Strong attack marriage, flash marriage husband 100 points

Chapter 387 You Think Everyone Is Like You

Chapter 387 You Think Everyone Is Like You

Seeing his curious look, Jiang Shiwei couldn't help but raised his hand and pushed his head: "Kids, don't worry about adults."

Then he stood up, ready to go out to answer the phone, after all, Jiang Shuyu and her are incompatible.

She didn't want Nie Ji to see her quarreling with Jiang Shuyu, probably because every woman always wanted to make a good impression in front of others.

Jiang Shiwei got up and went outside to answer the phone. As soon as she got through, a familiar voice rang out, so familiar that she felt pain in her eardrums: "Why did it take you so long to answer my call?"

Jiang Shiwei's expression was indifferent, and even his voice was extremely light, like a soft frost: "I don't seem to have the obligation to answer your call."

Hearing the woman's cold tone, Jiang Shuyu subconsciously wanted to say something to her, but when he thought of something else, he stopped talking.

Anyway, she is not in a hurry for this moment, she only cares about Nan Tingliao now, to see if he is with Jiang Shiwei, a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and her voice was just right: "Elder sister, I don't want to quarrel with you today, Brother Nan is gone Now, I want to ask you, are you with him?"

"Oh, your man, when do you need to ask me if I know his whereabouts? Jiang Shuyu, you are really unqualified as a quasi-virtuous house assistant." Hearing these words, Jiang Shiwei said mockingly, with a straight tone. All with a bit of sarcasm.

This woman has been sharp-mouthed since she separated from Nan Tingliao, no, it should be said that she has been sharp-mouthed since she was a child, she is usually calm and calm and doesn't intend to care too much about others.

But in fact, if you provoke her in a hurry, she will definitely not make you feel better.

Her indifference to the world is not really indifference to the world. On the contrary, she hides her thorns and only shows her harmless side, which makes you feel innocent and beautiful.

Sighing embarrassingly, Jiang Shuyu said in a tone full of grievances: "Sister, I don't want to quarrel with you today, have you seen Brother Nan, if you see Brother Nan, please tell me , so as not to make me anxious."

"Don't worry, I haven't seen your so-called Big Brother Nan. If someone is missing, don't come to me to look for him. After all, I have nothing to do with him." Jiang Shiwei's expression was as cold as ice.

Jiang Shuyu pondered for a while, I'm afraid Nan Tingliao really didn't look for Jiang Shiwei, for someone as arrogant as him, looking at Jiang Shiwei's scandal with Kitano, how could it be so easy to let go.

He has always had a strong self-esteem, even if he liked Jiang Shiwei, he would not look for her at this time, and his heart relaxed a little.

As long as Nan Tingliao didn't go looking for Jiang Shiwei, she would be able to find his hope.

As long as she finds him this time, she believes that Nan Tingliao will definitely look down upon her, and then Mrs. Nan's place will be hers.

"You didn't lie to me?"

"Jiang Shuyu, you think everyone is like you."

Such sarcasm made Jiang Shuyu's face pale slightly, but he quickly took a deep breath and said as calmly as possible: "I see, if you have Brother Nan's number, call me anytime."

Then cut off the phone, although Jiang Shiwei was nothing to be afraid of, but before becoming the real Mrs. Nan, she didn't want to make too much trouble with her for the time being.

Otherwise, it will backfire.

And Jiang Shiwei looked at the darkened screen, and looked up at the heavy rain outside the window. Jiang Shuyu and the others hadn't found him yet, so where did he go at this time?

Did he come home?Inexplicably, he thought of Minglang's words. Could it be that something really happened to him?
But it's impossible, how could something happen to someone as smart as Nan Tingliao, no matter how hard today's incident hit him, it wouldn't be enough to break this man down, he will be fine.

Suddenly someone patted on the shoulder, and when Jiang Shiwei turned around, he saw Kitano's beautiful angry face, and was startled.

"What are you afraid of, can I still eat people?" Seeing her fearful expression, Kitano asked calmly. In fact, he had noticed her just now, but she was talking on the phone, and he didn't come forward. Seeing her now Seeing her standing there alone, she couldn't help but walk over.

"Why are you here?"

"There is an entertainment." He said lightly, raising his eyes to glance at the woman's pale and haggard face, and there was a trace of pity in his eyes: "What about you?"

"I'm with my friends. If there's nothing else to do, I'll go back to her first." Jiang Shiwei hardly had the courage to face Kitanoichi. When she saw him, she could remember what happened that day, so subconsciously she wanted to run away.

"Wei Wei." Seeing that she was about to leave, Kitano suddenly stopped her, seeing that the woman's body was tense, as if she was on guard for something.

He hooked his lips, and flashed a silent self-mockery: "Don't worry, I won't let a third person know what you don't allow."

Jiang Shiwei nodded, then lifted his feet and left. Looking at the beautiful figure of the woman, Kitano took out his mobile phone and made a call. His voice was not as cynical as usual, but a bit cold.

"How are things going?"

After Jiang Shiwei returned to the box, he seemed very preoccupied. Nie Ji tried his best to make her happy, but no matter what he said, Jiang Shiwei's face was sullen, serious and a little scary.

Nie Ji felt bored: "Hey, Jiang Shiwei, anyway, I'm trying so hard to make you happy, what will happen if you smile?"

"I'm sorry." Jiang Shi lowered his eyes slightly, his eyes couldn't see clearly, only his figure became more stubborn: "It's getting late, I want to go back."

"Then I'll see you off." Gentleman Nie Ji stood up. After all, it was raining so heavily, and he didn't want Jiang Shiwei to go back alone.

Jiang Shiwei wanted to refuse, but Nie Ji knew what she was thinking by looking at her expression: "It's raining so heavily, I don't worry about you going back alone, or I'll help you open a hotel nearby, or I'll take you back in person, Choose one of the two, which one do you think you want to choose?"

In the end, Jiang Shiwei agreed with Nie Ji to send him back, and from the beginning to the end, Nie Ji has been very considerate and caring for her, even holding an umbrella for her, which is completely a picture in the TV series.

When Jiang Shiwei was sent downstairs, Nie Ji also got out of the car, stood side by side with her, and asked, "Shall I take you up?"

"No, I can do it by myself." Jiang Shiwei shook his head, obviously not wanting him to go upstairs.

He had a hurt expression on his face: "Am I being rejected?"

The rain had stopped, Jiang Shiwei showed a light smile, elegant as a lotus: "It's really unnecessary, I can go up by myself, you go back and rest early."

"Okay, then I'll watch you go up."

Seeing his insistence, Jiang Shiwei had no choice but to turn around. Unfortunately, it might be because it had just rained and the road was a bit slippery. Jiang Shiwei stepped on something, and suddenly fell behind...

(End of this chapter)

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