Chapter 497

But even if Jiang Shiwei exhausted all his strength, he couldn't shake the opponent's Fenhao, let alone she was injured now, so she couldn't exert much strength at all.

The other party didn't move at all, but tore her clothes even more violently!

Jiang Shiwei just felt a chill run up his back. Who on earth is so bold that he dared to do this kind of thing to her in Nan's house? Smelling the smell of alcohol on the other person, Jiang Shiwei couldn't help raising his hand and biting it. The other party took a sip, and said loudly while he was unprepared: "Let go of me quickly, or I will call someone!"

The man was bitten by her and suffered pain, so he stopped what he was doing, but the sarcasm in his mouth was like frost: "Shouting, Jiang Shiwei, do you want everyone to see you on my bed? "

It is Nan Ting Liao.

Although his voice was full of drunkenness, Jiang Shiwei recognized his voice immediately. How could he appear in this room and do such a thing to himself?

What's more, Nan Ting Liao has always been self-sufficient, usually he doesn't drink any alcohol at all, even if he drinks, he will never make himself drunk, but now Nan Ting Liao's voice is full of drunkenness!

His movements only paused for a moment, and then he pulled Jiang Shiwei's pants suddenly with a big hand.

The moment his skin came into contact with the air, Jiang Shiwei only felt that the cold was getting worse, and his body shivered slightly.

And Nan Tingliao seemed to be familiar with the woman's body in the darkness, and gently rubbed it down with his hand, and then Jiang Shiwei felt his body sink, and he slammed into her body hard inside.

The two of them hadn't been together for a long time, and Jiang Shiwei couldn't bear the sudden force, as if his whole body had been forcibly split by something.

Her face turned pale from the pain, and beads of sweat appeared on her forehead: "It hurts, it hurts so much..."

It was thousands of times more painful than the first time. Even though the two of them had been drugged for the first time and that kind of thing happened in a daze, Nan Ting Liao still had pity for her at that time.

But now, there is only anger, despair, and resentment in his body!

Jiang Shiwei felt like he was going to die.

It's a pity that her plea for help didn't arouse Nan Tingliao's pity at all, but instead made the man even more excited. Feeling the extreme firmness, Nan Tingliao felt an indescribable feeling all over his body, as if he had been looking for him for thousands of years. Something finally got the same.

He just paused briefly, and then started to move wildly.

This night, Jiang Shiwei only felt that it was an unprecedentedly long time. She wanted to call out for help, but she knew that this villa was full of people from Nanting Liao, and no one dared to come in without his permission.

I don't know how long it took, but when the sky was slightly bright, the man left her body, and saw the woman lying there motionless like a dried fish on the shore, the madness in Nanting Liao's eyes faded away. It was replaced by a touch of pity, but when he thought of this woman's ruthlessness, his heart that had just softened became hard again.

Then walked out with a flick of his sleeves.

Jiang Shiwei lay there motionless, feeling pain all over her body. Never before had such a thing hurt so much, she was so desperate. She was paralyzed on the bed, and she didn't even have the strength to struggle to get up. She felt the smell of blood on the tip of her nose. There was even the lingering smell of alcohol, and that smell.

Maybe he was really tired, Jiang Shiwei didn't know when he passed out in the end.

When she woke up again, she was already on the big soft bed, and there were all kinds of voices in her ears. Her eyelids were too heavy and tired, and she could hardly open them. She really wanted to see who was around her, and even wanted to ask, There is no water.

She is so thirsty.

Her throat was on fire, burning her throat, she was like a pedestrian in the desert short of water, if she couldn't find the water source, she would die of thirst.

It was as if someone had given her a drop of water on her lips. She drank and sucked greedily, and even wanted to catch up with the other person when he moved away.

After finally drinking enough, she wanted to open her eyes, but her eyelids were too heavy, she couldn't see the other person, not even the other person's face, was she rescued?
Did she finally leave?

Nan Tingliao said, welcome her to hell, that is not hell.

Jiang Shiwei fell into a drowsy sleep again. The woman's small face was pale and haggard and almost transparent in just two days. Her lips were dry and dry like flower petals that had lost water. The palm-sized face is more compact and delicate, and the long eyelashes cover the blue eyes.

She looked like a princess in distress who was lost in the world.

Seeing her sound asleep, Nan Tingliao couldn't help asking: "Why hasn't she woke up yet?"

Hearing such a question, Su Xingwei felt hopeless: "Physical infection, coupled with high fever for two days, normal people can't wake up under normal circumstances."

A slight annoyance flashed across Nan Tingliao's eyes. After he left Jiang Shiwei's room that day, no one was allowed to see him. It was only when Zhou's mother went in to see her two days later that she realized that she had already fallen into a coma with a high fever. Nan Tingliao didn't care about blaming Zhou's mother, and hurriedly called Su Xingwei to come over.

After Su Xingwei looked at it, he called a gynecologist. After the examination, Nan Tingliao found out that Jiang Shiwei was injured because he was too reckless that day.

There was an infection in that place, and the room was too dark and damp, so Jiang Shiwei couldn't afford it. He had a fever for two days. If it was later, he might be useless.

After hearing this, Nan Tingliao felt very uncomfortable. He should be happy after taking revenge on her, but why didn't he feel any joy in his heart, instead, he felt even more empty?

He really loved her, but thinking about what happened during this period, he found that he hated her even more.

But after all, the reason was simply because she didn't love him, and Nan Tingliao couldn't get anything he wanted in his life, but he failed miserably with a woman!
He is the biggest joke in the world!

"When will she wake up?" Nan Ting Liao asked again, Su Xingwei looked at the woman's pale face, at least the fever had subsided, if the fever didn't subside, Nan Ting Liao might kill people and set fire to her.

She loves her so much, but she is tormented like this, and now she feels distressed and regrets it?
Su Xingwei gave him a blank look: "I guess I won't wake up until tomorrow morning!"

"Why so slow!" Nan Tingliao said impatiently.

"Brother, I'm already the best doctor in the city, why don't you call Xue Jingchen over?" You know that Xue Jingchen is also a world-class doctor, so I don't know if he will call Xue Jingchen over, Su Xingwei's heart She thought casually, but stared at Nan Tingliao motionlessly, trying to see something from his face.

(End of this chapter)

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