Chapter 745

Hearing the woman's voice, these men stopped their movements immediately, and the leader said awkwardly: "Let's play casually." Anyway, this woman can't be alive, so what's wrong with them playing early!
Seemingly understanding what these men were thinking, the woman didn't say much, and said directly: "When my affairs are over, you can play as you please!"

The men nodded, laughed and stepped aside.

And at this time, Jiang Shiwei finally saw the woman's face, it turned out to be Xue Jingchen who hadn't seen him for three years. Compared with the peerless beauty three years ago, Xue Jingchen at this moment is so skinny...Human, the whole person Exudes a horrible gloomy atmosphere.

Jiang Shuyu followed behind her. She hasn't seen much in three years, but she hasn't changed much.

Just, how could these two women be together?What are they going to do?
Just as she was thinking this way, Xue Jingchen suddenly smiled strangely: "Jiang Shiwei, you didn't expect that you would fall into my hands, did you?"

The three years of captivity made Xue Jingchen very crazy, and all of this was because of Jiang Shiwei, today she must let her taste the pain she has suffered in the past few years!

Hearing these words, Jiang Shiwei calmed down strangely. Back then, Nan Tingliao abandoned her for Xue Jingchen and forced her to sign a divorce agreement, just because he had always loved Xue Jingchen.

She looked at Xue Jingchen and curled her lips: "Miss Xue, what do you mean?"

"What do I mean?" Xue Jingchen smiled contemptuously when she heard this, and she suddenly stepped forward and slapped Jiang Shiwei forcefully: "Of course I want to treat you well, and let you taste the love I have received in the past three years. What torture!"

Jiang Shiwei's face was tilted to one side after being hit by her, and she seemed to taste blood in her mouth, but a trace of doubts arose in her mind, hasn't Xue Jingchen been with Nan Tingliao for the past three years?

He loves her so much, how could he torture her!

Before she could figure it out, Xue Jingchen slapped Jiang Shiwei again, causing Jiang Shiwei's ears to buzz. Jiang Shiwei felt blood in his throat, and Xue Jingchen became even crazier seeing her like this , as long as she thought that her life for the past three years was all because of Jiang Shiwei, she wished she could kill her.

Thinking of this, she grabbed Jiang Shiwei's neck forcefully.

Jiang Shiwei was tied up and couldn't move at all. Being pinched by Xue Jingchen crazily like this, he felt that he could hardly breathe, and Jiang Shuyu who was on the side saw that Jiang Shiwei was about to die, so he quickly stopped her: "Forget it , Jingchen."

Xue Jingchen's eyes were red, and she didn't seem to break free from her anger: "I want her to taste my suffering."

"Why bother now, we haven't finished our business yet, don't let her die now!" Compared with Xue Jingchen's insidiousness, Jiang Shuyu was in a weak state, but that His face was also twisted strangely.

Xue Jingchen let go of her hand only after hearing this, and sneered condescendingly: "That's right, I will torture her slowly, and let her know what hell is on earth!"

After Jiang Shiwei felt that the threat of death was far away, he took a deep breath like a stranded fish.

It feels like my heart and lungs are about to burst.

This Xue Jingchen is quite strong, at that moment just now, she almost thought that she was going to die, but why should she hate her so much, isn't she the one who should hate?Thinking of this, she coughed twice before saying: "Xue Jingchen, what are you going crazy about? Nan Tingliao divorced me because of you, isn't that enough?"

"Divorce? Hehe, Jiang Shiwei, do you think he really divorced you for me?" Hearing her words, Xue Jingchen suddenly became emotional. When she thought about the past three years, she wished for countless times Kill Jiang Shiwei.

All this is because of her!
Seemingly shocked by the hatred in the woman's eyes, Jiang Shiwei could clearly see the deep hatred in Xue Jingchen's eyes through the light, and was at a loss for a moment, shouldn't it be her who should hate?
Everyone in Jiangcheng knew that three years ago, Nan Tingliao abandoned her for Xue Jingchen.

Three years ago, his divorce agreement made her the laughing stock of the whole city.

That's not the most important thing.

