Strong attack marriage, flash marriage husband 100 points

Chapter 563 You don't want me to live, do you?

Chapter 563 You don't want me to live, do you?

The sunlight was clear, and it fell lightly on the man. He was dressed in simple and light clothes, a bit casual, but the anger in his eyes was like a raging sea!
Li Lin's heart sank!
How could it be possible, didn't it say that Jiang Yuan and Fange were already alive, dead or dead? Why did they appear here?Isn't he already dead?How could he be alive!

And why did he appear at this hour, if he was still alive, he should have appeared long before the trial, instead of popping up when she was about to enjoy the fruits of victory.

The tension in my heart made Li Lin's face turn pale, and the triumphant expression on her face could no longer be maintained, and she was about to cry.

It was only then that Jiang Shiwei realized who the person in front of him was. Isn't this her biological father?She thought he was really gone, but she didn't expect him to appear in front of her alive now. Jiang Shiwei couldn't help but shouted out of control, "Dad!"

Seeing Jiang Shiwei's moved expression, Jiang Yuan showed apology on his face, and kept apologizing: "Wei Wei, I'm sorry, Dad came back late."

"It's not too late, it's not too late, as long as you can come back, it's never too late." Jiang Shiwei was so excited that his emotions were out of control.

As long as that person can come back, why is it too late for her?

She couldn't be too late. After Jiang Yuan and Fan Ge disappeared, she blamed herself a thousand times, ten thousand times, because they were gone before she had time to fulfill her filial piety for a day. At that time, she regretted it very much. Why? When they were here, she didn't treat them better, but regretted it when they were not?
What's the use of that, she would rather Jiang Yuan was sick and she waited on the bed without sleep, than the two of them disappeared suddenly, this was the most unacceptable thing for her.

Fortunately, God heard her request and let Jiang Yuan come back.

Otherwise, she will always live in self-blame and annoyance.

Reaching out his hand to gently wipe his daughter's tears, Jiang Yuan said in words that the two of them could hear: "Wei Wei, don't cry, your mother and I are fine, be strong."

Jiang Shiwei nodded desperately, not knowing what he wanted to express.

Seeing that her mood had stabilized a bit, Jiang Yuan looked at Li Lin. Li Lin's face was more embarrassing than ever. Fear appeared in his eyes, and his face seemed to be dehydrated. Looking at Jiang Yuan, the corners of his mouth moved, but he couldn't say a word.

Jiang Yuan looked at her, and suddenly asked, "Li Lin, are you surprised to see me?"

Listening to the man's voice, Li Lin had already lost a lot of weight after being tortured in the prison these days, coupled with anxiety and depression, she looked ten years old. She pretended to be calm and said: "Source, I... I didn't expect you to be alive!"

"It's not that you didn't expect that, you don't want me to be alive!" Jiang Yuan said bluntly.

Li Lin: "..."

And Jiang Yuan glanced at her, then suddenly faced the judge, and said in a loud voice: "My lord, I have evidence here, who was the mastermind who caused the car accident between me and Fange?"

The judge was taken aback for a moment, and then said, "Submit it quickly."

"Thank you." Jiang Yuan handed a letter to his assistant, and his assistant handed the evidence to the judge. The judge read it: "Li Lin, here is the evidence to prove..."

"Impossible!" Li Lin denied it suddenly and loudly. She had noticed Jiang Yuan's expression just now, and he didn't look like a fake: "Jiang Yuan, we were married, why did you hurt me like this? I know your heart hurts." Your daughter, but I am also your wife, how can you ignore my feelings. "

Jiang Yuan frowned and said nothing.

"I have been married to you for so many years. I have worked hard without any credit. You can't frame me because of some non-existent things. I have given birth to two children for you. Jiang Yuan. I have never bought murder or asked someone to kidnap me Jiang Shiwei, why did you trap me in injustice!" Li Lin cried loudly as she looked at him, clearly intending to put all the blame on Jiang Yuan.

And she apparently forgot that this is a court, a place that only pays attention to the law.

Because of her fuss, the people in the courtroom started whispering one by one because of her crying, until the judge yelled silence, and then fell silent.

"Miss Li Lin, Mr. Jiang has never accused you of harming him." Li Lin was completely stunned by what the judge said, and she realized that she did not leave any evidence to prove that she had harmed him. Jiang Yuan and Fange, but his move is only 300 taels of silver here.

It's over for her, she fell into Jiang Yuan's trap, she never thought that this man would cheat her.

Finally the court adjourned.

Because firstly, there is no solid evidence, and secondly, another matter is involved in this case. Although there is no evidence to prove that Li Lin bought the murder, it can prove that she was related to a car accident many years ago. Regarding the death of the Gita, because other cases were involved, the court announced a temporary adjournment for another day.

When Li Lin was taken away, she glared at Jiang Yuan fiercely, as if she wanted to cut him into pieces, but Jiang Shiwei finally couldn't control her emotions, and threw herself into Jiang Yuan's arms: "Dad!"

"Silly girl, Dad is fine, I made you worry!" Jiang Yuan knew that since he divorced Fange, this girl was not close to him, so he couldn't help but get red eyes when he saw her move.

Jiang Shiwei murmured: "It's good that you can come back, by the way, are you healthy?"

Jiang Shiwei remembered that Jiang Yuan had just come out of the hospital when the accident happened, and after the car accident, he fell off such a high viaduct. He didn't know how he got all the way here.

Jiang Yuan shook his head: "Don't underestimate Dad, Dad is fine, but you, this is not the place to talk, I will tell you a surprise later."

The group left the court, and Nie Ji hurriedly followed. Looking at Jiang Shiwei's excited expression, he knew in his heart that Jiang Shiwei might be overjoyed. After all, she was planning to hold a funeral for Jiang Yuan and Fange. Now these two people She came back suddenly, could she not be happy?
As long as Jiang Shiwei is happy, so is he, and that's all he pursues.

A low-key luxury commercial vehicle was parked by the side of the road. Jiang Yuan opened the door and greeted, "Wei Wei, you should get in the car first."

Jiang Shi lowered his body slightly and got into the car, but he didn't expect to see a familiar face when he looked up, and he didn't go up or down...

(End of this chapter)

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