Douluo's Demon Seed Invasion

Chapter 104 Reactions from all parties, Li Wei went north

Chapter 104 Reactions from all parties, Li Wei went north

"Fatty, are you looking for death?" Dai Mubai became furious, his backhand was a monkey stealing a peach, the pain caused Ma Hongjun to hold the peach and scream.

Hearing Fatty's croaking sound, Oscar, who had been unable to find his way, came over and asked in confusion, "What's wrong with Fatty? He's screaming so loudly?"

"He's fine!"

"It's okay? I fought with you!" Dai Mubai's words had barely finished, when there was a tragic tearing sound in the darkness. If it wasn't for the unsuitable environment now, Oscar thought that this must be a very beautiful picture.

"Hey, stop making trouble, let's find out what happened before we talk about it!" The two of them thought that the trouble would be over, but they didn't know it would be endless.

Oscar became impatient and kicked the two people who were rolling around on the ground and "massing and masturbating" each other. In the end, Ma Hongjun got up first, and Dai Mubai, who was being pressed down by him, turned over.

"Fatty, you're so gay! Kiriki is so angry" Dai Mubai straightened his messy clothes and complained, fortunately he was on guard, otherwise his chastity would be lost.

"Fuck? You fucked up those twins sooner or later! Take revenge on me today." Ma Hongjun yelled, grinning.

"..." Dai Mubai, they are on the bed inside, see if you can enter?

Seeing that the two were still arguing, Oscar diverted the topic away. The current situation is not good!They are in extreme unknown danger, can you be serious?
But it's quite normal in this quiet environment. It's probably because many people stayed in place in the dark and didn't dare to move around?

After all, it is normal for ordinary people to not see their fingers when they stretch out their hands, and facing unknown things, it is normal for ordinary people to stand still and look for a sense of security.

There may be some panic and commotion among the people at first, but in the end it will all return to calm, and it will not return to normal until the darkness of the night is over.

But Dai Mubai, Oscar, and Ma Hongjun are not ordinary people, the trio of Yigaoda decided to go back to the academy now.

If you come back to the academy and encounter danger, at least you can cheat the teacher. There are a bunch of prostitutes here, but no one will cheat him!
The sound of "beep" footsteps spread in the darkness, and the fear of the hiding people along the way radiated into the air, which is also human nature.

In this environment where you can’t see anything, shouldn’t normal people stay still so as not to attract attention, so doesn’t the current “dudu” mean that there are horrible dirty things?
Of course, Dai Mubai and the others naturally didn't know that because their behavior scared a large number of people, after touching the handrail and going downstairs, they remembered something, Dai Mubai asked:

"Have you paid me yet?"

"Money is something outside of the body, I personally don't think they need it."

"I also believe so."

"..." Dai Mubai, could it be that you are the legendary "White Prostitutes"?

Not to mention that these are still good seedlings at the bottom, the dozen or so people at the top of the Douluo Continent pyramid also showed solemn expressions.

Wuhundian Bibidong, Haotianzong Tang Xiao, Qibao Liulizong Ning Fengzhi, Blue Lightning Overlord Longzong Yuyuanzhen, the emperor of the Star Luo Empire.

There are also other hidden forces, such as the spokesperson of the Douluo Palace Angel, the mysterious family of Xingluo City, the mysterious Titled Douluo of Notting City, and so on.

But among the above people, perhaps only Bibi Dong is the most impatient. For a soul master of her level, the night has no hindrance to her, and she can walk with her eyes closed.

At this time, Bibi Dong in the Pope's Palace suddenly stood up, her tall figure was unobstructed, and the close-fitting Pope's clothes dragged the floor all the way to the window, and raised her small face as if it had been finely carved by God, Looking up at the starry sky under the night sky.

The night sky that was supposed to be as bright as stars was pitch black, and a little bit of starlight could be seen, a trace of worry flashed across Bibi Dong's face, but the leg that had just been lifted was lowered again.

I don't know how long he stayed by the window, Bibi Dong suddenly called out: "Li Wei, come in!"

"Here we come!" As soon as Bibi Dong finished speaking, a dazed man pushed the door in. It was Li Wei, who had been following Bibi Dong's orders since Kai left.

Li Wei couldn't help sighing at this, His Excellency, you are so hard to serve, woo woo, have pity on me, Li Wei, how many days haven't I had a good sleep?The mother-in-law at home has expressed dissatisfaction many times.

But meagerness is meagerness, as the bodyguard who has been with Bibi Dong for decades, Li Wei is not as good at killing as that, so after entering the door, he respectfully catches him and waits to be dealt with.

But, by the way, why is it dark?Didn't he just doze off?Why can't I see anything?

Well, could it be?whee……

In the Pope's Palace, what can the lady do in the dark without turning on the lights?In this regard, a strange flash of light appeared on Li Wei's face...

"..." Before Li Wei's weird expression disappeared, a cold light flashed in the darkness, and Li Wei broke into a cold sweat and didn't dare to make a sound.

Miss what eyesight?This can also be seen...

"Li Wei, have you been quite courageous lately?"

"Miss, haha, I think you must have misunderstood." Li Wei first made connections, and then tried his best to explain for himself.

Bibi Dong snorted coldly, this guy must have been belittling her just now, but there was no evidence, and the matter was urgent, so let's put this matter on hold for the time being and arrange him to do another thing first.

"I have something arranged for you to do, you must make sure to complete it."

"Miss, please tell me!" Sensing that Bibi Dong turned around and looked out the window and sighed, Li Wei immediately knelt down on one knee and waited to accept the task, replacing the casual expression on his face with seriousness. into the top three.

"En!" Seeing Li Wei's appearance, Bibi Dong just nodded, she had no doubts about Li Wei's loyalty.

If she couldn't trust even Li Wei in Wuhun City, then she, Bibi Dong, couldn't trust many people either.

"I want you to get dressed right now and stay with Kai, and you won't come back until the Continental Soul Master Elite Competition begins."

"But I don't know where Young Master Kai is!" Li Wei showed some embarrassment and reluctance on his face, but his heart was full of joy.

I can finally leave this damned Pope's palace, Ma De, Miss is really difficult to serve, this job has to be done by Young Master Kai, isn't it a natural thing for him to serve his mother?Tired Kai Shao can't exhaust him!

"In Tiandou City, Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect, let's go!".

"...Miss, you must take care of yourself!"

"get out!"

"Then I'm leaving!" Li Wei wiped away his tears and exited the Pope's Palace sadly. Although he couldn't see anything in the dark, as a Soul Sage, he would have no problem simply walking.

Thanks to his powerful perception and the map terrain in his memory, Li Wei went down the mountain smoothly all the way.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh". Not at all.

"Young Master Kai, wait for me, I, Li Wei, are here!"

After leaving the city, Li Wei couldn't wait to summon the Spirit Avatar, and the seventh soul skill, the Spirit Avatar, was activated, so a "big happy lion" ran northward in the dark night.

It's just that Li Wei seemed overly excited, and really thought he was in the middle of the night...

(End of this chapter)

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