Douluo's Demon Seed Invasion

Chapter 101 Outside the Girls' Dormitory

Chapter 101 Outside the Girls' Dormitory

Except for Jiujiujiu in the girls' dormitory, Kai, Zhou Yu, Arthur and Beibei all live in the same dormitory, and not long after they moved in, a teacher Li sent some quilts and mugs to them. them.

"Kai, do we really live here?" Zhou Yu asked suddenly when they were making their own beds.

Kai stopped, and then said helplessly: "What else can I do? Live first."

"Hey, it's all my fault that I beat that bitch's daughter Yu Qingji too hard at that time, what a fuck!"

"It's not your fault, how can you keep your hand in the game? And what are you doing? I almost burned her hair? It's regrettable not to let her go bald."Zhou Yu

"Don't be afraid, I spit on her when I held up the shield, and she didn't treat me badly?" Arthur said proudly.

"..." Beibei thought to herself, I am often out of tune with you because I am not perverted enough.

After discussion, they also understood that Yu Qingji would not do anything to them, and finally decided to temporarily live in Lanba Academy.

However, the four of them also considered whether to go to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School to have a relationship, so as not to find a place to shelter from the wind and rain in time.

Other than that, it's about the villa, but it requires a lot of money, which is a bit troublesome!

How can you get such a golden soul coin?Moreover, he had to find a rigorous and professional construction team, which was also a trouble in this unfamiliar place in Tiandou City.

For this reason, we can only make a long-term plan, put the matter aside, and then look at the sky. When it was evening, Kai changed his coat and went downstairs with Zhou Yu to the girls' dormitory.

When they arrived at the door of the girls' dormitory, the four of them wondered how to enter?If you don't go in, how can you call it Jiujiujiu?This is not where the earth can call.

"The aunt in the dormitory is watching? Do you dare to be tough?" Arthur pointed at the aunt in the security room, who was wearing a uniform and staring at them viciously.

"Forget it, forget it!" Kai, Zhou Yu, and Beibei shook their heads hurriedly, and they were so hard on Auntie?It's really a beast, no, it's not even as good as a beast.

"..." Seeing the expressions of Kai and the others, Arthur cursed inwardly. Those naive critics must be scolding me again in their hearts.

But so far, they had no choice but to wait at the door of the girls' dormitory. It didn't matter if they waited, but every girl who came out of the dormitory stared at him for a long time with "perverted" eyes, which made him How can Kaiji be so human?
The four of them had been wronged a lot, but at this time another girl with a ponytail came out, and when she saw them, her expression was as disgusting as seeing "shit", Kai was immediately annoyed, and directly yelled: "Look again? Believe it or not, I picked your Lanba Academy?"

What does it matter to you that my four big men stand at the door of the girls' dormitory?Getting in your way? emmm...

Oh, I still don't believe it, Kai feels insulted, thinking back then in the competition for the chief of the first grade in Wuhun City, you, Kai, and I defeated the entire Wuhun City Junior College with a dozen thousand, are you still afraid of you? A mere Blue Tyrant Academy won't work?
"What do you want to do?" Kai, who was leaning against the wall, got up suddenly, startling the ponytail girl, thinking that Kai was going to hit her, but found that Kai could only stretch out his hands and move his body, this time it was her turn to die of anger .

He wanted to go forward to ask for an explanation, but seeing that Kai, Arthur, Zhou Yu and Beibei were all arrogant, they finally had to stop in resentment, and had to leave with a cold snort.

After seeing her so witty, Kai also nodded with satisfaction, and sighed: "Brother's demeanor of a thousand is still shocking people."

"..." Zhou Yu wiped his mouth, not wanting to carve him anymore. If the Pope hadn't stopped the game back then, all the shit would have been punched out, and he was still worth a dozen?


On a small path not far from Kai and the others, Han Ruoruo, who was dressed in a fluttering white dress, was elegant yet beautiful, and when she was about to go back to the dormitory, she ran into Kai and the others at the door of the dormitory.

I wonder what are they doing here?Waiting at the door of the girls' dormitory?

When Han Ruoruo went in and out of the dormitory on weekdays, she often encountered couples loving each other at the door of the dormitory, so she mistakenly thought that Kai and the others were the same.

It's just that they didn't arrive at Lanba Academy in the morning?It took only half a day to find a girlfriend?Great!If this is the case, Han Ruoruo has to admire several people.

Thinking of this, Han Ruoruo hesitated and walked over, surprised by the boy nearby who was secretly looking at her, his jaw dropped, and everyone wailed:

"Uuuuuuuu, why did the goddess talk to the man today? My heart hurts so much!"

"...Who are those men? Do you want to beat them?"

When Han Ruoruo approached, Kai, Zhou Yu, Arthur, and Beibei looked at the boys nearby who looked like "resentful women" with black lines all over their heads. Are you crazy?Look at them like this.

Kai even noticed that some boys were running away quickly, as if they had some bad intentions, and the rest were hostile to them.


"Are you waiting for someone?"

"Yes, are you free? Call Jiujiu down for us!" After getting close to Han Ruoruo, Kai found that her skin was fair and delicate, and her voice was pleasant.

Han Ruoruo didn't notice Kai's eyes, and after thinking about it, he guessed that the "Jiujiu" that Kai said should be the little girl with them.

She has just returned from the dean's place, and she hasn't played for a long time during the battle, so Han Ruoruo is not familiar with these people for the time being.

But the dean has already given her a list, which records the information of these people, but it is a pity that I can't open it in front of their faces for the sake of understanding, how impolite!
Because she was not familiar with them, Han Ruoruo didn't chat with them too much, but she also agreed to go upstairs and get the little girl named "Jiu Jiu" down.

After she left, Kai looked at Beibei and said mysteriously: "Beibei, did she glance at you just now? Maybe she is interested in you?"

"Stop joking!" Beibei looked helplessly at Kai, who was spreading rumors, and so did Zhou Yu and Arthur. What does this gossip face mean?
"Maybe people are also curious?"

"Then why isn't she curious about me, Zhou Yu, or Arthur, but why is she curious about you? Don't we look more handsome than you?"

"..." There were three black lines on the top of Beibei's head, and she was silent, especially when Zhou Yu and Arthur heard the word "handsome", they even made a coquettish gesture with Kai at the same time. Can the posture become more handsome...

"Ahhh!! Yiyi, look over there, there are three handsome guys, so handsome!!"

"..." Beibei looked at the girl in the distance who suddenly became agitated with embarrassment, are all the girls in Tiandou City so nympho?And slapped him in the face.

Han Ruoruo, who was going up the stairs, also heard the excited girl's voice outside the courtyard, but she didn't care about these little daily things, she didn't pay much attention to them, and would forget them after a while.

Then according to the address Zai Kai gave her, she went to a dormitory on the right side of the fifth floor. After matching the number, "Tu Tuk" knocked on the door twice and stood outside waiting.

Not long after, the door opened with a "click", and the people inside saw Han Ruoruo, smiled forcedly and said:

"Senior Han, what's the matter?" Han Ruoruo's reputation in Lanba Academy is still very good.

"Is the new student from your dormitory here? I have something to do with her!" Han Ruoruo said softly, spit out pandan.

(End of this chapter)

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