Strong attack marriage, flash marriage husband 100 points

Chapter 601 The world's biggest bastard

Chapter 601 The world's biggest bastard

"Why?" Yu Ke'er asked back, and suddenly burst into laughter, that laugh was like a lunatic, with no image at all, but his eyes were full of resentment.

Even Nan Chenfeng, who had been with her for more than ten years, was chilled all over by his gaze.

This kind of Yu Ke'er seemed to be possessed by a demon, and she was in a state of madness. After she finished giggling, she fixed her eyes on Nan Tingliao's face that was somewhat similar to Dong Qiqi.

"You actually asked me why? Back then, I was the number one student in the school, but after she entered the school, she overwhelmed me in everything. She obviously had a good background, so why did she want to deprive me of everything? Do you know how much effort I put into No.1 back then?"

There may be a lot of injustice in this world, but she has worked very hard, Yu Keer has been the best person in the school since she was a child.

Teachers like it, parents like it, and even other people's parents have always regarded her as a role model.

But after getting acquainted with Dong Qiqi, she was completely trampled by Dong Qiqi. For four years in college, no matter how hard she tried, she could never surpass Dong Qiqi.

She is like a big mountain, always pressing her head down.

More importantly, she likes Nan Chenfeng, but Nan Chenfeng only likes Dong Qiqi alone. She knows that because of her humble background, and Nan Chenfeng is the young master of the Nan family, it is impossible for her to marry parents like her. She was just an ordinary worker's woman, so because of Nan Chenfeng, she hated Dong Qiqi even more.

"But it doesn't count that she took away my No.1. I still have to work hard to be friends with her and please her, just because one day I want to surpass her. That's not counting. Obviously I met Nan Chen first front.

But why Nan Chenfeng only had Dong Qiqi in his heart.

She clearly knew that I liked Nan Chenfeng so much that it was hopeless, but she still agreed to the Nan family's marriage proposal. "Speaking of this, Yu Ke'er seemed to be trapped in a long memory, but her beautiful eyes were full of resentment. If Dong Qiqi was here, she would like to kill her: "Obviously I am no better than Dong Qiqi. Seven poor, I work harder than her, I study harder than her, and I am more beautiful than her.

Why does Nan Chenfeng only like her? I put aside my face and told him the truth, but he said that he only likes Dong Qiqi. I am not reconciled, because she is the eldest daughter of the Dong family, so she wants someone to like her. Did anyone like it?Since she dared to steal my man, I will destroy everything about her, and let her bear the misunderstanding of her beloved forever, even if she dies, she will not live in peace! "

I don't know who took a deep breath, and it looked very clear in the extremely quiet office. Everyone looked at Yu Ke'er's face, and felt that her facial features had become distorted because of jealousy. No matter how beautiful it is, it will no longer be attractive.

Nan Chenfeng knew that Yu Ke'er and Dong Qiqi had a very good relationship, but he never thought that Yu Ke'er would hate Dong Qiqi so much, that he would die with him.

He himself knew the things she said, and Yu Ke'er had indeed confessed his love to him back then, but back then he had only Dong Qiqi in his heart, so he never cared about her.

But he never thought that Dong Qiqi's death had a lot to do with Yu Ke'er liking him, because she liked him and he liked Dong Qiqi, that's why she wanted to kill Dong Qiqi.

How terrifying such a woman is, and for so many years, he actually put this woman beside his pillow. Thinking of this possibility, Nan Chenfeng only felt a twinge of fear in his heart.

"So, you are going to deliberately cooperate with Xu Qingzhi to frame my mother and make her die inexplicably?" It was because of such a ridiculous reason that she killed her own mother. Nan Tingliao knew that her mother's death must be related to Dong Qiqi couldn't get rid of any relationship, but he never thought that the truth would be like this.

"I didn't force her to die. It was she who knew that she had betrayed Nan Chenfeng and jumped off the stairs regardless of dissuasion. What can I do!" To no avail, he simply revealed his truest side.

Nan Chenfeng suddenly raised his hand, intending to slap her on the face: "You bitch!"

Yu Ke'er covered her face, and suddenly burst out laughing. After a long time, she stopped laughing, and looked at the man in front of her who she had loved for many years with hatred, and the words in her mouth wished they could turn into sharp knives one after another. , and stabbed Nan Chenfeng fiercely, for fear that the stabbing would not be fast enough or hard enough: "Nan Chenfeng, you will only blame me after the incident. Dare you say that if these things were not your acquiescence, I would have forced Dong to die." Qiqi? In the end, I can only blame Dong Qiqi for being blind and liking you, an ungrateful bastard!"

Nan Chenfeng: "..."

He clenched his fists in pain, it is undeniable that Yu Keer's words were not wrong, if not for him, Dong Qiqi would not have died in vain.

She was originally the proud daughter of the Son of Heaven, and she was the only daughter in Dong's family, who enjoyed thousands of favors, but because she met him, she went into hell.

He made her lose Yuxun at a young age.

He promised her to protect her for the rest of her life, but he was the one who harmed her the most. He even ignored her son for so many years, sneered, punched and kicked at every turn.

What did he do, what did he do to Qiqi.

He is a bastard, the biggest bastard in the world.

"Nan Chenfeng, you are the most damnable person!" Seeing Nan Chenfeng's silent expression, Yu Ke'er made the last cut.

In the end, Jiang Shiwei couldn't see it anymore. This woman's ability to tell the truth is really unmatched. She sneered and couldn't help but say: "Yu Keer, don't put all the responsibility on others. If it wasn't for the Your jealousy and framing, how could Ms. Dong die, in the final analysis, it is all because of your calculations and jealousy that caused all this to happen."

"Jiang Shiwei, what do you know? You don't know how she has always dominated me for so many years. What is it like in my heart? I am clearly being stepped on by her, but I still want to pretend to be friends with her as if nothing happened. You know me How much do you hate her? Doesn’t Dong Qiqi have a happy family, a husband who loves her, and a smart son? I’m going to take everything away from her, and let her fall into the dust!” Yu Ke retorted loudly.

Seeing her obsessed look, Jiang Shiwei shook his head: "In that case, next, I'd better talk to the police about this!"

Yu Keer's face turned pale instantly: "Jiang Shiwei, what did you do?"

"You killed someone, do you think the law will let you go?" Jiang Shiwei asked back, and said to Zhan Bei, "Zhan Bei, call the police!"

Yu Keer shook her body, she clenched her fists tightly, not knowing what to do, the moment she saw Nan Shuwang, she suddenly let out a scream...

(End of this chapter)

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