Chapter 530

After Jiang Shiwei answered the phone, she felt a buzzing in her ears. She seemed to hear nothing, and seemed to hear everything clearly, but her mind was blank and she couldn't put anything in.

Nie Ji watched her face change drastically after answering the phone call, and couldn't help but glance at her suspiciously, what's wrong?Why does it look like the sky is falling down.

Looking at Jiang Shiwei's expression, isn't it? At this moment, the whole small face is snow-white, and the emotions in the eyes are like boiling water, which is blurred with a faint mist, foggy, like fog, like water, like water. Wind, he saw a tear in the corner of her eye fainted on her temples, and soon disappeared.

Her eyes were red, as if soaked in blood, and looked scary.

Nie Ji panicked, is this still their fearless female man?

What's wrong!Don't scare him, okay, he's timid.

"Wei Wei, what's wrong with you? Tell me what's going on!" During this time, Jiang Shiwei was under more pressure than anyone else, but he didn't see how she was. What happened today?Nie Ji was in a panic, watching her cry, at that moment in his heart, he was more uncomfortable than anyone else.

Jiang Shiwei took a deep breath, his eyes seemed to be burning red because of the pain: "My parents, there was a car accident on the viaduct, please take me there quickly, Nie Ji, let's go there quickly."

As she said that, she walked out in a panic, but because she was not careful, she almost fell on her foot. Seeing this scene, Nie Ji quickly helped her, and then walked out with her shoulders hooked.

Unfortunately, when Nanting Liao entered the hospital, he saw Nie Ji going out with Jiang Shiwei in his arms. A flame flashed in his eyes, and he stared at Nie Ji's back relentlessly.

Nie Ji only felt a chill on his back, but Jiang Shiwei was in a mess right now, he couldn't be messed up, he wanted the man to be a little bit more bearable, when he arrived at the parking lot, when Jiang Shiwei went to get the keys, his hands kept shaking, After touching twice, the key was not taken out of the bag.

She was trembling and didn't know what to do. The more anxious she was, the more she couldn't get the bunch of keys. Nie Ji couldn't see it. He took out the car keys from her pocket and pushed her to the co-pilot. seat, Jiang Shiwei opened his mouth, wanting to say something: "I can drive."

Nie Ji blocked her back with one sentence: "Do you want to look in the mirror and see how ugly your face is now?"

Jiang Shiwei knew that her current condition was not suitable for driving. She was trembling all over and couldn't even say a word. When she heard her second uncle say that her parents were in a car accident and their whereabouts were unknown, they might be in distress.

She felt uncontrollably shivering and cold, like layers of wind gushing into the bones.

She always thought that she hated them. After all, they divorced and abandoned her back then. Although she had the title of Miss Jiang's family, she actually lived a life of being bullied by her stepmother.

But at this moment, something happened to them, and Jiang Shiwei realized that what she had done was far from enough. It would be nice if she would spend more time with her father when he was in the hospital.

At that moment, regret, remorse, and resentment were all there.

She hates herself.

Nie Ji noticed that Jiang Shiwei had been biting her lip. When she got to the place, she bit her lip and it was covered in blood. He reached out and grabbed Jiang Shiwei's arm: "Wei Wei, no matter what happens, , you have to have the best expectations, and the worst plans, I will be by your side."

"Okay!" Jiang Shiwei nodded stiffly.

"Don't be afraid, I'm always here!" Nie Ji reached out and wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, and then let her out of the car. When Jiang Shiwei got out of the car, he saw that the viaduct was full of people, and there were traffic police on the scene. In order to maintain order, the police also came to the scene of the crime to register something. Jiang Shiwei walked through the defense line and registered his identity before he was able to enter.

She took a look and felt that the situation at the scene could not be described as tragic. The ground was covered with all kinds of fragments of nucleus pulposus. Impact marks.

There were bloodstains and various traces on the ground.

Just thinking about it can tell how cruel the picture is. Second Uncle Jiang should have been sent to see a doctor, but he stayed where he was, hoping to salvage Jiang Yuan and Fange from the water, otherwise how could he feel at ease.

When Jiang Shiwei arrived, he saw him lying on the side of the railing. His white clothes were covered in bloodstains, and he looked very embarrassed. He didn't look half as clear as before, but she still refused to leave stubbornly. Seeing him like this, Shi Wei's eyes were sore: "Second Uncle!"

"Wei Wei!" Second Uncle Jiang lowered his head in shame the moment he saw Jiang Shiwei: "I'm sorry, Wei Wei, I blame Second Uncle. If it wasn't for Second Uncle, nothing would happen to your father!"

"Second Uncle, it's useless to say these things now, you go to the hospital for treatment first, I'm here!" Jiang Shiwei looked at him, although he had resentment against him some time ago, but seeing him stubbornly staying here like this, At that moment, the resentment in my heart lessened a lot.

"I can't go!"

"Second Uncle, my parents are lucky, they will be fine, but you, if you continue to stay here, if your health collapses, who will support the entire Jiang family in the future!" Jiang Shiwei calmly Analysis: "Now grandma doesn't know what happened here, do you want grandma to know all this?"

In the end, Second Uncle Jiang was sent away to the hospital, the sky gradually turned dark, and the night came up, soaking the whole world in a layer of ink, and it rained.

The night in Jiangcheng turned cold all of a sudden. Jiang Shiwei didn't hold an umbrella, and stood on the viaduct without moving an inch. Behind her was Nie Ji holding an umbrella for her to prevent the rain from spreading to her.

If Nie Ji hadn't stopped her, she might have jumped into the water.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, the blood in the water had dissipated, and the search and rescue team was still searching.

She stared fixedly at the water, as if as long as the search and rescue continued, her parents would be able to come back.

The three of them have been separated for so many years, and finally have a little expectation of reunion. Why did this happen?Why?
The reunion that she had been looking forward to for so many years had ended before it even started. This was the most unbearable thing for her?If you have no hope, you will not be disappointed, but after you have hope, it is the most unacceptable thing to stab you at the deepest level when you are most satisfied.

Jiang Shiwei didn't close his eyes for a moment, and when Le Shan knew what was going on here, he rushed over immediately, as well as Dou Mingyan, but Jiang Shiwei didn't speak, and didn't listen to anyone.

She has been persistently watching, looking forward to good news.

The night passed, and it was dawn, and the search and rescue team finally did not salvage anyone or any corpse.

The whereabouts of Jiang Yuan and Fan Ge are still unknown. They are missing. No one knows what the disappearance means...

(End of this chapter)

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