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Chapter 718 Push her away with my own hands!

Chapter 718 Push her away with my own hands!

When he asked this sentence, Su Xingwei looked at the man's expression and changed for a moment. The situation of Nanting Liao has indeed reached a very serious level in the past few years, but there has never been such a moment when the man's face is so terrifying.

Three years ago, the word Jiang Shiwei was like a taboo.

No one dared to mention it in front of him, and for Su Xingwei who knew all the truth, he could not mention it to anyone, even Feng Jing was kept in the dark.

After Jiang Shiwei left, even Feng Jing couldn't understand it, and even went to Nan's house to make a big fuss.

In the end, he was beaten up by Su Xingwei before he became completely honest.

But in my heart, I had some complaints about Nan Tingliao, but in the past few years, Nan Tingliao had been focusing on the war with the Xue family, and barely paid attention to him. As time passed, Feng Jing gradually stopped mentioning this matter.

Maybe even Feng Jing could tell that after Jiang Shiwei left, Nan Tingliao was not doing well.

If he really didn't like her, how could Nan Tingliao have a bad life after she left.

It's just this matter, Nan Ting Liao let him rot to the stomach, no one is allowed to say, so Su Xingwei never mentioned it to anyone, seeing Nan Ting Liao like this now, the emotions in his heart can't be suppressed.

Nan Tingliao didn't know what to think of, and the corners of his mouth raised a few traces of tenderness: "I am like this, how can I find her?"

After finishing speaking, those eyes that were as bright as stardust dimmed immediately, and even Su Xingwei couldn't say a word when he looked into those eyes.

After a while, Nanting Liao's voice sounded quietly again: "Xingwei, I'm walking alone, you go back first."

After speaking, he opened the door and got out of the car.

The night had already sunk at this point, and the sky was full of stars dotted in the night sky, like petals one after another, covering the sky layer by layer.

The wind was a bit chilly, he gathered his clothes, and walked forward, but he didn't know where he was going. At that moment, a thought popped up in his mind, the sky was so big, and he didn't know where to go?

The appearance of seeing Jiang Shiwei again suddenly flashed in his mind, the woman's cold expression, pale and helpless, at that moment, he wanted to rub her into his arms hard.

But, how can it be?

When he let her go three years ago, it was because he knew that it was impossible for her to be with him.

It was he who pushed her away with his own hands, so how could he implicate her again?
Nan Tingliao didn't know how long he had been walking, when he suddenly raised his eyes, he saw a familiar house, which turned out to be the place where he and Jiang Shiwei lived when they got married.

Didn't expect him to come here.

How sweet he and Jiang Shiwei were back then, how painful it is today.


He sighed in his heart, and a trace of great pain flashed in his eyes, as if to crush his shoulders.

On the other side, Kitano took Jiang Shiwei away at the banquet and sent him directly to the hospital. The woman on the hospital bed was lying there pale and motionless, her black hair tightly pressed against her forehead, making her look fragile Abnormally, the thin lips were tightly pursed, as if experiencing some great pain, and even the brows were tightly wrinkled together.

She seemed to have returned to the moment when Ye Ming strangled her neck, her breathing was weak, and she felt that death was getting closer to her...

Until, suddenly came a calm and indifferent voice, that voice seemed to have never been heard for thousands of years, blasting into the whole soul, bringing out an indescribable pain.

She couldn't remember what that person said later. When Jiang Shiwei opened his eyes in a daze, there was a handsome face of Kitano with faint concern in front of him. When he saw her wake up, he immediately said: "Wei Wei, you Woke up?"

Jiang Shiwei opened his mouth and felt a burning pain in his throat, but he couldn't say a word: "..."

She pointed to her throat, Kitano understood, and quickly said: "Wei Wei, don't worry, your throat is fine, but it's been hard to speak these two days, the doctor told you to rest well."

Jiang Shiwei recalled what happened before she fell into a coma. She knew that everything was due to the incomplete book, but the most urgent task right now was to get the incomplete book as soon as possible. She didn't have that long to rest.

Raising her hand to press the center of her eyebrows, she asked Kitano to bring a pen and paper, and wrote on it: I'm going to be discharged from the hospital.

As soon as he saw this line of words, Kitano categorically refused: "Impossible, you just woke up and need to recover from your injuries. It is impossible for me to let you out of the hospital."

When Jiang Shiwei heard this sentence, his expression was obviously paused, the light in his eyes suddenly fell silent, and it took a long time before he wrote on the paper: But, I don't have much time.

She knew that it would be difficult to buy the fragmented copy from Yeming, but she didn't have much time, and when she was about to leave, Master's condition was not very good, and she was really afraid that he would not be able to hold on.

For so many years, his only wish is to see "The Fallen City" made into a film and appearing on the big screen in his lifetime. If she can't even do this, how can she be worthy of his cultivation for so many years.

As for what Jiang Shiwei was going to do, Kitano knew something about it, and looked at her like this and said helplessly: "Wei Wei, I know it is very important for you to get "Allure", but have you ever thought about it? Yeming doesn't want to see you at all, he can't wait to kill you now."

Jiang Shiwei knew this better than anyone else. If Nan Tingliao hadn't stopped her, Ye Ming would have strangled her to death.

Thinking of that man, she couldn't tell any joy or anger in her eyes, and she seemed to have lost her soul. Seeing her like this, Bei Ye couldn't help but said, "Forget it, I don't care about you anymore, you can do whatever you want."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head to the side angrily, but Jiang Shiwei grabbed his sleeve, and quickly wrote a line of words on the paper with one hand: Kitano, I will take care of myself, and I promise not to hurt myself again up.

Kitano looked at it for a long time before nodding to let Jiang Shiwei out of the hospital.

After completing the discharge procedures, it was already very late. Kitanoyi wanted to take Jiang Shiwei back, but Jiang Shiwei said that he did not want to go back to him. After all, Kitanoyi was newly married and it was not convenient for him to go there, so he asked his assistant to book a hotel.

Kitano wanted to take her there, but Jiang Shiwei refused, and asked his assistant to drive him back. I don't know if it was God's will, but the hotel the assistant booked happened to be near the place where she and Nan Tingliao lived when they first got married.

Although the place was not big, it contained all the happy memories of her and Nan Tingliao, and even Jiang Shiwei liked it more than the villa he moved to later.

Unfortunately, after she divorced Nan Tingliao, she never returned to that place.

The assistant sent Jiang Shiwei to the hotel, and Jiang Shiwei got out of the car. She didn't know if it was because of her injury. She was not sleepy at all, and although the night breeze was cold, she suddenly wanted to go to the place where she lived before...

(End of this chapter)

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