The most important thing is that after she divorced Nan Tingliao, she went through all the hardships of life and death.

How could she not hate it.

"Isn't it? Three years ago, for you, he made me the laughing stock of the whole city. For you, he personally forced me to sign the divorce agreement. Xue Jingchen, why do you hate me! How can you say sorry to me? The only person is you!"

"Hahahahaha——" Xue Jingchen suddenly laughed wildly: "It seems that you don't know what happened back then. Thinking about it this way, Jiang Shiwei, you are quite pitiful."

Subconsciously felt that something was wrong, something was ignored by him. When he heard this sentence, Jiang Shiwei raised his head suddenly: "What is the truth?"

Those eyes that were as clear as water were full of doubts, for some reason, Xue Jingchen's mood improved a lot, but the hardship she endured in the past three years was not for nothing, since it is painful, let's all suffer together!
Thinking of this, she suddenly took a step closer, and said strangely: "Jiang Shiwei, have you hated Nanting Liao for the past three years?"

Hate, naturally hate.

She hated him several times when she was on the verge of life and death. Later, the master told her that in life, only by truly forgiving the other party can you be yourself. Gradually, she learned not to hate him, but occasionally she remembered that She still hated Nan Ting Liao when she was in heart-piercing pain.

After she hated him and let her pour all her affection on him, he suddenly didn't want her anymore.

Seeing her bewildered look, Xue Jingchen knew that she was not feeling right now. Jiang Shiwei was about to die anyway. Since she was going to die, it was okay for her to let her know the truth of the year before she died. Thinking of this, She smiled: "Because you want to know so much, I will reluctantly tell you the answer, Jiang Shiwei, listen—"

She took a hard breath.

Xue Jingchen's voice fell: "Three years ago, the reason why Nan Tingliao divorced you was because I also injected the poison of the beauty bone into you. At that time, I only gave him an antidote, but I didn't think--"

Something seemed to explode in his mind suddenly, Jiang Shiwei felt his brain buzzing, as if something was pulling hard, and even his heart lake, did he also be poisoned by the beauty bone back then?
No wonder her health got worse day by day after she divorced Nan Tingliao.

Even when she fell asleep later, and she was too sad at the time, she didn't think about this situation at all. It turned out that she had also been hit by a beauty bone.

But Su Xingwei did not research the poison of the beauty bone, so how did she survive back then?How did Nan Tingliao survive until now? Too many problems rushed into her mind like water waves, making her almost unable to breathe.

With his bound hands clenched tightly, as if he was grasping something, Jiang Shiwei heard his own voice calmly, like snow on an ice field: "Impossible, do you think I will believe you when you say this? "

Impossible, it must be fake, if she got a beauty bone three years ago, why is she fine, and Nan Tingliao is also fine, and after she returned to China, Nan Tingliao had countless opportunities to tell himself the truth, but he never said , and even repeatedly asked her to return to country S as soon as possible.

She will no longer trust him.

"I really want to record your current reaction and show it to Nan Tingliao, let him see how he gave you the only antidote back then, how did you repay him!" Xue Jingchen looked at Jiang Shiwei's face Response, laughing more and more sharply.

"Xue Jingchen, I won't believe you. There is no antidote for the beauty bone. If he gives me the antidote, he won't be able to live at all." Back then, she had already made preparations to live and die with him, but In the end, he hugged Xue Jingchen into his arms and gave her a divorce agreement.

Once she thought that they would go to the last moment, but she didn't expect that he would betray her in the end.

He failed her.

"Indeed, according to the usual practice, he really can't survive, but who made him have a Doctor Su by his side? Although he hasn't developed a real antidote, it's no problem for him to delay Nan Tingliao's life, Jiang Shiwei, The person you hate the most these past few years, but you have never thought that what he did was to protect you, how do you feel now?" Said, Xue Jingchen raised her chin, let her face her own With her eyes, she saw the calm expression on Jiang Shiwei's face, but the subtle expression still betrayed her.

She listened to what she said just now.

But she was still stubborn: "I won't believe you, Xue Jingchen, if you think I will believe your nonsense words, you might as well forget it, tell me, why did you bring me here?"

