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Chapter 285 Why Didn't You Tell Me

Chapter 285 Why Didn't You Tell Me
But what exactly does Qingluan want to do?
She and her are not close enough to sit and chat together, especially the last time someone sent her a photo of Qingluan and Nan Tingliao together, although I'm not sure it must have been sent by Qingluan, but it's definitely out of touch with her It doesn't matter.

After an unknown amount of time, the car finally stopped, and Jiang Shiwei was taken to a castle. Jiang Shiwei was surprised by the scenery in front of him even though he was well-informed.

In her impression, the Nan family's old house was already the best house she had seen in so many years, but the castle in front of her was so beautiful that it didn't seem to exist in this world.

Majestic and unique in shape, there is a daunting shock just standing in front of it.

This is a height that the Jiang family will never reach in their lifetime.

Seeing her standing still, the white bodyguard beside her couldn't help making a gesture of invitation: "Miss Jiang, please come inside."

Only then did Jiang Shiwei come to his senses, concealed the gaffe in his eyes, and followed him into the castle. The castle was so huge that he didn't arrive at a restaurant until Jiang Shiwei almost fainted.

The restaurant is very large, it can accommodate dozens of people for dinner, it looks like a small family gathering place, Qingluan is sitting there with an elegant face, it is obviously her dinner alone, but there are nearly 100 dishes in front of her. She chooses such an exquisite and luxurious life, as if she was born to be a high queen.

If Jiang Shiwei couldn't figure out what Qingluan meant, he would be blind. She was eating here but asked her to stand there and wait. She stood there calmly and didn't make a sound.

The white bodyguard behind him left without knowing when.

All of a sudden, only the two of them and the servants were left in the huge dining room. Qingluan drank the soup slowly, as if she was tasting the best things in the world.

After putting down the soup bowl, the servant at the side handed over the napkin in due course.

After wiping her mouth lightly, she put down the napkin, then raised her gaze to Jiang Shiwei.

Jiang Shiwei thought in his heart that this woman finally remembered that there was another her. Although Qingluan was not at the same level as her when he was in China, at least he would greet her kindly, but tonight she made her completely Understand what the difference in status is.

Seeing that Jiang Shiwei's expression was normal, not even a trace of anger, Qingluan finally raised his hand lazily, and said calmly, "Sit down."

Jiang Shiwei knew that if he didn't follow Qingluan's wishes, he might not be able to get out of the castle today, so he sat down frankly: "Miss Qingluan really makes people wait, I thought I would have to stand here tonight. "

"Miss Jiang was joking, the visitor is a guest, and I, as the host, should treat the guests well, right?" Qingluan said, her name was Miss Jiang, not Mrs. Nan.

When she was in China, she at least referred to herself as sister-in-law in front of Nan Tingliao, but now she didn't even call her so. It seemed that she was not as lovable as she imagined.

Jiang Shiwei is sure that Qingluan took the photo that day on purpose. Could it be that she also likes Nan Ting Liao?As for Nan Tingliao's monstrous face, if he took off his glasses, there would be few women who would not fall in love with him.

It's really a bunch of rotten peach blossoms.

All day long, she would be attracted to her outside.

Nan Tingliao, who had been in the country, suddenly stopped what he was doing, his eyes were far-reaching, he didn't wear glasses today, his unparalleled handsome face showed a hint of laziness, and he asked Zhan Bei who was beside him: "Did you find out clearly, ma'am?" When will the domestic drama end?"

"I heard that it will be these two days." Zhan Bei said.

Nan Tingliao hummed: "By the way, where is she now?"

Jiang Shiwei traveled to several places abroad during this period, and thanks to Chi Youhui's reputation, otherwise, according to his tossing method, it is estimated that the movie will lose everything before it is released.

"Now in Fancheng, Country M." Zhan Bei said.

When he heard this name, Nan Ting Liao's eyes flashed a gloomy look. How did Jiang Shiwei go there? More importantly, he didn't have any news in advance: "Why didn't you tell me?"

During this period of busy time, the sky is dark, how could he have this opportunity to speak, but Zhan Bei saw the man's obviously cold expression, and knew how much he cared about Jiang Shiwei. If Jiang Shiwei had any troubles in country M, he would die It was not enough to pay for it a hundred times, so he swallowed unnaturally, and told Nan Tingliao all the news he knew: "Mr. Chi's last scene was filmed over there. The statue of the goddess of light, so I must go to Brahma."

Nan Tingliao said without hesitation, "Book me the nearest ticket immediately, I'm going to Fancheng."

"But, sir, if you go back now, the Xue family..." Zhan Bei said hesitantly.

Unexpectedly, Nan Tingliao's expression was as cold as snow, as if covered with a thin layer of frost: "I can't care so much now, it's fine if Wei Wei has nothing to do, but if there is anything..."

He paused when he said this, his deep eyes seemed to have penetrated time and landed on a certain place. After a long time, his hoarse voice came out of his throat: "You should know what kind of place Brahma is?"

Zhan Bei has stayed in country M for many years, so how could he not know what kind of place Brahma is, it can almost be regarded as the most chaotic and freest place in country M.

And there is not only the mysterious and powerful Xueshi Empire that people have been looking for, but also a chaotic free port.

There, anything can happen.

After Zhan Bei went out, Nan Tingliao called Jiang Shiwei, but Jiang Shiwei's phone showed that the phone was turned off. When he called Le Shan, Le Shan's cell phone also couldn't get through.

In the end, Nan Tingliao couldn't bear it anymore and called Chi Youhui. Chi Youhui was busy filming the last scene, so he dealt with him casually, and then hung up the phone.

Nan Tingliao was very angry here, but Chi Youhui never answered his calls again.

For the first time, Nan Tingliao wanted to beat this man up.

Qingluan glanced at those servants, and those servants came out as if they had a heart-to-heart connection, and for a moment, there were only the two of them left in the restaurant.

"Sit down." Qingluan said with a smile.

Jiang Shiwei said in his heart, you finally realized that you were willing to let me sit. You thought you were planning to let me stand here for the rest of your life, so you can only complain, but in the end you sat calmly.

Qingluan saw that her expression was neither humble nor overbearing, a trace of disdain flashed across her beautiful and delicate face, but her voice sounded clear and shallow: "Jiang Shiwei, do you know what I called you here today?"

(End of this chapter)

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