Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1061 Weird World

Chapter 1061 Weird World
Seeing Zhang Kun stepping into the sandy abyss, Zhu Shen stretched out his hand weakly to pull him back, but his body was exhausted to the extreme, and just raising his hand made him fall to the ground, on the sandy ground .

"Are you OK."

Now that the barbarians retreated, Qingqing and Qianlu quickly jumped off the city wall, supported Zhu Shen, and checked his injuries.

"Even the Lingtai has been damaged, so it's not too late, we have to send him to Han Customs for treatment," Qian Li said.

"But, what about Zhang Kun?"

"Trust him, let's go to Han Customs and wait for him to come back."

I don't know how long it took, but the darkness in front of my eyes finally dissipated.

Zhang Kun opened his eyes and found that he was in a strange world. No one could have imagined that in this sandy abyss, it was not the nothingness after the destruction of the world, but a strange world.

The creatures here do not exist alone, but in pairs.Zhang Kun reached out and touched the two intertwined trees.

One of them does not have fragile bark like the trees outside, but a hard outer shell, smooth, and except for the holes left by some insects, even the branches are not dead.On the other tree, however, the branches and leaves were luxuriant, except for the hollow trunk, it was full of vitality.

Where the tree trunks bend and overlap, some rainwater still gathers in it, and a strange beetle is lying on the edge of the pool to drink water.

It has two heads, and its body seems to be two different species entangled together, which is not what an outside bug should look like at all.A black body entangled with the white body, even weird.

"why is that?"

Zhang Kun was puzzled, the world was so weird that even a single tree gave him an inexplicable pressure.


Zhang Kun's heart tightened when two tiger roars came in succession. In this strange world, he didn't even know what kind of danger there was, let alone dealing with unknown enemies.

Hiding up the tree with a brisk walk, Zhang Kun had a faint guess in his heart. Although these creatures were weird, they were not out of the category of normal creatures. For example, this tree, although it looked strange, was not out of the branches, leaves, and Fix these features on the earth.

The previous sound was a lion's roar, but Zhang Kun had reason to believe that it would not grow a pair of wings and soar in the sky.

Sure enough, a big tiger with an eye-catching white forehead came out slowly, not far from what Zhang Kun had expected. It had two heads, one black and one white, and the two bodies were entangled together. There is a flame, but there is a drop of water on the other head.

Water and fire are compatible?

No, they are still two different bodies, just kinked together by some weird force.

Coming to this conclusion, Zhang Kun moved his body closer to the hiding place. The opponent's strength was unknown, and it would be risky to act rashly. He decided to observe first before making a decision.


A somewhat familiar voice came.

Zhang Kun looked in the direction, but he turned out to be a barbarian with a golden face. His strong body was covered with various scars, and even the gold pattern on his face fell off, and drops of blood dripped down the iron chains on his arms and ankles. .

He didn't have the Black Dragon Kai that Zhang Kun was wearing. When he entered this world, he suffered a lot of injuries and looked very miserable.But the warlike and ferocious nature of the barbarians seems to be engraved in the bones, and it has not changed at all. When facing an unknown enemy, the first thing that comes to mind is not to observe, but to fight directly!


The two-headed tiger seemed to understand the meaning of the golden-masked barbarian's words and let out a roar. Two heads and four pairs of eyes were staring at the golden-masked barbarian. One white paw was constantly digging the soil, and one head suddenly turned towards the man. Going forward, another head followed.

The golden-masked savage smashed the chain at the two-headed tiger, but the two-headed tiger quickly dodged. Both heads opened their mouths at the same time, and water and fire spewed out almost at the same time!
Water and fire are two incompatible things, but at this moment, they are perfectly integrated together, and they do not reduce each other's power.


The golden-masked barbarian waved the iron chain in his hand fiercely, and smashed it on the water and fire beads. The thick iron chain could not withstand the erosion of water and fire in turn. In just a few breaths, countless cracks appeared, and collapse was imminent!

"This two-headed tiger is interesting."

Looking at the scene in front of him, Zhang Kun was thoughtful, Qianmo in his hand seemed to be aware of his thoughts, the sword body trembled slightly, as if expressing his opinion.


The thick chain couldn't withstand such an attack any longer, it shattered into tiny pieces of iron and fell to the ground.With one hit, the opponent's weapon was destroyed, and the two-headed tiger let out a demonstrative roar, as if it was very satisfied with this kind of battle!
However, to the surprise of Zhang Kun and the two-headed tiger, the golden-faced barbarian was not at all depressed, and even a pair of eyes burst out with warlike hunger!

too fast!
Zhang Kun only felt a flash in front of his eyes. The golden-faced barbarian had already arrived in front of the two-headed tiger. He clenched his big hands into fists and slammed on the two-headed tiger hard!
The two-headed tiger was in pain, and quickly retreated, but the golden-masked barbarian succeeded in one blow, and immediately pursued the victory!The huge fist was wrapped in gusts of wind, and it pressed the cat on the head of the two-headed tiger tightly. The power contained in this fist can be imagined!

But at this time, the two-headed tiger had just avoided the golden-masked barbarian's fist, and his feet hadn't landed yet, so he couldn't change his direction at all.Seeing that the fist was about to land on his body, the two-headed tiger roared, split its body in two, and hid to the sides.

The golden-masked barbarian's fist hit the tree, and a tree as thick as two people broke in response!

Two tigers, one black and one white, stood on either side of the golden-faced barbarian, staring at this formidable enemy.But they were not in a hurry to attack, because the fist of the golden-masked barbarian was too domineering!

At this moment, Zhang Kun stayed on the tree, suddenly felt a little strange, and quickly jumped down from the tree!The moment Zhang Kun left the tree, a little fox with eyes of different colors appeared, and its sharp claws fell on the place where he hid before.

Zhang Kun's face was a bit dignified. Now that he was attracted by this weird fox, and below him was that weird two-headed tiger, and a strong enemy like the golden-faced barbarian. For a while, the situation was quite unfavorable for him!

The golden-masked barbarian immediately gave up his goal and rushed directly to Zhang Kun. The task given to him by KS earlier was to kill this alien race.

Without the shackles of the iron chain, the speed of the golden-masked barbarian was more than [-]% faster than before!In the previous fight, he could hurt himself with a single blow with the chain, but now he only has Qian Mo in his hands, and he is facing such a strong enemy!
(End of this chapter)

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