"Hey, seeing your reaction, I feel sympathy for Nan Tingliao. Everything he has done for you is not worth mentioning in front of you, but don't worry, when he comes, I will let you all be in front of him." Do not blame me for being cruel, I will allow you to be together after death!" After speaking, he patted her face lightly, and then said to the bodyguard beside him, "Hang her up for me. "

Shock flashed across Jiang Shiwei's eyes: "What are you doing?"

"Don't be afraid, I won't do anything to you right now, the game will start after Nan Tingliao arrives." Then, she made a gesture, and the two men next to her quickly stepped forward to set up Jiang Shiwei.

Jiang Shiwei wanted to struggle, but how could a woman be a match for two big men, she was restrained, and then hung up.


It hurts.

That kind of discomfort is definitely not something that can be expressed clearly in a few words.

Immediately afterwards, Xue Jingchen said to the bodyguard at the side: "Make the video clearer, let's let Mr. Nan appreciate his beloved woman."

Jiang Shiwei was hung there, watching them take their own videos, and there was nothing they could do. It wasn't until Xue Jingchen asked someone to finish the video and left, and she was the only one left in the warehouse, that she remembered It was Xue Jingchen's words just now.

Is what she said true?Not to confuse yourself?But if it wasn't true, what was her purpose of arresting herself?Is there really something hidden about what happened back then? Countless times, she asked herself why, why Nan Tingliao made that decision back then.

She loved him so much that she was even willing to die with him, but he chose to divorce herself and stay with Xue Jingchen.

However, if Nanting Liao had really doted on Xue Jingchen like the rumors outside in the past three years, would Xue Jingchen become what he is now?For some reason, Jiang Shiwei vaguely believed it.

But even so, so what?
Can she write off all the hardships she has suffered in country S in the past three years, how many times she was seriously ill, and wandered back and forth on the operating table?
She still hated him and couldn't forgive him.


Thinking of this, Jiang Shiwei gritted his teeth, but he was hung here, and there was no possibility of escaping, so why not forgive him, it would be good if she could get out alive.

Xue Jingchen didn't expect that Nan Tingliao couldn't get through on the phone and didn't reply to WeChat, so he would be so willful?After finally tying up Jiang Shiwei and trying to threaten him, but he couldn't get in touch, which was very embarrassing!

She used several people's phones to call Nan Tingliao, but they couldn't get through.

Xue Jingchen was angry, she didn't believe that Nan Tingliao didn't care about Jiang Shiwei.

But as a kidnapper, it's too embarrassing to be rejected!
This caused Xue Jingchen's mood to be extremely unstable now, and she called Su Xingwei directly. At that time, Su Xingwei had a good night's sleep and was full of energy. He was sitting in the restaurant eating noodles, sipping coffee, and tasting The side dishes cooked by Zhou's mother are very pleasant.

When Xue Jingchen called, he directly ruined this good mood. Hearing the woman's ferocious tone, he said with a little disdain: "Miss Xue, did you call the wrong person?"

"Su Xingwei, tell him immediately, if he doesn't come, he will never see Jiang Shiwei again in his life!" Xue Jingchen dropped the phone after finishing speaking.

Not long after, Su Xingwei received a video showing that Jiang Shiwei was hanging there, and he didn't know whether he was dead or alive, but it seemed that it was not much better.

Su Xingwei went to the room to wake Feng Jing up. Feng Jing stayed up all night yesterday, and her eyes were red when she was called up, completely devoid of the usual cynicism: "I just went to sleep, you won't call someone later."

"Something went wrong!" Su Xingwei stopped complaining with three simple words.

Feng Jing looked serious: "What's going on?"

A few other people came over without knowing when, and looked at Su Xingwei solemnly. Su Xingwei pressed play, and the others watched the video silently. Disappeared, looking at Su Xingwei's noble side face: "Do you want to tell Big Brother about this?"

"What are you talking about, let the elder brother die?" Su Xingwei said blankly. Since yesterday, things have developed in an uncontrollable direction. The company is in such a mess right now. The elder brother is unconscious, but after Xue Jingchen escaped , and tied up Jiang Shiwei, and now, don't say go out to save people, the eldest brother can do it, and he doesn't know how long he can last.

