Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1054

Chapter 1054

The barbarians tempered their bodies and honed their combat skills. They attached great importance to body skills and martial skills. At this moment, the black-clothed barbarian was stepping on some kind of ancient war dance on the ground. His vitality rose to the extreme, as if he had awakened a certain ancient demon General strength!
Zhang Kun just stood there, motionless, as if nothing happened!
"court death!"

With a hint of mockery, the black-clothed barbarian burst out with angry fists!

Ka Ka Ka!
There were three loud explosions, and the speed of the barbarian in black had already broken through the sound barrier. His punch seemed to hit a certain node in the world, and the void shook violently, intending to shatter Zhang Kun directly!
Zhang Kun smiled faintly, and threw out a streamer!
"Boom boom boom!"

At this moment, the breath of the ancient times gushed out, as if returning to the ancient times in an instant, a dark light shot up into the sky, penetrating the entire world, the avenue neighed, and the leisurely bell rang, which was deafening and shocking !

"What, what? What's that?"

All the barbarians stared blankly at the scene in front of them!
The ancient and mysterious atmosphere is surging like a tide, it is the barren ancient lock dragon pillar!

After Zhang Kun beheaded the strong men of the twelve sects one after another, he naturally did not forget to search for their storage rings and take the treasures on them as his own. The most important piece of wealth is the eleven ancient locks Dragon pillar!

A barren ancient lock dragon pillar held the heaven and the earth, and suddenly, the color of the universe changed, and the prehistoric dragon spirit rose up, as if a huge hand firmly grasped the black-clothed barbarians!
"Are you kidding, what is this!" The black-clothed barbarian's expression changed drastically immediately, and he felt a powerful aura pressing over him, which was about to overwhelm him, this kind of oppression was too terrifying , directly suppressing the essence of the soul!
The black-clothed barbarian suddenly felt as if he was carrying a huge mountain on his back, and that heavy mountain would crush his back inch by inch!

"Those idiots of the Twelve Sect don't know how to use the desolate ancient dragon lock pillars at all. Even though the eleven lock dragon pillars in my hand are just imitations, they are ancient relics. Only by using the ancient vitality to drive them can they be used. Unleash the most powerful power!" Zhang Kun muttered to himself.

In the previous battle above the Bodhi Courtyard, the strongmen of the twelve sects used eleven barren and ancient dragon-locking pillars to forcibly imprison Zhang Kun. Destroying the world, directly tearing the chain cage apart with force!

The reason why Zhang Kun broke the blockade of the Huanggu Suolongzhu so easily was because of the strength of the demon energy on the one hand, and because the experts of the twelve sects did not master the correct method of using the Huanggu Suolongzhu!
And Zhang Kun unexpectedly discovered that when he was running the Kunyu Huazhang, the vitality in his body had a certain resonance with the ancient Suolongzhu, and the vitality flowing in his body was actually the ancient vitality!

Under the infusion of Gu Yuanqi, the prehistoric aura emerged from the Huanggu Suolongzhu, and a certain general trend evolved, as if it brought with it the most mysterious Dao and the aura of God, which can suppress everything!
At that time, Zhang Zhenhai and the others joined forces, even the eleven barren ancient dragon lock pillars could not lock Zhang Kun, but now only the power of one ancient ancient lock dragon pillar is enough to suppress the black-clothed barbarians!

The barbarian in black roared. He punched the void, but the void was like an iron wall. Instead, his fist hurt and his body shook violently. At the same time, heavy chains like a giant steel dragon came across the sky. Surrounded by black-clothed barbarians, they wanted to strangle him alive!

Zhang Kun pumped out vitality crazily, and there was a loud rumble on the ancient lock dragon pillar, and the dragon energy surged wave after wave like a frenzy.
Boom boom boom!
The black-clothed barbarians swung their iron fists again and again, shaking the chained dragon with their flesh. The steel dragon roared, and the dragon scales on the body made of chains opened wide, and it bombarded towards a certain space. The moment the chain fell, the void seemed to be It exploded, and the huge explosion triggered a terrifying chain reaction. The escaped vitality hit the barbarian army formation, killing nineteen Sanwen barbarians of the Jiuli tribe in an instant!

The barbarians roared and roared, beating the ground with their weapons, making loud noises. They were thinking of Ah KS asking for a fight, hoping to fight and strangle Zhang Kun!

However, Ah KS frowned slightly, his eyes flashed with doubts, he seemed to be waiting for something, and in the end he still didn't give the order to attack.

For the barbarians, when the warriors are fighting, they are most taboo to have other people intervene, but this is a battlefield, full of intrigues and no glory at all. Cowardly!
However, no matter what his subordinates think, Ah KS is still standing still. In fact, he wants to take the black dragon armor from Zhang Kun's hands more than anyone else, to wash away the shame of the Jiuli tribe, and to regain its glory!
However, the more this kind of moment, the more careful he is, because before he marched, he had divination to the barbarian high priest through the gold-faced barbarian, the special envoy of the barbarian king's palace, and the high priest's prophecy was vague, making it difficult for KS to understand , Now that accidents like Zhang Kunqian and Li Qingqing appeared again, General KS became extremely cautious in an instant.


At this moment, all the complex patterns on the black-clothed barbarian's body were lit up, and a formidable power erupted from his body in an instant. With a punch, the steel dragon was blown away!
"Oh my god, his strength is really great!" Qian Shi exclaimed, a bit of astonishment flashed across her face, she was also present at that battle, and she had seen the power of Huanggu Suolongzhu with her own eyes. Kun is extremely evil, and has many hole cards hidden in his body. It is really possible to be killed by Huanggu Suolongzhu!

"Boy, let's fight head-on if you have the guts, don't mess with these fancy things!" The black-clothed barbarian shouted coldly, he had aroused the power of the god pattern, and in this state, his strength instantly increased several times. He had reached the threshold of the Void Refining Realm, so he was able to ignore the power of the ancient Suolongzhu, but this state could not be maintained for too long, so he was eager to confront Zhang Kun and make a quick decision!

"That's it, then it will be as you wish!" Zhang Kun said softly, his figure moved immediately, and disappeared in place!


Zhang Kun's speed was so fast that no one could react at all. It was unbelievable that his speed in the Mahayana realm could be so fast. A seemingly ordinary punch with a powerful breath!
At this moment, Zhang Kun no longer concealed his strength at all, and he bombarded the black-clothed barbarian with incomparable precision.

(End of this chapter)

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