Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1068

Chapter 1068

"Two seniors, the junior is here to bother you again."

This time, without waiting for the two morals to speak, Zhang Kun spoke first, and then stood 15 meters away from the pool water.With the previous experience, Zhang Kun would not foolishly think that standing ten meters away is absolutely safe. They definitely have countless ways to pull themselves in.

However, to his surprise, the two Taoist priests ignored him, but sat opposite each other, as if making some decision.

Seeing this, Zhang Kun let go of his voice and shouted: "Two seniors, I'm here to unravel the two questions about good and evil. I wonder if we can meet by the pool."

The black-robed Taoist shook his head helplessly: "White-robed, I'm giving you a chance now, which one would you choose?"

"what chance?"

The white-robed Taoist priest was a little confused.

"Opportunity for liberation, you and I have been trapped here for tens of thousands of years, born by obsession, I think it is good to die by obsession, if we leave this world, we have no meaning of existence, just like a Just like everyone else, spend the rest of your life empty."

The white-robed Taoist sneered disdainfully: "Why, it's because the savages you cultivated these past few days have disappointed you, that's why you express such emotion?"

"No, you and I left this place because of the obsession of later generations, just like the desires that gradually increase after people grow up. As for the meaning of life itself, it has long been forgotten."

The black robe patiently explained.

Bai Pao finally got a little interested. These few days they caught a few barbarians for training, but the results were not satisfactory, which made him very upset. Hearing that the black robe expressed a different point of view from before, he raised his eyes slightly: "Oh? I would like to hear more about it."

"We are different from those human beings. From the moment we were born, we knew what to look for and what to do. If you and I hadn't been trapped here for a long time, how could we have the idea of ​​going out and looking outside?"

"This matter has nothing to do with the good or evil of human nature. I just want to say, have we taken a wrong step?"

After listening, Bai Pao also fell into deep thought. After a long time, he sighed softly: "Do you think this kid can give us the answer we want?"

The black robe nodded silently.

Only then did Bai Pao get up, and sighed: "Then listen to his opinion, if you can be liberated from this, and you are no longer confined to this world, it will be a kind of relief."

Almost in an instant, the two came to a position ten meters away from the pool, and they looked at Zhang Kun together: "Please enlighten me, little brother."

Heipao was the first to speak: "Compared to my little brother, I already know my point of view. Human nature is evil, but it is good."

The white robe on the side yawned, and then said: "Human nature is good, and it is the influence of the world that breeds evil. Our two opinions, who is right and who is wrong?"

Zhang Kun shook his head slightly: "Before answering, I would like to ask you two questions. The so-called right and wrong, who distinguishes and when?"

Hearing this question, the two Taoist priests frowned slightly, and the black robe returned first: "Secular right and wrong have already been written into the code, and violations become mistakes and should be punished."

After hearing this answer, Zhang Kun laughed loudly, pointing at the black robe and the white robe, but he still refused to say that sentence.

He wants to whet the appetite of these two people as the price for taking away himself a few days ago!

The black robe obviously saw through Zhang Kun's tricks, and sighed helplessly: "You don't have to do this at all, little brother. You are also a blessing in disguise. We fought, and although we lost, we still took something from him."

The meaning of these words was very vague. Zhang Kun could feel that the consciousness in his sea of ​​consciousness was about to move, so he quickly put on a puzzled look, and looked at the two Taoist priests: "What do you mean?"

"Guess it for yourself."

The black-robed Taoist grinned. Although he didn't snatch the body, it didn't affect their disgusting people. Four days ago, when Zhang Kun woke up, the two of them found out, but they didn't tell the truth. .

Since I can't get this body, no one else can get it, at least I have to disgust him.In order to wash away the shame placed on his hands.

"The brain is sick."

Zhang Kun scolded very cooperatively. This is the most suitable answer for an uninformed person. Therefore, Zhang Kun thinks that he has done nothing wrong.

He waved his hand helplessly: "I don't care too much about you, I want to go back to see my brothers and sisters, and you should get rid of it earlier, so I'll just say it directly."

"All right and wrong are just because we look at the problem from different angles. There is no right or wrong in this world."

The black-robed Taoist pondered for a while, and then asked: "There is right and wrong in everything, but the difference is not obvious. Why is there no right and wrong?"

But the white-robed Taoist waved his hand and turned around without looking at Zhang Kun, the meaning of which was already very obvious.

But this was not beyond Zhang Kun's expectation. In the end, he changed the sentence that he had been arguing about for thousands of years, which was meaningless. This recipe is fake, it makes people angry for no reason.

Zhang Kun knew that some things should not be rushed to them, but to guide them to think, only say three points of everything, and let them guess the rest, which would be more convincing.

Human nature is like this, he believes that these two obsessions will not be an exception.

"Mosquitoes bite people, why is there no one to punish them when they slap them to death?"

Zhang Kun raised the first question. In the Tai Chi world these days, mosquitoes infested him every night, and he didn’t dare to use up his little vitality, so he was very uncomfortable, so he gave an example.

"Because it bites people, spreads diseases, and satisfies its own selfish desires, regardless of other people's feelings. This is an act of selfishness, and it doesn't matter if you shoot it to death."

The white-robed Taoist priest spoke sharply as soon as he came up. If Zhang Kun hadn't been prepared, it would be difficult to resist these words.

Presumably Zhang Kun deliberately did not tell him the answer, which made him dissatisfied, so when Zhang Kun asked a question, he became a little angry.

This is the expected answer, Zhang Kun smiled slightly: "Mr. Baipao is starting from the human point of view, you might as well listen to me explain this matter from the point of view of mosquitoes."

(End of this chapter)

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