"But we can't let Jiang Shiwei die in vain." To put it bluntly, Jiang Shiwei has nothing to do with the whole incident. Anyone who has watched this video knows that the person Xue Jingchen wants to kill is Nanting Liao, and Jiang Shiwei is nothing. It was an object that she used.

In addition, Jiang Shiwei is so miserable now, to put it bluntly, no man will sit idly by watching it.

Silence spread among the few people, and after an unknown amount of time, Ming Lang said dryly: "No matter what, we must let Mr. Nan know, otherwise, my conscience will be disturbed." He couldn't help but watch Watching Jiang Shiwei die tragically.

What's more, Xue Jingchen didn't leave much time for them.

Right now, the Ye family are all on the side of Xue Qiyu, they can't call the police, because if they call the police, maybe they really can't save Jiang Shiwei.

Jiang Shiwei is Nan Tingliao's most beloved woman. If something happens to her, he doesn't know what the consequences will be, but she can't die.

Hearing these words, Su Xingwei's eyes fell on Minglang, with some deep meaning, and finally said slowly: "People need to be saved, but elder brother doesn't have to go in person."

"What do you mean?" Several people spoke at the same time.

"Don't forget, Xue Jingchen just said to let the eldest brother go alone, but it may not be the real elder brother." Su Xingwei opened his mouth to solve the doubts in everyone's hearts, but at this moment, he suddenly heard a voice: "I must go."

She must be saved, but he is not at ease if she is handed over to others.

"Big brother?"


Several people watched Nan Tingliao suddenly appear in shock, as if after last night, the man seemed to have returned to normal, but his eyes were as dark as ink that could not be melted, making people unable to see to the end, especially that expression, which gave people a feeling of rejection. The coldness of thousands of miles away.

His eyes looked around at several people, and finally fell on Su Xingwei: "It is impossible for a man to watch his woman have an accident and remain indifferent. What's more, this incident started by me, and it must be done by me. Solve it yourself."

Su Xingwei's expression was difficult to distinguish, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Feng Jing said: "However, this place is also inseparable from you."

If Nanting Liao really went to rescue Jiang Shiwei, what would the company do?Hasn't he always been a person who takes care of the overall situation?They can save Jiang Shiwei, but the company must have him.

Nan Tingliao looked over and saw a few people's faces full of determination, knowing that they would not agree to let him save Jiang Shiwei alone, not to mention that they didn't know what Jiang Shiwei was doing now, and now Xue Qiyu was with Ye Ming again. Lianhe obviously wanted to destroy Nan Tingliao commercially, and that lunatic Xue Jingchen, who knows what she will do now!
Everyone was waiting, waiting for Nan Tingliao to make a decision. In the end, Nan Tingliao said, "Turn on my computer."

Everyone was overjoyed, did the eldest brother decide to stay and protect the company?Regardless of Jiang Shiwei?

When Jiang Shiwei woke up again, she was let down by someone. She thought she was rescued, and a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes, but the subsequent scene shocked her in place, because Xue Jingchen was tied up from nowhere. Nan Chenfeng hung him up, and although she lowered herself from the top, she had been hanging on it for too long, and now she was aching all over, and she didn't even have the strength to struggle, so she could only stare fiercely at him with her eyes. He glanced at Xue Jingchen.

Xu felt her gaze, and Xue Jingchen's gaze cast over, with a perverted coldness: "Jiang Shiwei, look at me, I have invited Nan Chenfeng over for you, when the time comes, I want to see , in Nan Tingliao's heart, which one of you is more important."

Because of hanging for a long time, Jiang Shiwei had no strength in his body, so he resisted the urge to scold his mother and mocked lightly: "Miss Xue, do you need to ask? One of his father and one of his ex-wife, who do you think is more important in his heart?"

The expression on her face was indifferent, even if she was in a mess, it did not lose any of her elegance.

Such a woman, even if she doesn't do anything, has a height that people can't match.

