Strong attack marriage, flash marriage husband 100 points

Chapter 728 Can't You Let Me Show Chapter 1?

Chapter 728 Can't You Let Me Show It For A Time?

Jiang Shuyue looked at the man who was close at hand, obviously his eyes seemed to fall on her, but it seemed that she was not in his eyes.

It's not the first time I feel like this, but every time it makes me tremble with fear.

Who is he looking at through himself?
Jiang Shuyue's heart was pounding, flustered and at a loss. She threw herself into the man's arms and said emotionally, "Ming, I'm very happy that you can say that."

Yeming patted her on the back with a gentle and pampering look, while Jiang Shuyue's eyes in her arms became colder and colder, and suddenly said as if remembering something: "Ah Ming, take a rest first. , I'm going to touch up my makeup."

His brows were frowned, as if he was not very happy, but finally he nodded: "Go!"

Jiang Shuyue took a look at him, then turned and left. As soon as she left, a woman greeted Ye Ming, she stabilized her figure, and then left quickly.

On the other hand, Jiang Shiwei went to pick a horse. She naturally knew that Yeming's horse was one of the best horses in a hundred. She still had some confidence in equestrian skills, but good equestrian skills could not win this competition.

And the news that Yeming agreed to race with Jiang Shiwei quickly spread throughout the racecourse, including the staff inside, and they also knew that this beautiful woman was going to race with Yeming.

Ye Ming is regarded as the supreme member of the racecourse. His horsemanship is vivid and he has never been defeated. It can be said that few people dare to challenge him.

This woman really doesn't know how to live or die.

For this kind of person, one can imagine what the attitude of the staff will be. Anyway, this game, which already knows the result, is not very interested in investing, so it is not very focused when picking horses.

Jiang Shiwei looked at the horses in front of her. They were either old horses or young horses. There was no suitable racing horse at all. She frowned slightly: "That's all?"

"Miss Sunny, almost all of our horse farms are private horses. If you want to borrow horses from the horse farm, you really only have these. Please pick one as soon as possible." Is it time?Dear!
There was no expression on Jiang Shiwei's face: "Besides the horses from the racecourse, can I borrow horses from other racecourses?"

The staff stared wide-eyed and looked at her in disbelief. You must know that their racecourse is one of the best in Jiangcheng, and the horses inside are even better. This woman wants to borrow horses from other racecourses. She wants to see this What kind of horse can a woman borrow? Thinking of this, the attitude of the staff became more and more arrogant: "Although there is no such practice in our racecourse, if Miss Sunny insists on borrowing a horse, we don't disagree, but If something happens, it has nothing to do with our racecourse."

The implication is that you can borrow it, but if something happens, it has nothing to do with us, whoever loves to be responsible will be responsible.

Jiang Shiwei nodded with a smile: "With your words, I feel relieved."

With that said, she walked aside and was about to make a phone call, after all, time waits for no one.


"Little girl, you're finally willing to call me. I thought you, a heartless person, had forgotten me." The clear and sexy voice was so seductive, as if her ears were about to become pregnant.

Jiang smiled: "How is that possible."

"You miss me so much, then I'll let someone book a plane ticket to go back to see you." The man's voice became excited, and he looked eager to try.

If he was really asked to come, there would probably be an uproar, Jiang Shiwei twitched the corners of his mouth: "No need, I'll go back after finishing my business."

"Xiao Weiwei, can't you let me behave for a while?" The man's voice was full of resentment.

Jiang Shiwei could almost imagine the man's expression, and he relaxed a little: "I really need your help this time."

"It's my honor to help Xiaoweiwei."

After borrowing the horse, Jiang Shiwei breathed a sigh of relief.Although this guy is the master who is afraid of chaos in the world, but there is no way, she can only ask him to borrow it now, otherwise she can still ask Nanting Liao.

Nan Tingliao had a BMW back then, which was said to be rare. Many people wanted to buy his horse, but he never planned to sell it.

After all, horses are a kind of thing, and there is affection in raising them, and Nan Tingliao is not short of money, so as time goes by, Jiang Shiwei also knows that he has a good horse.

At the beginning, Nan Tingliao had said that he would take her to ride a horse if he had the opportunity, but unfortunately, he never went.

But no matter what, it was not suitable for her to borrow a horse from him.

What happened to Jiang Shiwei at the racecourse quickly spread to Nan Tingliao's ears. He originally wanted to make people pay attention to Jiang Shiwei's every move. When he heard that she was going to provoke Yeming without any means, he didn't know whether to praise her or not. I am bold.

Yeming is a well-known lunatic, and he also likes all kinds of strong horses. To win him is almost as difficult as climbing to the sky.

But no matter what, he has to help her, call Zhan Bei and ask him to send his horse there.

Although Yeming's horse is good, his horse is also good, at least it won't make her lose so embarrassingly.

When Zhan Bei heard the news, he secretly complained about Nan Tingliao. At the beginning, he divorced people life and death, and now he has a hot face and a cold ass. I don't know if his skin is getting thicker.

But even if he complained, he still sent the horse over.

It's just that at the same time as sending it over, I saw another person sending a horse over. When he saw that horse, Zhan Bei felt bad. Where did this horse come from? Why did this make the blood of the horse and beast boil? thing?
But a woman in a red figure came galloping, ran to the side of the horse, and smoothed its fur affectionately, but the horse even wagged its tail at her.

The woman is no different from Jiang Shiwei. She even borrowed a horse, but when she glanced at the horse she sent, she didn't know why, but she always had a strong sense of disgust.

Seeing that the time is approaching, but Jiang Shiwei has not been seen for a long time, maybe he just ran away?Of course, many people have such an idea, and many people who came to the horse race today want to get involved with Yeming, so the conversation is naturally biased towards Yeming.

"Miss Sunny has been missing for a long time. Could it be that she doesn't dare to compare with Boss Ye?" One of them asked impatiently.

The other person raised the famous watch on his wrist and looked at it: "It's probably true. After all, a woman has the guts to really compete with Boss Ye."

After all, Yeming is notoriously a ruthless character, and he can kill people when racing horses.

"What a disappointment."

"Yeah, it's so boring, but Boss Ye is still amazing, he scared that woman away even without appearing on the stage, hahahahahaha!" Everyone laughed, and the scene was very lively for a while.

It was Qiangzi who said suddenly, "Maybe she'll be here soon."

"Qiangzi, do you really like that girl?"

Generally, there are few sincere people who bring this kind of occasion. Qiang Zi dares to play, so he really fell in love with that woman.

Qiangzi hesitated and couldn't speak, just at this moment a bright voice suddenly came: "Who said I dare not come?"

(End of this chapter)

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