Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1051 Black Dragon Armor

Chapter 1051 Black Dragon Armor

Zhushen Runa Buddha held a flower and smiled, reciting Buddhist scriptures silently, as if he had closed the six consciousnesses.

"It's a pity." Ah KS sighed, a little puzzled in his heart, are all human races so stupid?

But it doesn't matter, I will soon be able to occupy the bronze gate that has not fallen down for a thousand years. Compared with this outstanding achievement, these are just a little extra.

Seeing Ah KS turning and leaving, the black-clothed barbarian showed a ferocious smile at Zhu Shen, even a god can't save you now.


The barbarian in black stretched out his hand and crushed one of Zhushen's fingers, the bones inside had been turned into powder.He wants to crush his bones inch by inch and enjoy the way he screams, only in this way can he vent his hatred.

The barbarian in black squinted his eyes, waiting for the pleasant scream.

But soon he was disappointed, as if Zhu Shen didn't feel any pain, he still kept a peaceful smile.

The black-clothed barbarian crushed all the bones in his fingers in disbelief, and finally his expression became serious, staring at him for a long time.

In the end, he left him rather dull, and after casually ordering a barbarian to kill Zhu Shen, he also walked towards Tongmenguan.

The barbarian with three stripes smiled grinningly and walked in front of Zhu Shen, holding the spear high in his hand, but it didn't come down for a long time, his movements seemed to be frozen.

The black-clothed barbarian also noticed the abnormality, and flashed back to the barbarian. As soon as he touched the three-striped barbarian, he fell limply and lost his vitality.


He was able to quietly kill a three-striped barbarian under his nose in this [-] army.

On the towering city wall, a man's voice came out.

"Hey, I said monk, don't make a sound."

Hearing this familiar voice, Zhu Shen suddenly opened his eyes to look.

On the city wall, two young men, a man and a woman, sat on the city wall. The young man looked at Zhu Shen with a loose smile.The petite woman seemed to be thinking about something, her eyes drifted away.

When Zhu Shen saw the familiar figure, although he had all kinds of doubts in his heart, he finally smiled freely and said, "Benefactor Zhang, could it be that you are here to die with the poor monk?"

"I'm still young, and there's a little beauty at home waiting for me to go back. I don't want to die." Zhang Kun shook his head solemnly, causing Qian Shi to roll his eyes.

"What is the intention of the benefactor?" Zhu Shen became more and more puzzled. Could it be that he was forced to come here?
"Just passing by, I just wanted to save your life." Zhang Kun said lightly.

Zhu Shen shook his head and said: "The poor monk made a great wish in front of the Buddha, wishing to guard the Tongmen Gate all his life, and today is also the fate. If the benefactor Zhang can leave, he should leave as soon as possible, and leave the poor monk alone. "

"I can't do that. I'm a man of faith. If I say I want to save you, I must save you." Zhang Kun laughed suddenly, stood up and jumped down from the city wall, and Qian Shang also jumped off.

As soon as the two landed, they were surrounded by barbarians.

"Besides, I took the reward from the scar-faced uncle, and I can't leave you here." Zhang Kun took out a set of pitch-black full-body armor from the storage ring, even in such a strong desert sun. Under the direct light, the armor also exudes wisps of cold air, and the cold luster flows on the surface, as if approaching it, you will be plunged into darkness and swallowed by the armor.

"Black dragon armor." Standing on the high ground, KS blurted out almost the moment he saw the armor.

Ah KS stared at the armor with complex eyes, filled with engraved hatred and deep-seated fear.

In the battle that year, the three barbarians who fought were all from the Jiuli tribe, and among them was the former chief of the Jiuli tribe.

The final outcome was to be beheaded by Yanhong, and the Jiuli tribe was looked down upon by other tribes because of this, and it has never recovered since then, and it is still the weakest of the six tribes.

This man must die!
Ah KS became murderous in an instant. Since this person possesses the Black Dragon Armor, it is very likely that he is the descendant of Yan Hong. Then he will use this person's head and the Black Dragon Armor in his hand to wash away the shame he suffered in the past.

Among the barbarians, some veterans who had experienced World War I cried out in shock, recognizing the origin of this pair of armor.

One stone stirred up thousands of waves. Even if those barbarian warriors had never seen this pair of armor, they had all heard of the shocking battle back then.

So, this young man is the legendary Yan Zhenguan? !

For a moment, none of the [-] barbarian warriors dared to attack Zhang Kun, even the black-clothed barbarian's eyes flashed with fear, and the barbarian warriors around Zhang Kun subconsciously stayed away from Zhang Kun.

Seeing that everyone was staring at the armor in his hand, Zhang Kun also understood that this armor might have an extraordinary origin, not just a simple spiritual weapon.

He saw with his own eyes in the vast sea that the group of powerful monks who claimed to be the Zhenguan Army killed the three barbarians who were at the peak of their strength almost in an instant.

Later, a middle-aged man with a scarred face walked out of the army. After learning that he was going to Tongmen Pass and getting to know Zhu Shen better, he took out this armor and presented it to him, begging him to protect Zhu Shen's life.

He knew at that time that Yan Hong recognized his identity, and he might even have seen most of his secrets in an instant, otherwise he would not have asked him to do such a thing.

But until now he can feel the pressure brought by this man who calls himself Yan Hong, this is definitely the most unfathomable person he has ever seen in Dayan Realm.Even though the patriarch of the Bodhi Courtyard had a higher level of cultivation than Yan Hong, if the two really fought to the death, without reason, he intuitively believed that Yan Hong would definitely come out alive in the end.

"Great monk, can I ask you a question?" Qian Qianqian squatted in front of Zhu Shen, and finally asked without restraining her curiosity.

"Young benefactor, please ask, the poor monk knows everything." Zhu Shen saw at a glance that the little girl who was following Zhang Kun's cultivation had also reached the state of fitness, and her real age was only in her teens!What's even more rare is that her Dao heart is transparent, and it is difficult to encounter demons and bottlenecks. It can be said that she is born with a body of Taoism.

Zhu Shen glanced at Zhang Kun unconsciously. Could it be that those who are beside the evildoers are also evildoers?
"I said, great monk, your hands are like this, why are you still smiling so happily? Doesn't it hurt?" Qian Xunfa asked, looking curiously at Zhushen's soft and overlapping hands ten fingers.

Zhushen's smile froze suddenly. If someone asked this question, he might feel that it was deliberately amusing himself, but he could see that this little girl really just wanted to know the answer to this question.

(End of this chapter)

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