Chapter 288 Never let anyone go

"Wei Wei!" Nan Ting Liao roared!
But what came from the phone was a never-ending muffled tone. When I called again, the phone was already in a state of being unable to connect!

At that moment, Nan Tingliao's mind went blank, he held the phone tightly, veins emerged on his forearm, the force was strong enough to crush the phone in his hand.

Zhan Bei watched in horror. He had been by Nan Tingliao's side for so many years, except that Jiang Shiwei had something to do, this was the first time he saw a man lose his composure.

Could it be that something happened to Jiang Shiwei?
Thinking of this possibility, Zhan Bei almost fell to his knees.

Although this is Fancheng, Jiang Shiwei, a director, should not have any relationship with any faction. It feels like a thin layer of frost has been frozen on the man's body, and it has been frozen into ice within three feet.

In the end, Zhan Bei plucked up his courage and asked, "Sir, is it Madam..."

He didn't dare to ask further, because the moment Nan Tingliao raised his head, his face seemed to be covered with a layer of frost, and the eyes were full of anger, mixed with large swathes of dark fire: "Zhan Bei immediately ask someone to check Wei Wei's location. , by the way, go back to the castle."

"But, sir..." Zhan Bei paused at this point.

Nan Tingliao naturally understood what he was concerned about: "The top priority is Wei Wei's safety. If anything happens to her, I will never let anyone go."

"I'll check right away." Zhan Bei felt that he was very unlucky, why did he agree to change shifts with Ming Lang this time, if Ming Lang was with Mr., he would not be the one suffering now, it's really unfair!

"By the way, let someone check again, why Weiwei is in my castle." He never told Jiang Shiwei about his real identity, but she said exactly what she said that she is in his city security now. .

Could it be that the Xue family knew about Jiang Shiwei's existence, but if the Xue family knew about it, there was no reason to invite Jiang Shiwei to him, then what's going on?
After an unknown amount of time, Jiang Shiwei woke up and was thrown on the cold ground. She blinked and realized that she was in a dilapidated warehouse.

The cold concrete floor made her extremely uncomfortable. She moved her body a bit before sitting up. Surprisingly, she didn't die!And she hasn't been tied up yet, probably because the other party thinks she is a weak chicken, but she is really unlucky, and this kind of thing can happen to her anywhere in the country.

He sighed in his heart, after returning to the country, she must be obedient and not going anywhere, but right now, let's see if she can get out alive, and Nan Tingliao called her before he fell into a coma, he should know by now that he met It's in danger, will he come to save himself?
Just as he was thinking wildly, a high-spirited voice suddenly came from beside him: "Jiang Shiwei, hurry up and untie me!"

Hearing this familiar voice, he fixed his eyes and saw that it was Qingluan. Qingluan, who has always been aloof and elegant, was tied to a chair in a mess, looking very pitiful.

How can she have the usual fairy-like appearance, thinking that before the danger happened, Qingluan deliberately threw her down, and didn't even let her leave with her.

Unexpectedly, God is quite fair, those people also arrested Qingluan.

But Jiang Shiwei still couldn't figure out what was going on with this indiscriminate disaster?

She thought that since she came to Country M, except for filming and being on the set every day, she had no chance to offend anyone, so the disaster this time was probably because of Qingluan.

The corners of his mouth hooked, Jiang Shiwei clapped his hands, flicked the dust off his body, and said slowly, "Why should I untie you?"

Jiang Shiwei managed to make Qingluan angry with a cold and indifferent look: "Jiang Shiwei, if you still want to get out alive, you'd better untie me, otherwise—"

There was a hint of ferocity in her eyes, and she looked at her threateningly.

Just kidding, did Jiang Shiwei get scared out of her?

What's more, if Qingluan can escape, she won't be caught here. Jiang Shiwei said coldly: "Otherwise, Qingluan, you should take a look at the current environment before threatening me. By the way, why were we arrested?" Come here, is it related to you?"

She thought about it, since the reason was not hers, it must have something to do with this Qingluan.

But isn't this woman an international superstar?How could such a complicated relationship be involved?

Qingluan glared at her resentfully, she thought that this woman had been relying on Nan Tingliao to slowly climb up the entertainment circle, she didn't expect that she was a bit smart, but smart people don't live long, especially in the In front of the bullet: "If you untie me, I can tell you why!"

Jiang Shiwei stood still and looked at her silently.

Seeing that she has not moved for a long time, and those people don't know when they will break in, this is not a safe place for Qingluan, so she can't help urging: "Jiang Shiwei, if I can't live, don't you If you want to escape, you'd better untie me quickly, or both of us will die here. Brother Nan must not know what happened to you in Country M. Now you can only rely on me to escape. "

There is nothing wrong with Qingluan saying that, she is not familiar with the place where she was born in M ​​country, not to mention that no one on the production team knows that she is being arrested here now.

My mobile phone was broken again, even if I asked for help, there was no way.

Right now she really has only Qingluan to rely on, but thinking of this woman abandoning herself before fleeing, it is impossible for her to pin her hopes on her.

After thinking about it, Jiang Shiwei said: "It's not impossible for me to let you go, but Qingluan, if you dare to play tricks in front of me again, I won't let you go even if you die."

Qingluan didn't take her words to heart, the longer the time dragged on, the more unfavorable it would be to them, she couldn't help but said anxiously: "Hurry up and help me release, you want both of us to die here No."

Jiang Shiwei thought for a while, walked over, and began to help Qingluan untie her. Although she was a pampered young lady, the scene in front of her seemed to have happened somewhere.

There was a flash of white light in her mind, some images were so fast that she couldn't grasp them, she frowned, she couldn't figure out what the images were, she simply gave up thinking about it, the most important thing was to run for her life right now.

After finally untying Qingluan, Qingluan had been tied for too long, her hands and feet were numb, when she got up from the stool she moved her wrist, and then said: "For your sake of untying me, I will I'll take you out."

"Let's go!" With that said, Qingluan led Jiang Shiwei out, but before he took a few steps, he saw a few big men in black...

(End of this chapter)

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