Xue Jingchen looked at her indifferent expression, and chuckled lightly: "Really? If that's the case, then try it." While speaking, she raised her hand and looked at the expensive watch on her wrist. Several hours had passed, Nan Ting Liao should be here soon.

When Nan Chenfeng was hoisted up, he also faintly woke up. The moment he saw Xue Jingchen and Jiang Shuyue, he also said angrily, "What do you want to do?"

"Nan Dong, long time no see, let me take you a little time to prove a question I want to know." Xue Jingchen said lightly, but there was mad hatred in his eyes.

Nan Chenfeng looked at her, and then saw Jiang Shuyu behind her, he couldn't figure out what happened for a while, isn't he in Nan's house?But why is it here? Could it be that Dad...

Thinking of this, his complexion changed: "You release me immediately, I am from the Nan family."

"Shu Yu, listen, this man thought he was from the Nan family." Xue Jingchen laughed loudly after finishing speaking, and bumped Jiang Shuyu with his elbow: "How about, Shu Yu, You kindly explain it to him, otherwise he will not know how he died until he dies."

"You—" Although Nan Chenfeng has not been in the shopping mall in the past few years, the Nan family is still noble in his bones, how can a woman laugh at her like this.

"Okay, okay, don't be angry with Nan Dong." Xue Jingchen chuckled, but a hint of sinister flashed in his eyes: "Nan Dong, do you know who handed you over to us?"

Nan Chenfeng remained silent, but his mind was in chaos. He passed out at Nan's house, and at that time there were only him and Nan Luotian in the room.

He knew that Nan Luotian was very dissatisfied with Nan Tingliao in the past few years, but he never thought that he would do this.

For the sake of the Nan family's property, did he even collude with these people?

Is this still the father he was so proud of back then?
"It's Yu Ke'er. She handed you over to us, saying that you might be useful to us. I thought about it and found that it was useful, so I accepted you." The words were not rushed, but enough to make Nan Shen Feng heard.

Nan Chenfeng struggled desperately when he heard these words, but no matter how hard he struggled, he was just hung there.

On the contrary, Jiang Shiwei raised her head slightly unexpectedly. She clearly saw the anger and unwillingness in Nan Chenfeng's eyes. Who is Yu Keer? She is Nan Chenfeng's wife. Yu Keer escaped because of some things three years ago. Since then, there has been no trace, but she never thought that the last time she appeared was to catch Nan Chenfeng and hand him over to Xue Jingchen.

There was so much sarcasm, and no amount of sarcasm could compare to Nan Chenfeng's coldness in his heart. No wonder they hadn't found Yu Ke'er for so many years. They didn't expect her to be under the protection of his father. They really didn't expect it!

"Xue Jingchen, let us go quickly, otherwise Ting Liao will find out and won't let you go!" Nan Chenfeng shouted angrily.

"Haha, he won't let us go, I want to see how he won't let me go this time, Nan Dong, don't worry, the game is just beginning, we have plenty of time to play slowly, when the time comes, I want to see, Nan Tingliao chooses, I will let you all experience all the hardships I have suffered in the past few years!" After she finished speaking, she laughed wildly, the laughter was extremely sharp.

After an unknown amount of time, the two of them were taken out again. Only then did Jiang Shiwei realize that this was the sea, the largest sea in Jiangcheng, and Xue Jingchen had someone hang Nan Chenfeng up and gag his mouth. Although he was not hoisted up, seeing Xue Jingchen's appearance, he didn't intend to make it easier for him.

This piece of pier was a lot abandoned, and it was a bit weird everywhere. There was nothing on the shore, and there was no obstacle on the way to come. Jiang Shiwei didn't know why, but he had a bad premonition in his heart.

She always felt that Xue Jingchen would not let herself go like this, but she couldn't figure out what the reason was?Could it be that what she said was true, Nan Tingliao actually had some difficulties back then.

But no matter what she told herself, her heart still refused to forgive him.

There was a piercing chill on the big boat. Jiang Shiwei knew that Xue Jingchen was out to get revenge on Nan Tingliao, but no matter what she said, Xue Jingchen didn't believe it. Instead, she had a kind of paranoid stubbornness. It didn't make sense at all. She would still suffer, so she didn't say anything in the end, and was tied there quietly, but deep down in her heart she didn't want Nan Ting Liao to come over.

