Chapter 704 Who took the antidote?

Three months later, Jiang Shiwei's movie was released as scheduled.

Three months ago, Jiang Shiwei divorced Nan Tingliao. This woman who had made countless women envious and jealous disappeared in front of everyone. Even though everyone was looking forward to the new TV this time, she still hadn't seen her appear.

Many people couldn't help wondering, where did Jiang Shiwei go?

Many people knew how much she cared about the film back then, and the divorce between Jiang Shiwei and Nan Tingliao caused a lot of trouble in the city, but neither of the two parties responded to it, as if a divorce was a divorce. Never again.

After the film was shown this time, the public thought that Jiang Shiwei would appear this time, but at the premiere, only the assistant director and the crew of the crew attended the premiere ceremony. No one knew where Jiang Shiwei went?

Many people suspected that because Jiang Shiwei divorced Nan Tingliao, he was in a difficult mood and escaped from the world.

Everyone insisted on their own opinions, and they were evenly arguing, but no matter how much they argued, Jiang Shiwei never showed up, and the amazing woman who left countless moments in her eyes just disappeared.

But no matter what, the movie was released as scheduled, because Jiang Shiwei didn't plan to make this movie with a high profile from the very beginning, and there was little hype even in the past few months since the movie was made. When it comes to attracting investment, it's so low-key that it doesn't look like you're making a movie.

Because Jiang Shiwei's reputation is relatively large, she is a talented director, and she is beautiful, and her love story with the young master of the Nan family has attracted more attention, so many people pay attention to this movie because of her relationship, but this movie was shot It focuses on realistic themes, and it also tells about the smog issue that people are most concerned about at the moment. After the film came out, it still received a lot of attention.

But because it is a literary film, the attendance rate is not high, but the reputation is very good. Many people think that this is a real film, especially the heroine, which makes people shine.

This kind of realistic theme has always been unpopular, especially the film is quite depressing, with few bright spots, and the plot is gentle, even without ups and downs, which is relatively gentle. At first glance, it only feels astringent and difficult to understand, but after watching it, it can make people feel Many, many things to ponder.

However, it is not the favorite thing for young people right now.

From the very beginning, many people were looking forward to it, but after the movie was released, it was deserted, and at the end, more and more people watched the movie, and some people even silently pushed it to friends, relatives, family members, and even emotional girls. In other words, you must watch this movie. If you don't watch it, you won't know what a good movie you missed!

Many people went to the cinema, bought this movie with money, and planned to watch it. Those who were able to watch it patiently gave it a very high evaluation, but not everyone can patiently watch this real subject matter.

Until the movie was about to go offline, the attention rate of this movie was not high compared with other commercial movies. It can even be said that it was a bit miserable, but everyone who watched it said it was good.

It's the same in the movie theater today, there is only one person.

If you pay attention to him, you will notice that since the day Jiang Shiwei's movie was released, he will watch the movie alone at this time every day, and there is no one else in the movie theater where he is seated.

This is a miraculous phenomenon.

A staff member noticed that this person paid a lot of money to book the venue every day, and then watched a depressing and sad movie alone, day after day.

And for so many days, she hadn't seen the man's true face.

The man wrapped himself airtightly, and even hid his eyes behind the sunglasses. Even though it wasn't winter yet, he was wearing rather bloated clothes. What a strange man.

The staff reported this matter to the manager, and the manager knew about it and reprimanded him: "You don't care what he does, he has money, and he can't spend money if he wants to."

"But..." The staff wanted to say something more, she thought this man was too weird, but every time she wanted to talk to that man, the man ignored her.

"Hurry up and go to work, if you tremble again, your wages will be deducted." The manager said impatiently.

The staff bit their lips silently, and went to the movie theater by themselves. For some reason, she was quite curious about this weird man, and wanted to know what kind of person he was.

On this day, she finally couldn't control her curiosity and walked over, but saw a face full of tears, that face was unparalleled in beauty, but very thin.

A pair of black jade-like eyes became clearer after being washed by the eyes, as if they were like burning flames, which could burn people's eyes.

For some reason, this face looked familiar, as if I had seen it somewhere.

The staff thought so, but they couldn't remember where they saw this face.

It may be that her gaze was too focused, the man finally noticed her gaze, picked up the sunglasses and put it on his face, and then put on the mask calmly, looking fully armed again, as if the staff just saw It was only a flash in the pan.

