Chapter 447 This Selfish Woman

The letter was not long, it might have been written hastily, there were only two short lines, Jiang Shiwei wrote on it: Nan Ting Liao, I'm sorry, I suddenly realized that I might love the wrong person, so I'm sorry, I'm leaving.

Jiang's style stays in a small way.

In just two lines, Nan Tingliao read it no less than ten times, as if he couldn't understand the meaning above, he read it over and over again, and finally understood that she was gone.

If she loves the wrong person, then who is she in love with?

But Jiang Shiwei, how can you say that if you don't love, you don't love, why do you do this!Why!
This feeling was even worse than when Yu Ke'er was accused by Nan's Group that he was not the eldest son of Nan. It turned out that a word of no love could erase everything. He never knew that Jiang Shiwei was so irresponsible!
Because she can leave like this with just one sentence, what if she leaves the wedding?
She left, what should he do, has she ever thought about this problem!

This selfish woman!
Nan Ting Liao was standing, but suddenly sat on the ground weakly. He didn't know when she wrote this letter, but a short letter could dissolve all his feelings with her!

This is impossible!

How could she just leave like this, she said she loved herself, why didn't her words count, why did she just leave?Is it because he's broke?That's why she's leaving?
My heart ached as if something was tearing me apart. He put all his life's happiness on her, but she left so irresponsibly. Jiang Shiwei, then what am I, what is our relationship? what!
Tears did not know when they fell from his eyes, this was the first time this man, who had always been strategic in the business world, shed tears.

Nan Ting Liao cried.

Su Xingwei searched all over but couldn't find Jiang Shiwei. When he returned to the lounge, he saw the man sitting on the ground decadently. He had known Nan Tingliao for so many years. He was always calm and calm. He had never seen such a distressed moment. In country M, no matter how big the crisis is, he can command everyone to solve the difficulties calmly.

This is the first time seeing this giant-like man being knocked down, Su Xingwei didn't dare to go over for a moment, his voice seemed to be blocked: "Brother?"

Nanting Liao didn't respond.

Su Xingwei had no choice but to walk over: "We searched around, but we didn't find my sister-in-law. Could something really happen? Do you want to call the police?"

"No need!" Nan Tingliao refused: "She's gone!"

"What?" Su Xingwei didn't hear clearly.

Only then did Nan Tingliao raise his head, and Su Xingwei realized that the man's black jade-like eyes seemed to have been soaked in blood, they were all blood red, and there were still tears in his eye sockets!
At that moment, Su Xingwei only felt something hit hard in his heart!
There is an indescribable feeling circling in the chest cavity!

This is the elder brother who has always led them, the elder brother who never changes his face no matter in good times or in adversity, this time because a woman actually shed tears, Su Xingwei didn't know what to say at that moment.

He didn't even know anything to persuade him.

Because he had never seen such a Nan Ting Liao, if it hadn't been hurt to the extreme, how could it be like this!

Nan Tingliao's tie had already been ripped crookedly, and he didn't even know when the buttons of his clothes were unbuttoned. He stood up very slowly, but his body swayed, as if he was about to be unbearable, his voice was dry, like It seemed to be forcefully squeezed out from the throat, and he was as calm as usual: "Go adjust the monitoring."

"Yes!" Although Su Xingwei didn't know why he did this, he still took the order.

After the monitoring was adjusted, Nan Tingliao no longer had the embarrassment he had just now. Although he looked decadent, his mood was much more stable than before.

After watching the surveillance, he realized that Jiang Shiwei sneaked away when he was not paying attention, and ran into the arms of a man, and that man was Kitanoichi!

Su Xingwei only felt that the monitoring room seemed to be frozen in ice, and he never expected that Jiang Shiwei and Bei Ye would go away, and she would set Nanting on fire like this.

Nan Tingliao swayed violently, but finally managed to stabilize himself. He called a timeout, and that scene seemed to be engraved there like an eternal time.

He watched his bride put on her wedding dress and run to another man before the wedding.

That man is Kitano.

She always told herself that she had to believe her, that she and Kitano were just friends, and those scandals were all fake, but it was nothing now, as if something had hit her in the face, causing pain.

My heart hurts as if I was crushed into a ball, or cut into pieces with scissors, Jiang Shiwei, how could you treat me like this!how come!
"Brother, could this be a misunderstanding?" Su Xingwei almost didn't dare to look at Nan Tingliao's expression, because it can be said that Nan Tingliao didn't have any expression at the moment, his face was like cast iron, and there was no expression at all. No, there is overwhelming hatred in the eyes.

Yes, it is hate.

He could see clearly, those eyes that seemed to be soaked in blood were full of engraved hatred.

It would be unbearable for any man to see this scene, let alone the arrogant Nan Tingliao, this man has always been good at controlling everything, including his own marriage.

But Jiang Shiwei slapped him hard when the wedding was about to start.

Completely crush his self-esteem!
"Misunderstanding? I have seen this scene. You told me it was a misunderstanding. Do you think I am blind?" Even though Nan Tingliao gave Jiang Shiwei a thousand reasons, none of them could compare to her being like a bird. The scene of happily flying into another man's arms.

She completely shattered all her hopes, and clenched her fists tightly. Before, she never knew how hard a person's hand is to pinch the palm to bleed, but now he has experienced it vividly. He heard his calm and cool voice Inch by inch, the sound echoed in this small room: "Prepare the car, I'm going to Bei's house!"

"Brother!" Su Xingwei wanted to persuade him, but looking at Nan Tingliao's hateful eyes, he couldn't say anything. Maybe it's best to find Jiang Shiwei and speak clearly.

But Su Xingwei couldn't imagine how things would develop!
He felt that all of this was absurd. Who didn't know that Jiang Shiwei liked Nanzhu Qianliao so much that he was desperate, even if everyone objected, she would never leave him.

This changed in just a few days, to be honest, let alone Nan Tingliao, even he couldn't accept it.

That was Xu Jing's friend. After Xu Jing left, looking at Jiang Shiwei, sometimes he seemed to see Xu Jingxue alive, so he had to stop this tragedy no matter what!

Nan Tingliao stepped forward with his long legs, holding the letter in his hand, and walked outside, but just a few steps away, I bumped into a person head-on: "Mr. Nan, it's not good, people from the Nan family are here!"

(End of this chapter)

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