Because Xue Jingchen arranged a dead end, she couldn't let Nan Tingliao escape, but if Nan Tingliao didn't come, she and Nan Chenfeng would die.

She didn't think of having anything to do with this man when she came back this time, but she didn't think that after going around, fate would bring them together again. If she can still live this time, she must stay far away from this man.

I don't know how long it has passed, Jiang Shuyu has gone, only Xue Jingchen is sitting there playing with a silver pistol, next to her is a silver box of the same color, what is in it, the sound of the car is finally approaching .

Because of the terrain here, there is only one road leading to Matou, so when hearing the sound of the car, Xue Jingchen knew that Nan Ting Liao was coming.

When she heard this movement, she almost stood up excitedly. This man, she loved him so much back then, but he pushed her into hell with his own hands. The pain she has suffered in the past few years, she will definitely understand bit by bit. Get it back from him and Jiang Shiwei.

Didn't he love Jiang Shiwei more than his own life? She wants to see how he saves Jiang Shiwei this time. She wants him to crawl on the ground like a dog.

The car stopped far away on the shore, and a person got out of the car.

Xue Jingchen asked Nan Tingliao to search out all the weapons on his body and threw them aside before allowing him to come over.

Nan Tingliao was dressed in single clothes, with an indifferent expression, his calm expression seemed to be going to a calm banquet, his reaction made Xue Jingchen even more crazy, she told Nan Tingliao to stop, and put the weapon on her body Throw it away, or you will kill Nan Chenfeng and Jiang Shiwei.

Nan Tingliao did as he did until he boarded the boat, and Xue Jingchen told him to stop again when he was ten meters away, otherwise she would shoot.

Nan Tingliao frowned, his eyes flicked over Jiang Shiwei, and finally fell on Nan Chenfeng, his eyebrows frowned slightly.

"You took so much effort to call me here, what do you want to do?" Nan Tingliao said, his voice was indescribably cool.

"Nan Ting Liao, you have imprisoned me for three years, now you ask me what I want to do, I will naturally torture you!" Xue Jingchen looked at Nan Ting Liao, the hatred in her eyes was crazy. I didn't want to see him, but the moment I saw him, I just wanted to kill him!

"What happened three years ago has nothing to do with them. If you let them go, you can kill them or cut them up, so do whatever you want." Nan Tingliao said.

"You're going to die soon, what's the use of me killing you, Nan Tingliao, don't you care about Jiang Shiwei the most?" Xue Jingchen looked at him and said suddenly.

And when these words came out, the other two were stunned for a moment, Nan Ting Liao died soon, why didn't they know the news.

Seeming to feel the doubts of the two, Xue Jingchen said again: "Jiang Shiwei, Nan Dong, you don't know yet, Nan Tingliao was hit by a beautiful bone three years ago, and there was only one antidote at that time, and he gave Jiang Shiwei , and now that I am terminally ill, even if I kill him, it will not be enough to eliminate my hatred for him for the past three years!"

She is a young lady, but she was tortured by him like this. Thinking of the past three years, she wished she could kill him!

Jiang Shiwei was also shocked. She looked at Nan Ting Liao, because the distance was a bit far, she couldn't even see the expression hidden in Nan Ting Liao's brows and eyes, she just felt that the figure was extremely tall and said no. out of the force.

Did she also have a beauty bone three years ago?

Why didn't she know about this? Jiang Shiwei heard his own voice: "Is this true? Three years ago, I got a beauty bone?"

In the past, the problem that I had ignored by myself suddenly became clear at this moment.

After she divorced Nan Tingliao, her health began to deteriorate, and she always thought it was caused by her excessive sadness.

She never thought that she would be poisoned?Then...

Nan Tingliao didn't answer this question, he looked at Xue Jingchen and said calmly, "What exactly do you want?"

"That's a very good question. Have you seen the woman you love the most, and your father?" Her slender and thin fingers pointed at the two of them. Needless to say, Nan Tingliao also saw it.

