Chapter 584
Nan's office on the top floor may be different today, everyone is in a hurry, as if something is chasing after him.

When Nan Tingliao set foot in Nan's family again, he felt that things were different and people were different. The night was bright, and the lights made the marble brighter, like a spotless lens.

When he appeared on the top floor, all the employees were still off work. When they saw him appear, their eyes widened in surprise. Some of them were familiar with Nan Tingliao, and they shouted emotionally: "Mr. Nan, come back gone."

"Mr. Nan, you're back." Seeing this, the others hurriedly shouted, and for a moment, a gleam of joy appeared on everyone's distressed faces.

During this period of time, under the leadership of Nan Shuwang, the Nan Sect frequently lost money, and even lost several major projects. Although Nan Tingliao had not worked for the Nan Sect for a long time, he led the Nan Sect to win For many important projects, last year's revenue basically came from the few projects that Nan Tingliao worked on when he was here.

Although Nan Tingliao was later expelled from the Nan clan because of his background, but in their hearts, everyone still hoped that Nan Tingliao could return to the Nan clan to guide them.

After all, everyone in the workplace hopes to meet a wise and powerful leader.

Nan Tingliao nodded, and said softly, "Long time no see."

Zhan Beichong winked at everyone behind him: "Hey, do you all remember me?"

"Special assistant!" Because Zhan Bei usually likes to joke with everyone, he is very capable, and he is familiar with all the secretary assistants in the secretary's office, so when he sees him, he is very excited.

"Special Assistant Zhan, you and Nan always come back, and won't you leave in the future?"

"That's right, Mr. Nan, you guys are back. You don't know the company's life recently..."

"Nan Ting Liao, you make people wait for a long time!" Everyone was talking excitedly, when a cold voice suddenly came from behind, and when they turned around, they saw Nan Shuwang standing on top of them at some point, wearing a suit and leather shoes However, he couldn't resist the evil spirit emanating from his body. He glanced at everyone, and when they saw him appear, they immediately dispersed. After all, Nan Shuwang was still in charge.

Watching everyone leave, Nan Shuwang snorted coldly in his heart, a bunch of scumbags are just showing off their tongues, after all, he is the real head of the Nan family.

Nan Tingliao glanced at him, his eyes were calm and calm, "Lead the way!"

When he said that, the anger in Nan Shu Wang's eyes instantly surfaced: "Nan Ting Liao, what do you mean?"

"Didn't you come out to lead me?" Nan Tingliao asked in a neutral tone.

Nan Shuwang: "..."

He clenched his fists, wanting to punch away the palpitating calmness on Nan Tingliao's face. It was this kind of demeanor, as if everything in the world could be in his hands, keeping him calm from the beginning to the end. , he has more than patience, so he has always hated his appearance.

He's obviously just a bastard, why should he make such a superior appearance, one day, he will make him kneel in front of him and beg for mercy.

Then he sneered, his eyes wrapped around him like a poisonous snake, showing a bit of sinister resentment, he looked at Nan Ting Liao, and said, "Nan Ting Liao, don't get too complacent! One day, sooner or later, I will make you laugh. come out!"

"Then I'll wait and see!" Nan Tingliao counterattacked unhurriedly, compared to Nan Shuwang's anger, he seemed calm from beginning to end.

In this comparison, the effect is immediate, and the judgment is judged.

Nan Shuwang snorted coldly, and walked into the CEO's office first, and after seeing this, Nan Tingliao followed, but when the two of them reached the office door, Zhan Bei was stopped by a passer-by: "Sorry, only President Nan People go in."

Zhan Bei is not happy anymore, he came here to protect Nan Ting Liao, although Nan Ting Liao does not need his protection, but as Nan Ting Liao's omnipotent special assistant, no matter what time he will never leave him: "No, I must go in with Mr. Nan."

"Mr. Zhan, I'm sorry, Nan Dong said that idlers are not allowed to enter, please don't make things difficult for us." The bodyguard looked at his unyielding look and said helplessly.

Seeing that the two sides were about to be at a stalemate, Nan Tingliao finally broke the deadlock: "Zhan Bei, you stay outside!" He believed that Nan Luotian would not be so stupid that he would attack him in the Nan family.

What's more, if they want to attack him, they probably don't have the ability, so he doesn't mean to be afraid now, but those people inside should be afraid!

With a sneer at the corner of his mouth, Nan Tingliao pushed the door open and entered, while Zhan Bei could only watch him walk in and clenched his fist helplessly.

If people from the Nan clan dared to do anything to Nan Tingliao today, he would definitely not let them go.

After Nanting Liao entered, Nan Luotian sat on the main seat as usual, as if showing his incomparably noble status, but he obviously forgot that even if he misses the power in this world, he will be old after all, and he will never May be as powerful as when he was young, holding everything in his hands.

But today, he can no longer control Nan Ting Liao, or even the Nan Clan, so he can only choose to use this despicable method to threaten Nan Ting Liao to compromise.

After all, he is still old, and he is no longer the fearsome hero he was back then.

He watched Nan Tingliao walk in and said, "Here we are."

Nan Tingliao didn't speak, and stopped in front of him. He looked at Nan Luotian, then at Nan Chenfeng, and finally his eyes fell on Nan Shuwang and Yu Ke'er.

Heh, I didn't expect that people from the Nan family came here today.

His eyes were cold, showing a trace of coldness: "Tell me, why did you come to see me today?"

"Sit down first, we used to be a family anyway." Nan Luotian was quite polite, he stretched out his hand politely, pointed to the seat in front of him, and signaled Nanting Liao to sit down.

Nan Tingliao was not too polite, he sat down, leaned back, and said lazily, "I don't dare to be a family, you should call me by my name."

"Ting Liao, why are you doing this?" Nan Luotian sighed.

Nan Chenfeng who was on the side couldn't sit still any longer. Seeing Nan Tingliao's rebellious and stubborn appearance, he couldn't help but said, "Dad, why are you being so polite to him? If there's anything you need, tell him quickly and let him know that you are What is the current situation!"

Glancing at Nan Chenfeng, Nan Tingliao had already learned to control his emotions, no matter how disgusting Nan Chenfeng said, his expression would not change.

It's because he's already used to it. For so many years, the blow after blow has already made him lose any hope in him: "Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

"Ting Liao, since that's the case, grandpa has something to say. You have promised not to buy Nan's, but with your strength, I'm afraid that one day you will want to buy Nan's again. Today you will In front of the public, promise me that you will never attack the Nan family in the future, so that you and I can feel at ease, what do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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