Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1072

Chapter 1072
"Yan Hong, you are just a defeated general, how dare you act arrogantly in front of me?"

Han Mingzhi was confident, seeing that the two were about to fight here, but a bad news came.

"The city gate has fallen!"

This news hit Han Mingzhi like a thunderbolt, and he was stunned for a moment, not knowing what to do.

Outside the barracks, someone shouted and fled.

When this word appeared, Han Mingzhi couldn't hold back the throbbing in his heart anymore, turned around and ran: "Run away!"

"This bastard!"

Yan Hong quickly caught up, and kicked Han Mingzhi to the ground with the cold blade resting on his neck. She suppressed her anger a few times before subduing the killing intent in her heart: "Come on, take this Bind up the deserters!"

"Yan Hong, you bastard, do you know who my father is! This kind of mortal situation, if you die, don't drag me into the water!"

Han Mingzhi cursed loudly, and the soldiers who came with him had long since lost their will to fight. When they saw the soldiers at Tongmenguan coming up without changing their expressions, they quickly raised their hands and surrendered.

"Yan Hong, you bastard! I want my father to kill you and let your whole family be buried with me! Haha! Your whole family must die!"

Yan Hong was irritated when she heard it, and she plucked her ears: "Zhang Er, stop his stinking mouth for me!"


Zhang Er is one of Yan Hong's guards, and he respects Yan Hong quite a lot. He has had enough these days, and he wants to let out a bad breath. Looking at the white handkerchief in his hand, he sneered and took off his boots , stuffed the stinky sock into Han Mingzhi's mouth.

Yan Hong didn't organize when she saw him, seeing his murderous eyes on her, Yan Hong shrugged indifferently: "Please be a little bit knowledgeable, I, Yan Hong, except for the soldiers of Tongmen Pass, I am a loner."

Turning around, looking at the flames gradually rising to the west, Yan Hong's face was a bit embarrassed, she didn't expect these barbarians to invade so fast.No, to be precise, it should be, I didn't expect that the combat effectiveness of Hanguan's soldiers is so poor, even if my subordinates don't rely on guarding the formation, they can compete with the barbarians for an hour or two without retreating half a step!

"General, what should we do next? Shall we go back?"

Zhang Er suggested that at the Tongmen Pass, they have always attacked the barbarians, but now, it is time to carry forward the style of soldiers at the Tongmen Pass. The number of people is smaller than that of the barbarians, so don't hesitate to charge directly!

The battle of Yanhong outside the Tongmen Gate back then did deter the barbarians, but at the same time, the soldiers at the bottom also relied on their fresh lives to kill the barbarians who were known for their bravery!
Yan Hong patted Zhang Er's head angrily: "Be smarter! How many can you go up and change? Will it work?"

"It's okay, don't worry, I'll just follow your arrangement."

Zhang Er grinned. This is the trust accumulated over the years. In just 5 minutes, the Tongmenguan soldiers who were originally scattered in every corner of Hanhaiguan by Han Mingzhi gathered together and consciously arrived at their positions. Sentry posts, guards , square formation, everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Yan Hong boarded the sentry tower built in the barracks yesterday, looking at the whole situation.

There are too many enemies. The only good news is that most of the barbarian teams have not yet entered. The best solution at present is to activate the guardian formation, divide the barbarians, and then send elite soldiers to guard the gate of the city, and then wipe out the rioters in the city. barbarians.

But now, the most urgent issue is to stabilize the morale of the soldiers of Han Customs.They fled and resisted too much. Many soldiers did not have blood on their bodies, but the color of their crotches was a bit dark.This is common among people who are seeing a barbarian charge scene for the first time.

"Zhang Er, pass my order. The fourth team is responsible for opening the guardian formation. The rest of them line up and press forward! Anyone who retreats, beheaded!"


The orderly and loud shouts even startled the fleeing soldiers, one by one looked to this side, as if seeing a refuge, they rushed over.

"Help me."

"Help me, the barbarians are coming!"

Hearing these chaotic shouts, Yan Hong felt dizzy. This useless shout was of no use other than letting the barbarians find their way, making the people into a mess, and making it difficult for the army to attack.

How could these people not know how to fight?Not even running away!
"A bunch of trash!"

Yan Hong raised her sword and swung it forward: "General Han Mingzhi has an order! The plan to lure the enemy into deep has come into effect. Now everyone, take up arms and fight back. Those who violate the order will be punished and killed without mercy!"

The so-called driving sheep into wolves is probably the true portrayal of Yan Hong's heart now, but he has no choice but to make up an excuse to let these people return to the battlefield, I am afraid that the entire Hanhaiguan will be lost like this.

Stabilize most of the troops, and then let your own troops take the lead in charging, give them confidence, follow in the footsteps of your own men, and you will be able to reverse the entire defeat.

Barbarians are not scary, they are not much stronger than human cultivators, the only thing worthy of praise is their indomitable momentum, facing such enemies, they can only be more fierce, ruthless, and more reckless than them!
Fortunately, the layout of the Han Customs has not changed, they are all long straight roads, which is the most suitable terrain for charging.

Killing a soldier trying to escape with a single sword, Yan Hong shouted angrily: "Come on! If you go forward or back, you will die! Take up weapons, and your parents will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of their lives. If you run away, you will be implicated by the nine clans! Kill!"


Yan Hong was the first to rush out, no matter whether it was a human or a barbarian, they couldn't escape the power of his sword!

And the soldiers at Tongmen Pass shouted loudly and followed Yan Hong's footsteps closely.

The sound of swords colliding, shouts of killing, and the wailing of countless people were mixed together, and blood was soon sprinkled all over the street.

Zhang Kun was sitting on the restaurant, beside his table, there were no less than ten corpses of barbarians. The wine in his glass was stained red by the blood of the barbarians, but he didn't care at all. He picked up the glass and drank it down. do.

His luck was very good, he met merchants in the oasis, and followed them to Hanhaiguan.Originally, he wanted to go directly to Qingqing and Qianlu, but this group of businessmen insisted on treating him to a meal as a reward for repelling the barbarians and saving the goods.

Zhang Kun couldn't resist these people, and he didn't know the location of Qian Shui and Qingqing, so he followed them to the hotel, planning to inquire about some news here, but he didn't expect that the barbarians invaded shortly after he sat down.

After drinking the blood wine, a sense of pride suddenly came from the bottom of his heart, and he slammed the wine glass on the ground: "Zhi Zhi eats the meat of barbarians hungry, and laughs and talks about drinking the blood of barbarians thirsty!"

Taking out Dongyue, Zhang Kun jumped down from the restaurant: "Come on! Let's have a good fight!"

(End of this chapter)

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