Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1066 Fish Intestine Sword, Stab!

Chapter 1066 Fish Intestine Sword, Stab!
Zhang Kun sat on the ground, held Qian Mo in his hand, closed his eyes, and began to absorb the spiritual energy.

He did this with some confidence, it was Qian Mo who led him into the sandy abyss, and the way to decipher the special vitality here might be found in Qian Mo.

It's a pity, if the sword fairy is still there, maybe he can help him solve his doubts.

A whole day and night passed before Zhang Kun woke up from the state of meditation, but he didn't find the answer he needed from Qian Mo, so he decided to look around first to learn about the world.

Since it is a secret realm left by the two great powers and has such distinctive features, as long as you find a certain concept they want to convey, you may be able to use your vitality. The golden-masked barbarian's chances of winning are also huge.

Thinking of this, Zhang Kun left the cave and followed the path, patiently observing every plant.

At his feet, a snow-white flower was blooming. Zhang Kun looked at it and thought that it might be the only normal-looking creature in this weird world, at least it seemed that way.

He squatted down and picked off the flowers. From the stems, thick black ink flowed out.

"Sure enough, the things in this secret realm are made of the interlacing of black and white substances, but in different ways."

Throwing away the flowers casually, Zhang Kun walked forward slowly, and saw a tree, which was far from what he had imagined when he first came here. It was not a combination of two trees, but a single tree. , with flowers of two colors, one black and one white, which is completely impossible in the real world.

Inexplicably, the content of the previous two Taoist priests' arguments emerged in his mind.

"Life is good."

"Human nature is evil."

If good and evil are represented by black and white, then isn't the state of all creatures in this world the reflection of the hearts of people in the world?
Good and evil, black and white, always exist in people's hearts, not one.

Some people, like the two-headed tiger, coexist black and white without affecting each other. At critical moments, black and white are divided into two and separated from each other.

Others, like the twin tree, grow and grow the other by sacrificing one.

There are also people, just like the flower before, who hide evil deep in their hearts, and what they show to the world is always goodness that is as white as jade.

Since there are so many forms of getting along, why do these two obsessions still exist?These scenes are the manifestations of their obsessions.

Shaking his head, Zhang Kun sorted it out a little bit in his heart.

When he raised his head and looked at the half-black and half-white sky, he thought of the blue sky in the outside world, and a flash of understanding suddenly flashed in his heart. This world is not black and white, but more, just that Eye-catching gray.

No matter how good a person is, there will always be times when he does evil, and no matter how evil a person is, there will always be moments of kindness.And when it comes down to morality, that is, Taiji produces Liangyi, and this black and white Liangyi gives birth to four images and gossip.

The obsession of these two people, the way to untie it is to return to the original, to return the two instruments to Tai Chi.

It's just that we still need to think about how to make this statement more complete.

Zhang Kun sat quietly on the tree all afternoon, then nodded: "Yes, this should be fine."

"The task is updated, and the morality of two obsessions is obtained."

Hearing this familiar voice, the corners of Zhang Kun's mouth curled up slightly.At that time, although his consciousness was blurred, he still kept such important events in his heart. Isn't it the voice of Jingyu who issued tasks to himself every time?

Zhang Kun got up, but he didn't go to the center of this secret realm, but wandered around the edge. He needed to try again.

Walking through a bush, Zhang Kun looked around cautiously. Since he wanted to test it, he had to make it seamless. Otherwise, his purpose would be exposed, and that person might just take it away.

"what are you doing?"

The system's voice came, but this time it was less cold and more scolding.

In the past, as soon as it issued a task, Zhang Kun would do it immediately. Today is an exception, which made him feel a little uncomfortable suddenly, just like a dog that has been raised for several years. The dog was so disobedient, he didn't pay attention to him when he was asked to sit down, and he ran around and had fun.

"I want to kill the golden-masked barbarian first. If he suddenly jumps out while I'm subduing Daoyi, wouldn't it be a waste of all previous efforts? Moreover, he has not been in his prime after fighting a group of wild beasts. It's a good opportunity for a sneak attack."

Zhang Kun thought up his speech early in the morning, explained something, and then continued to lower his body and walk through the forest.

The golden-masked barbarian was cleaning his wounds by the stream. He had fought with a group of wild beasts for a long time yesterday, and he had many scars all over his body. The biggest scar was on his shoulder. The solid muscles were torn apart, and even the white bones could be seen.

He picked up the stream water with his hands, washed the dirt from the wound, then chewed the picked leaves and daubed them finely.

The pain made him grimace a little, but he had to bear it. The teeth of these beasts had a lot of dirt, which would make the wound fester and infect.Washing the wound and applying chewed leaves can prevent this from happening. This is the experience accumulated by the barbarians for thousands of years.

Zhang Kun hid in the distance and watched carefully. With a chuckle, he put Qianmo back into the mirror field, and then took out the fish intestines. Although he didn't have sword skills, it was indeed the most suitable weapon for sneak attack.Short and sharp, he only needs to hit the vitals, and he will never please.

Although I can't use my vitality, but... Looking at the beasts hiding in the dark, the corners of my mouth slightly curled up.As long as I can seriously injure him, and then evacuate, once the smell of blood wafts away, these beasts will definitely attack him in groups.

At that time, you don't even need to do it yourself to solve this trouble.

After treating the wounds all over his body, the golden-faced barbarian glanced sideways at the animals that were about to move, raised the dagger in his hand, and shouted in protest.

Seeing the beast receding, he sat down again. He didn't close his eyes all day and night. He just felt so tired that even his throat was so dry. After seeing the clear spring water, he bent down and drank the stream water in big mouthfuls.

Even so, he tilted his head as much as possible and kept observing the surrounding situation. Once the beasts moved, they would be able to spot them immediately.

However, those beasts didn't move, instead they took a few steps back subconsciously. Although the golden-faced barbarian was puzzled, he was still very satisfied. Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of a reed floating in the stream.

"Strange, what is this?"

He immediately stopped drinking water and picked up the reed.

Since he came to this world, he has been fighting wild beasts, so he didn't know that the plants in this world are also so magical.

When he raised his head, there was a cry of surprise.

There is actually a person underwater.When drinking water earlier, the water reflected sunlight, and his attention was on the beast, so he didn't pay attention for a while.

By the time he found out, it was too late.

Yuchang sword, stab!
(End of this chapter)

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