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Chapter 573 Because of this truth, she lost too much

Chapter 573 Because of this truth, she lost too much

Jiang Shiwei is a smart person, and he always likes to infer other things from one instance, so after hearing Nie Ji's words, his mind became active, and he tapped one hand in an arc, casually tapping on the table, and those who are familiar with her know her I'm thinking right now.

If it wasn't her two adopted sons who worshiped the nanny this time, who would it be?
No matter who it is, she can guarantee that the relationship with the nanny must be extraordinary. You must know that the nanny has not contacted anyone in Jiangcheng for so many years, and the sudden appearance of this person at this time means that something is about to emerge slowly. Thinking of this , the interest in Jiang Shiwei's eyes was even stronger.

Looking at Jiang Shiwei's expression, Nie Ji knew that she must have guessed right, so he gave his answer bluntly: "It means that the people who worship this time are not the two adopted sons of the nanny, but Someone else."

The answer was similar to what he had imagined. At this time, Jiang Shiwei suddenly had a guess in his heart, and that guess was like a sea that was slowly brewing, constantly fermenting.

The nanny doesn't have many acquaintances in Jiangcheng, because of her status, and because she stays at home and stays with Dong Qiqi all the time, so she doesn't have many contacts with outsiders. If someone worships her at this time, it must have a lot to do with her , perhaps there will be a breakthrough soon.

Thinking of this, Jiang Shiwei's tone changed: "You mean that there are people in Jiangcheng who knew the nanny, and after learning of her death, they went to worship her? Does this person have a simple relationship with her?"


"who is it?"

"Xu Qingzhi!"

When this name fell into Jiang Shiwei's ears, she felt for a moment that she couldn't hear anything, and what appeared before her eyes was the scene of the nanny before she died.

At that time, the nanny knew that she would not live for too long, but she had to make her promise again and again, no matter what, she must promise Xu Qingzhi.

She still couldn't understand the reason for this. After all, Xu Qingzhi was the target of Dong Qiqi's marriage, or the Dong family's adopted son, and the nanny was a servant. Why did he interfere with the Dong family's affairs?
Even if she is loyal to the Dong family, but the object of her loyalty should be Nan Ting Liao, why does she pay so much attention to the adopted son of the Dong family?
And about the matter between Xu Qingzhi and Dong Qiqi back then, she insisted that Dong Qiqi betrayed Nan Chenfeng and stayed with Xu Qingzhi, which caused Dong Qiqi to suffer injustice for so many years, and even Nan Ting Liao has been affected, and it is also the Dong family, why is there such a big deviation?

"I probably understand." Jiang Shi muttered softly.

Nie Ji poked his head over curiously: "What do you understand?"

"Let's go, let's meet someone." After saying that, Jiang Shiwei stood up. This subtle discovery made her very excited, and she even wanted to find out the truth immediately. Because of this truth, she agreed to Xue Jingchen's request. The conditions made him think that he had betrayed her.

Because of this truth, she was indifferent to him when he was on the verge of life and death.

Because of this truth, she lost too much.

No matter what, she must find out the truth, announce the truth to the public, and restore Dong Qiqi's innocence. Only in this way can she appear beside Nan Tingliao in a grand manner.

Nan Tingliao, when she thought of this name, she couldn't breathe because of the pain in her heart. She couldn't forget how cold his eyes were when he found out that the nanny had died that day.

Nie Ji saw her in a hurry, and quickly grabbed her before she left the box: "Wei Wei, no matter how anxious you are, you have to eat something before going over."

Besides, walking with her so confusedly, to be honest, he is so hard, okay?

Jiang Shiwei paused.

Seeing her stop, Nie Ji continued to say: "Besides, you haven't eaten anything today. It's important to find out the truth, but you can't ignore your body, right?"

What she said made sense, but she was so shameless, Jiang Shiwei thought about it, and sat down again: "Okay."

When the two of them were eating, Jiang Shiwei didn't have much appetite. He analyzed the reason for Xu Qingzhi's appearance with Nie Ji, and told Nie Ji what the nanny had said to him before she died. People got similar results, this Xu Qingzhi always thought was the key person to the truth of the matter.

But he is also a more difficult person than the nanny, and he even clings to the truth of the year, saying that Nan Ting Liao is his child, so far Nan Ting Liao has beaten him several times, but he seems to have no intention of changing his words. If it came out, either he really had a deep-rooted affection for Dong Qiqi back then, or the whole thing was a conspiracy from the very beginning, in order to design Dong Qiqi and completely destroy him.

And looking at Xu Qingzhi's appearance, he was really worried about Nan Ting Liao, even seeing Nan Ting Liao, the joy on his face didn't look fake, what's going on?
Seeing Jiang Shiwei's sullen little face: "Anyway, we already have some clues. Besides, there are no eternal secrets in this world. As long as it is the truth, we will dig it out sooner or later."


Jiang Shiwei nodded, still unable to cheer up, Nie Ji flicked the tip of her nose, with a cynical voice: "See, you don't have much appetite anymore, let's think while walking, when we find Xu Qingzhi, let's say It may not be possible to come up with a perfect plan to extract a confession.”

"Okay!" The two got up and walked out of the box.

Just after walking a few steps, he saw two figures walking side by side towards the elevator. Jiang Shiwei frowned subconsciously when he saw this scene.

Nanting Liao, and Xue Jingchen.

How long has it been since she saw these two people together, and she even had the feeling that Xue Jingchen had returned to country M long ago, she never thought that she would be with Nan Tingliao today, and it seemed that the relationship between the two was very close.

Subconsciously, Jiang Shiwei wanted to take a detour, but unfortunately, Xue Jingchen saw her and greeted her, still with that gentle expression that has remained unchanged for thousands of years, as if born aristocrat: "Jiang Miss, you are eating here too, what a coincidence."

"Unfortunately, if we had known that you were eating here, we would have chosen another place." Jiang Shiweihao said bluntly. When hearing these words, Xue Jingchen, who has always maintained a good image, almost collapsed , A few grievances surfaced: "Miss Jiang, how can you talk like that."

"Why, don't you like to hear it? Then don't listen to it." Jiang Shiwei sneered, pulling Nie Ji to leave, but Nan Tingliao's voice sounded unhurriedly, with biting sarcasm: "Xue'er, a woman who is always on the go, what do you have to say to her, so as not to lower your taste."

(End of this chapter)

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