipping industry not only did not decline, but became more prosperous.Yue Buqun sent someone to hire a big boat with a length of five feet, and took everyone on board.Even the horses they were riding on were sent up.

At this time, the Yellow River will naturally not be nearly exhausted like in later generations.The river, which was full of hundreds of feet, rolled eastward, pushing the big boat they were on to move forward quickly.Supporting the itinerary, the road will pass through Luoyang, Zhengzhou, Kaifeng until Xuzhou, and then go downstream along the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, passing through the Huaihe River, Yangtze River, and Qiantang River.After that, everyone will turn to land and go to Fuzhou.The journey along the way is thousands of miles away, and we will stop at each place, which is enough for everyone to play.

Starting from Guxian, the first stop is Luoyang.Luoyang is located in Kyushu, and it has been the ancient capital of thirteen dynasties since Xia Dynasty.Of course, if Yue Feng chooses, Extinction will not stay here for a while.But obviously, it's not up to him to decide the matter. Naturally, he will not miss this important scenic spot in Luoyang, and he will stay here for a while.

In addition, Lin Pingzhi's grandfather, Wang Yuanba, who was known as the "Invincible Golden Sword", lived here, and Yue Buqun led people passing by here but did not go.

Three days later, the Huashan faction came to Luoyang.Yue Feng got off the boat with a pale face, even though he had crossed, the phenomenon of motion sickness and seasickness still remained unchanged.Fortunately, because of the content of the practice, the body is very strong.After getting off the boat, I vomited well, and there was nothing else.

For Luoyang, Yuefeng was here for the first time last year.Although he came here with Yue Lingshan last year, he took another route. He visited Chang'an in Weinan, but missed Luoyang.It's just a pity, since he doesn't like to play, he naturally can't arouse the slightest interest in Luoyang.He originally wanted to just stay on the boat, but decided not to go to the so-called "Golden Sword King's House".

After landing in Luoyang, Yue Buqun and the others found a big inn to stay.This place is already out of the territory of Shaanxi, so naturally no one will help everyone arrange everything in advance.However, everyone had already brought enough money, but after a little effort, they booked an inn.After getting settled for a while, Lin Pingzhi left alone and went to his grandfather's house.

Now Lin Pingzhi, who received Yue Buqun's attention, suddenly became energetic.The decadent atmosphere of the past was swept away, and it seemed like a different person all of a sudden.As for Yue Feng, he has become indifferent to many things now, and he is too lazy to understand Lin Pingzhi.

Yue Buqun, Ning Zhongze and all Huashan disciples all changed their clothes.Even Yue Feng had to change into a new suit that Ning Zhongze personally chose.

Although Yue Feng's appearance is more like that of Yue Buqun, he is upright and dignified, which is very extraordinary.It is also a little more gentle and beautiful like Ningzhong Ze, which is even more perfect.Although he always felt that his appearance was very ordinary, but in the eyes of others it was not like that at all.

Because of his martial arts practice, Yue Feng has always looked only sixteen or seventeen, which is when he is the most handsome.And although he has not stepped into Xiantian, his true energy has already become Xiantian Zhenyuan.Therefore, there is almost no impurity in the body, and the skin is so fair that women are even jealous.

At this time, he even changed out of his usual martial arts clothes and changed into pure white clothes.As for the clothes, Ningzhong selected them carefully, and at the same time, he was tied with jade pendants and sachets around his waist, making him look like a kid from a rich family.Although he himself felt extremely uncomfortable, others were extremely jealous.Even Yue Lingshan couldn't help talking about him, looking around, with little stars in her eyes.

In fact, with Yue Buqun's personality, he would never tolerate such dressing up by his disciples.In order to avoid greed and enjoyment, Jia Wugong was left behind.But Yue Feng's martial arts has already reached a high level, not much worse than his own.More importantly, they went to Fuzhou this time to find a woman for Yue Feng.Now that Yue Feng is getting engaged, let him dress up better, if he meets the right woman on the road, then everything will be saved.

In addition, because of Yue Feng's high martial arts, he naturally has the bearing of a master, and even this bearing has penetrated into the marrow of his bones.Especially not long ago, he killed fifteen top experts in a row, as well as a master of the innate realm. This kind of demeanor has been completely stabilized, and it is even more obvious in him.Moreover, he has been in charge of Huashan's precepts for many years, and he can't help but carry a bit of majesty.Putting everything together, his appearance can be said to be perfect to the extreme in the eyes of others.

Even Lin Pingzhi, who is the most beautiful among Huashan disciples, or Linghu Chong, who is extremely handsome, are not as good as Yue Feng.After all, temperament is something that cannot be developed in a short period of time.Moreover, without the corresponding strength, it is absolutely difficult to have the corresponding temperament.

Ning Zhong looked at Yue Feng's bitter face, but he didn't care at all. Instead, he became more and more interested and continued to help him dress up.If it wasn't for Yue Feng's strong objection, he would almost have put some gouache and rouge on Yue Feng.When the disciples outside reported that the members of the Wang family had arrived, Ning Zhong reluctantly stopped and let Yue Feng leave.

(End of this chapter)

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