Chapter 542 An Unexpected Phone Call
Jiang Shiwei was lifted from the ground by him, and when he met the man's extremely evil eyes, there was a trace of fear in her heart, no matter how stupid she was now, she knew it.

These people are not for money, but for her.

It's just that where did Li Lin find these people, and they wanted to destroy her. She frowned, but her mind kept spinning, what should she do now?
Her hands were tied, and she couldn't reach the mobile phone in her pocket, and she couldn't call for help. ss
Just now she felt that these people probably thought they tied her up tightly and didn't confiscate her mobile phone. Right now, as long as she can touch the mobile phone, she can call for help.

After all, she couldn't deal with so many people alone.

Thinking of this, she calmed down instead, her small face was pale, and she said to those men in a pitiful tone: "Brother, don't be angry, I just asked, since you guys want to play, can you relax first?" open me?"

"What do you want to do?" Hearing the woman's attitude softened suddenly, the man asked warily.

Jiang Shiwei smiled lightly, his face was as gorgeous as a bead, and his whole body was radiant: "Brother, I'm a weak woman, what do you think I can do? Or do you think I'm not cooperative, and it's better for you to force me?"

Hearing her sensible words, the man squinted his eyes, and thought about it seriously. Jiang Shiwei, a powerless woman, really couldn't do anything to these big men.

Besides, as a woman, she could still escape from their hands.

He paused, and said to a man behind him, "Untie."

One of the men felt that it was inappropriate, so he couldn't help reminding: "Brother, I'm afraid this is not appropriate!"

"What's inappropriate, she's a stinky woman, she can't escape from our hands!" Huang Fang said indifferently, besides, it's better not to play with dead bodies, it just so happens that this woman is willing to cooperate, they Of course he would, he had heard about Jiang Shiwei, and heard that her reputation was not good. Maybe she was afraid of being abused, so she was willing to cooperate obediently, so that she would not have to suffer, and they would be relieved.

"Besides, the other party said that the video should be more realistic. If she doesn't cooperate, how can you shoot it!" Huang Ya said carelessly.

Jiang Shiwei felt a chill in his heart.

It seems that the other party not only wants to destroy her body, but also completely destroy her as a person. She is a well-known director. Once this kind of video is taken by someone, it means that the rest of her life will be ruined.

Li Lin is so vicious that she treats her like this.

Thinking of this, Jiang Shiwei only felt that the bottom of her heart was burning like a fire. She looked at the man who was close at hand, and could even see the vegetable leaves between the man's teeth. That's the reason."

One of the men took a step forward and untied her. Because she had been tied for too long, her limbs were numb. She couldn't help moving her wrist, and then said slowly, "Is there any smoke?"

As she spoke, she looked around. This is a warehouse without a bathroom. She thought about the escape route and calculated how to leave here smoothly.

After all, she had to make sure everything was safe, otherwise, if she was caught, her fate would only be worse.

"Yes." One of the men saw that her expression suddenly changed, as if she had become depressed, and immediately took a cigarette and lit it for her. Jiang Shiwei took a puff of the cigarette, and almost coughed out of it. It's just that her face was a little red, she seemed to enjoy the expression, exhaled a puff of smoke, and then said slowly: "Thank you."

"You're welcome." The younger brother was stunned by her smile, and his eyes were fascinated.

Jiang Shiwei held the cigarette in his hand indifferently, and smiled brightly: "By the way, can I go to the bathroom? I haven't been to the bathroom since I left this morning."

"No..." Just when the objecting man was about to say no, Huang Fang interrupted her: "Fifth, take him to the bathroom."

The fifth child is the man who gave Jiang Shiwei smoke just now. When he heard these words, a successful smile appeared on his face: "Okay, Miss Jiang, this way please."

Jiang Shiwei followed him out of the warehouse while smoking a cigarette. After going out, he realized that there was an iron gate not far away, and the toilet was next to the warehouse. It would take a minute or two at the fastest to run from here.

If she wants to escape, she must avoid the people in the warehouse and not be caught by them.

Jiang Shiwei walked into the toilet slowly, closed the door, and took a deep breath. She took out her mobile phone and turned it on quickly. A series of missed calls and even various WeChat messages popped up on the mobile phone. While calling the number, the voice of the fifth child suddenly sounded outside the door: "Miss Jiang, are you okay?"

Jiang Shiwei looked at the screen and said calmly, "Not yet, wait a little longer."

"You girls are troublesome, it takes so long to go to the bathroom." The fifth child muttered outside, Jiang Shiwei pretended to apologize, with cold sweat on his forehead, for fear that he would suddenly break into the door. At this time, a sudden message came There was a sound of footsteps: "Why is it so slow, the eldest brother is waiting inside anxiously."

Before he had time to say more, Lao Wu slammed the door and said, "Miss Jiang, open the door!"

Jiang Shiwei's heart tightened, he didn't know whose phone he had pressed, and made a call. At this time, seeing that she didn't respond, the fifth child had already kicked the door open with a bang, and Jiang Shiwei put the phone into his pocket in a panic .

The other party looked at her suspiciously: "What are you doing?"

"I didn't do anything, I just went to the bathroom, what happened?" Jiang Shiwei asked without changing his face, but his heart was pounding. If she was found out, she would definitely not be able to eat and walk around.

"Hurry up!" Before she could stand still, the man grabbed her clothes and walked forward, but for some reason, Jiang Shiwei's mobile phone suddenly fell out of his pocket, and the phone screen displayed During the call, the two people instantly understood what was going on.

One of the men raised his hand and slapped her across the face, cursing and saying, "Stinky bitch, how dare you call the police!"

Jiang Shiwei was slapped and fell to the ground. Just when she raised her eyes, she saw the call records on the phone. Maybe because she was too nervous just now, she actually called Nan Tingliao.

If he knew her situation, would he come to save her?
"I'm going to kill you today!" Before Jiang Shiwei could figure it out, the other party pulled her up again, and then stepped on the phone hard, the call was cut off immediately, and then, It was a slap that slapped her across the face!

(End of this chapter)

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