The staff member tremblingly took out a tissue and stammered, "Sir, wipe your tears!"

The man suddenly stood up and walked outside.

The staff was in tears, did she look so scary?Can't pass a tissue?
Nan Tingliao knew better than anyone else that no matter how many movies he watched, she would never be able to be with him, and she would never be able to return to his world.

Su Xingwei researched the antidote day after day, but Xue Jingchen was right in saying that the antidote is not so easy to prepare with the beauty bone, if Su Xingwei could prepare it so easily, she would not have spent so much thought in the beginning Made this poisonous.

There is only one antidote, and he is really hopeless.

However, occasionally in my heart I still have the extravagance that I can continue to live.

He has always lived a sober life. When he was sent abroad, he knew that he might never come back after spending his entire life. When he came back later, he knew that he had only one purpose, to prove that his mother For her innocence, avenge her.

But on the road of revenge, she met such a delicate flower.

Since then his world has changed from hell to heaven.

Jiang Shiwei would never know how moved he was when she protected him.

But, she will never know.

His heart was beating extremely violently, every step he took seemed to jump out of his heart, and a fishy sweetness seemed to flow out of his throat. He pursed his lips as hard as he could, his face was extremely cold, as if after the man left, this No one in the world can give him a little warmth anymore.

Before she knew it, she had been gone for more than three months. I don't know if the poison on her body has been completely cured. Where is she?Could it be that he watched her movies day after day like he did?
Thinking of this, Nan Tingliao suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky, where the night was dark, like a haze spreading in the bottom of his heart, blocking the tranquility.

He still remembered the day three months ago when he knew that Fan Ge and Jiang Yuan were going to send her away, he sat alone in the room for a long time.

The most painful thing in this world is not that you are in front of me, not telling me that I love you, but the most painful thing in this world is that you are in love with each other, but you can only be separated forever.


I'm dead, what do you do?
Will you still cry for me?
He left the movie theater. At this time, it was already very late. The movie hadn't ended yet, and there were not many people outside the movie. He stood in the vast street, not knowing what to do for a while.

Su Xingwei knew about Nan Tingliao's habits during this time. Although he knew, he didn't stop him. He knew what that feeling was like. When Xu Jing was gone, he lived like a walking dead every day. He didn't know what he was doing every day. What to do, if it wasn't for the incident later, I'm afraid he hasn't come out yet.

It was already early morning, and the night in Jiangcheng had already darkened. Many people had already fallen asleep, but he knew that Nan Ting Liao was abusing himself day after day.

He has done all the things he hadn't done before.

Seeing a familiar figure suddenly appear in front of him, Su Xingwei's eyes widened in surprise. It stands to reason that the movie didn't end so quickly. Why did Nan Tingliao come out so quickly? He subconsciously extinguished his own cigarette, and stepped forward. One step later, he looked at his face differently: "Brother, are you feeling unwell?"

Because he didn't want to be destroyed in the movie theater... Well, it was mainly because Nan Tingliao disliked him to follow him in, so Su Xingwei stayed outside, in case something happened to this person in the movie theater, so he could go to the rescue as soon as possible.

This is the first time that Nan Tingliao has come out ahead of time. Could it be that this movie is no longer so attractive to him? It's really gratifying!

We must know that Nan Tingliao has been watching Jiang Shiwei's movies over and over again like a madman during this period. Poor him, apart from being interested in scalpels, he is not interested in this kind of literary films at all, okay?

Letting him watch it once has already cost him a lot of brain cells, so I really can't understand what it feels like to watch the same movie every day.

Looking at him, Nan Tingliao suddenly let out a mouthful of blood.

In the next moment, Su Xingwei felt that Nan Tingliao was kneeling on the ground in a daze, and he was covering his heart in pain, looking unbearable.

Su Xingwei was shocked and rushed over: "Brother, what's wrong with you?"

He looked at Nan Tingliao, his eyes were wide open, his pupils were a little dilated, it seemed that the poison had been onset for a while, and he just came out now, Su Xingwei was in a hurry, and hurriedly went to get the soothing agent: "Brother, you Wait a minute, I'll go get the medicine right away!"

But he shook his head: "You don't need to waste any more time... The movie she made is very good..." Before he finished speaking, his hand suddenly dropped heavily.

"Brother!" Su Xingwei yelled, feeling like he was soaked in ice water at that moment!

(End of this chapter)

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