He nodded.

"Three years ago, you gave up your conditions for treatment because of Jiang Shiwei. Let's play a game today to see whether your father or Jiang Shiwei is more important in your heart." After Xue Jingchen finished speaking, she suddenly opened the The silver box that has never been opened.

When the silver box was opened, Nan Ting Liao froze.

If he's not mistaken... If he's not mistaken, it's a beauty bone.

Seeing Nan Tingliao's slightly changed face, Xue Jingchen smiled triumphantly: "You guessed right, this is a beauty bone, compared to the beauty bone back then, I added some other things, as long as you take this bone Inject the beauty bone into Jiang Shiwei's or Nan Chenfeng's body, and I'll let you go."

After finishing speaking, she sat there, and the sea breeze blew, revealing a ferocious side face of a woman. This peerless beautiful woman was no longer as glamorous as before.

"However—" She paused suddenly when she said this: "However, in order to show your care for me in the past three years, there is an additional condition. You can only save one of them. If you choose Jiang Shiwei , Nan Chenfeng will fall from here. I specially chose man-eating sharks in this sea. As long as you fall, there will be no bones left. Nan Chenfeng, then there will be a sniper who will blow Jiang Shiwei's head off with one shot, and the two ways of death are actually quite beautiful, right?"

The implication is to let Nan Tingliao make a choice.

No matter who he chooses, the other person will die. The reason why Xue Jingchen didn't let Nan Tingliao inject the beauty bone is because she knew that even if she didn't inject it, she wouldn't be able to last long. What she wants to see now is their own Cannibalism.

Nanting Liao's black eyes are like ink, and even the starlight can't rub into his eyes: "What if I don't choose?"

"Haha!" Xue Jingchen laughed, looking at Nan Tingliao with complete hatred: "I'll give you ten seconds, if you don't choose, I'll shoot Jiang Shiwei until You choose to begin."

"Such a beautiful little face, are you willing?" Xue Jingchen stood up, walked to Jiang Shiwei's side, and pressed the silver knife against her chin, as if she would force the knife into the flesh with just a little force .

Jiang Shiwei took a deep breath, and she looked away from Nan Tingliao: "Miss Xue, do you find it interesting? If you want to kill someone, just do it. Why force people to choose like this."

"You put it nicely, Jiang Shiwei, you have no idea how much I have suffered in the past few years!"

"So what, if you hadn't insisted on marrying him back then, why would you have suffered so much?"

"You mean that I was wrong. You are the one who is obviously wrong. If it wasn't for you back then, how could I have separated from him!"

"So, you mean to blame me, then kill me first!"

"Jiang Shiwei!" Xue Jingchen raised the knife, suddenly remembered something, and said: "No, I want Nan Tingliao to kill you with my own hands, doesn't he love you the most, if the woman he loves dies in his hands Here, what is the result!"

After finishing speaking, she threw the knife in her hand on the ground, and said to Nan Tingliao, "You, come here and stab her!"

Nan Tingliao came over hesitantly, picked up the knife she threw on the ground: "Xue Jingchen, let me ask you one last time, do you want to turn back?"

Xue Jingchen looked into his eyes, and seemed to be attracted by his eyes for a moment, but then her heart was as cold as iron. This man, who caused her to be like this, and forced Xue's to be like that, if it wasn't because his father found him Helper, maybe their Xue family is gone.

So the moment she was free, she wanted to take revenge, kill his most beloved woman, and let him live in pain forever. This is the greatest torture for a man. It pierced into Jiang Shiwei's skin.

Jiang Shiwei was unprepared and almost yelled, but he held it back forcefully, because now Xue Jingchen's mind was twisted, the more she yelled, the more excited she was, so she could only stabilize her first.

"Hurry up, or I'll inject her with the beauty bone." The purple liquid seemed to be carrying the greatest sin in life, and it was about to penetrate Jiang Shiwei's body. Nan Tingliao stood there and took a long time to pick it up from the ground. He took the knife and walked over slowly.

Suddenly, Xue Jingchen realized something was wrong: "By the way, you stab yourself twice first."

