Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1070

Chapter 1070
Thinking of this, Zhang Kun stretched fiercely, watching the world dissipate sadly, and the familiar world reappeared before his eyes.

This is an oasis, with gurgling water nearby, and cactuses that are common in deserts in the distance, and far away, there is long yellow sand.

Returning to reality, Zhang Kun picked up the water and took a sip beautifully, feeling unprecedented comfort both physically and mentally.

Ever since he discovered that there is still a consciousness hiding in the sea of ​​consciousness, Zhang Kun has been very depressed in his heart. He does not allow others to take away everything from him so easily, but he is powerless to resist. He couldn't take advantage of it, so it was conceivable that if he changed himself, he would definitely be helpless.

But when he unraveled the doubts of the two obsessions in the Tai Chi world, Zhang Kun suddenly became enlightened.

Those two Taoist priests not only entrusted themselves with the morality of black and white, but also taught themselves how to deal with consciousness in the sea of ​​consciousness. After talking about it, he only demonstrated it in the sea of ​​immeasurable energy, but Zhang Kun understood the true meaning of it.

It's not that I want to refuse, but I can refuse the influence of that consciousness on myself. My life is in his hands. The only thing I can do is to constantly disrupt his layout. In the end, as long as there is a problem with one point, The whole plan can only be scrapped, not to mention many points.

"Thinking about it this way, these two Taoist priests are not bad."

Zhang Kun couldn't help thinking that the white-robed Taoist priest also taught Zhang Kun a little skill, that is, lip language, which also awakened him. In the sea of ​​consciousness, it is the manifestation of the practitioner's consciousness and exercises, etc. He couldn't see anything about these things, but he could hear everything that happened outside, so he would only use this method to communicate with anything related to Duoshe in the future.Make sure that your actions will not be discovered by that consciousness.

In addition to these more important gains, there is another icing on the cake, that is, the method of barbarian cultivation. In addition, his own Qi Sea is still full of black and white vitality for the time being, and ordinary exercises cannot be used at all. Before eradicating that consciousness, he decided to rot in his stomach.

In this way, the sea of ​​energy is limited, and it is understandable to cultivate according to the barbarian method, and people can't find faults.

Just as Zhang Kun's thoughts were flying, the wet sand at his feet moved slightly.

"Where to run!"

Zhang Kun suddenly lowered his body and grabbed the Sand Snake with one claw. Just now it was about to sneak attack Zhang Kun, but was scolded by Zhang Kun and hesitated for half a second in fright. During this half second, Zhang Kun caught it. His seven inches, glanced at the nearly half-meter-long sand snake, and Zhang Kun nodded in satisfaction: "It can make a snake soup."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Kun took out the fish intestines from the mirror field, quickly dissected them, and roasted them on the fire.

Although it has been bigu, but I haven't eaten for a long time, I still miss these mortal delicacies. They don't pay too much attention, not even seasoning, and just put them in your mouth and start chewing after they are cooked.

During the meal, Zhang Kun sorted out the things he needed to do recently, and decided to find someone first, ask for the location, and then go to the Han Customs to find Qian Shang, Qing Qing and others. I don’t know if I have been missing for the past few days. Own.

Qingqing, who was on the gate of Hanhaiguan, suddenly sneezed and rubbed her nose. She looked blankly at the yellow sand outside Hanhaiguan: "Who is thinking of me?"

"Qingqing, this kebab is delicious."

Qian Xun held several meat skewers, walked over while eating, and patted Qingqing's thin shoulder: "Would you like to try it?"

After getting along for a few days, Qingqing also knows the virtue of Qian Shang's delicious mouth, so it's not surprising.He ignored her, just supported his head and looked at the yellow sand outside, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Pick me up, Tongmenguan has been occupied by barbarians, and barbarians may invade here at any time, so you have to be like eagles, keep your eyes open, and report any trouble immediately!" Yan Hong was wearing a suit of armor. , followed by a group of followers, patrolling the soldiers on the city wall.

Seeing this, the soldiers quickly straightened their backs.

Two days ago, after the barbarians conquered the Tongmen Pass, Yan Hong asked to strengthen the vigilance. Two soldiers were lazy at this pass. After being discovered, according to the military law, they were beaten to death. Now they are lying on the bed of the barracks and crying. , they don't want to be next.

Seeing that the soldiers did not relax, Yan Hong felt a little better. If he was at the Tongmen Pass and his soldiers were guarding the city gate, why would he need to come up to make inspections like this?

To put it bluntly, Han Customs has not experienced war for many years and has become lax.And although he has quite a few subordinates, due to the terrain, Han Pass is larger than Tongmen Pass, and there are more places to be guarded, so his manpower can barely make up for this vacancy.

Looking at the vast yellow sand outside the Han Customs, Yan Hong's heart surged for a while, how long can this Han Customs hold on?
If there is no follow-up support, those twelve sects refuse to send people over, then it is only a matter of time before Han Customs falls, and what is even more exasperating is that these guys are actually ignoring Han Customs' embarrassment now!Still fighting!I don't know the news that the barbarians are about to invade!
If the Han Pass is breached, the barbarians will be able to completely open the gap. They can pass through Tongren Pass upwards, and cut off the connection between Junshan Pass and Beizhen Pass downwards, thereby breaking them and completely tearing apart the border between the barbarians and humans!

This is a matter of human life and death, but these guys!

Yan Hong was so angry that he punched the city wall, but he didn't use his vitality, otherwise, the half-meter-thick city wall would have lost a layer of skin no matter what.

After Yan Hong left, one soldier cautiously asked the other: "What's wrong with General Yan Hong?"

"Whatever he is, a defeated general only dares to show his prestige in front of us small soldiers."

"Hey, even General Yan Hong has been defeated, the barbarians seem to be making a big move this time."

"Why do you always think so much? Haven't you heard that Yan Hong has been bought by the barbarians?"

"how is this possible……"

"What's impossible? Think to yourself. After so many years of fighting with the barbarians, contact with the barbarians is almost inevitable. What if there is some overlap? Maybe there is a little barbarian girl hiding in General Yan Hong's tent."


Although Yan Hong walked far away, she was a cultivator after all, her ears were very sensitive, her fists were gradually clenched, but in the end, she just let out a helpless sigh and let go of her fists.

He also wanted to make an excuse, but in fact, he couldn't, couldn't do it, and didn't even have the intention to do so.

With the enemy at hand, what are these people thinking?
It's at this juncture, are you still engaging in infighting?
Back at the barracks, Yan Hong rubbed her face vigorously, patted her face, and walked into the tent: "Zhu Shen, how do you feel now?"

 I was busy writing the script yesterday, so I forgot to repost and update it. Let’s post it together today.Congratulations to all book friends, happy little holiday!
(End of this chapter)

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