Nan Tingliao hesitated, Jiang Shiwei couldn't believe it: "Xue Jingchen, are you crazy?"

"Yes, I've been crazy for a long time, I almost forgot, even if you are deeply poisoned now, but you are a man after all, if you want to save Jiang Shiwei, what should I do, the only way now, only if you are injured It's easy to handle the next step." Xue Jingchen said confidently.

Nan Tingliao held the knife tightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Why don't you do it yet? Do you want me to inject her with the beauty bone?" Xue Jingchen gently pushed the syringe in her hand, with a hint of threat in her voice.

"I'll do it!" He raised the knife and stabbed himself in the lower abdomen.

The bright red blood spilled down like red rain and landed on the boat. Nan Tingliao took a deep breath, then raised the knife, ready to stab himself a second time. Jiang Shiwei didn't know why, and almost didn't dare to watch this scene. Jing Chen laughed out loud.

"Continue, this is the first knife, there are two more!"

Nan Tingliao gritted his teeth, and stabbed his forearm for the second time. Xue Jingchen's expression became even crazier when he saw the blood, but Jiang Shiwei felt that the blood all over his body was flowing backwards, and he froze in place.

Even after these three years, she hated him any more, but the moment she saw him hurt, her heart ached.

It was a kind of pain engraved in my bones, and whenever I thought about it, it was so painful that I could tremble.

"Nan Ting Liao, why do you do this for me, why do you, I don't care for your help, you give me an assistant!" She would rather die than see Nan Ting Liao self-mutilate in front of her, she struggled to sit up , but she was tied there, unable to move at all, like a fish on the shore, she could only be slaughtered.

Nan Tingliao seemed not to have heard it, and stabbed himself in the body again.

Then he looked at Jiang Shiwei quietly: "Actually, I didn't do it for you, don't worry, I owe you this, Wei Wei." The sound of Wei Wei seemed to slip through his throat thousands of times, Finally confided in general.

Time seemed to stand still.

He said she owed her, and he did owe her. He owed himself three years ago and pushed himself into a desperate situation. Even if he knew that there was another truth in these three years, she still couldn't forgive him.

If she forgives him and can get these three years back, she is willing to forgive him.

But the three years she lost, no matter what she did, she couldn't find them back. She lived in pain for the past three years, but in the end someone told her that it was just for him to protect her. She didn't believe it, she didn't want to believe it: "Nan Ting Liao, I'm sorry, I don't accept it, I won't forgive you."

His expression seemed to stagnate for a moment: "I know."

He didn't know, she didn't know anything, Jiang Shiwei shook his head desperately, but there was nothing he could do.

When Xue Jingchen saw this scene, she suddenly burst out laughing, she just wanted to see them hurting each other but there was nothing they could do about it: "Don't stop, keep going, you have been imprisoned for three years, and you have to stab yourself three times." Knife, go ahead!"

The blood made her crazy, and also changed her temperament drastically.

Seeing so much blood, she just felt happy, as if the pain she had suffered in the past three years had been repaid a little.

Nan Tingliao stabbed himself again. After stabbing himself three times, his body was already unstable, and his clothes were almost stained with blood. He slowly walked towards Jiang Shiwei: "I have stabbed myself three times already. I have chosen to let her go now."

Xue Jingchen's face became distorted when she heard his choice, and she shouted forcefully: "You chose her, Nan Tingliao, you chose to let her go, the more you choose her, the more I want to kill her! "

As she spoke, she injected the beauty bone into Jiang Shiwei's body as soon as she exerted her strength.

With a "bang", suddenly there was an earth-shattering explosion on the ship.

Xue Jingchen was startled, and the movements of his hands stopped. Taking advantage of this moment, Jiang Shiwei struggled to stand up from the ground, while Nan Tingliao took advantage of the chaos and rushed over to protect Jiang Shiwei, but Xue Jingchen was very nervous. Quickly reacting, she stabbed with her backhand and thrust the needle forward, but it pierced into Nan Tingliao's body.

At the same time, gunshots rang out on the sea.

Someone shot the rope and broke it, and Nan Chenfeng's body fell from a height!

(End of this chapter)

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