Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1078

Chapter 1078
The moment the thunder light fell from the sky, Zhang Kun raised the pitch-black Qianmo sword in his hand. Amidst the dazzling white light, a slender blackness remained silent. The speed, and the great power that is coming.

It was humble, but stubbornly raised its head, and a slender black light greeted the thunder that fell from the nine heavens.

Lightning raged across the sky and the earth. Countless barbarians who had no time to retreat were swept away by the overflowing ray of lightning, and their bodies were no longer intact. Their bodies that had been burnt into black charcoal fell to the ground in a slump.

Shocked by the power of this move, all the barbarians roared in panic, wanting to evacuate this place of right and wrong, but how difficult it is for an army of nearly ten thousand people to flexibly dispatch, countless barbarians can only watch Lei Guang struck at him, surrounded by equally flustered companions, they were powerless to resist.

In front of the Han Pass, no one could resist the might of the thunder.But there was another person, the solid black in his hand was like a stubborn grass, facing such power, he didn't back down, the dark light flickered, but he didn't fall down.

"Sword skills, the world is your teacher!"

As the strange spells in Ning Cheng's mouth were slowly uttered, the slender black rays of light slowly gathered together. They slowly gathered from this piece of heaven and earth, and countless pitch-black seedlings seemed to grow on the ground, stretching out. The body seemed to feel the call, and seemed to know that this piece of world was about to usher in catastrophe.

Outside the Hanhai Sea, the originally slender black seedlings suddenly grew.

"What is this? Is it another human practice?"

A barbarian raised his foot, and immediately a black air gushed out from below. He couldn't figure out where these things came from, and even didn't understand what it was for.

"Go away! These nasty humans, who know how to engage in these crooked ways all day long, have the ability to fight me for three hundred rounds!"

Another barbarian threw his fist to smash the black mist, but his fist landed in the air after all. The black mist was like substance. With one punch, they gathered together again in the next moment, endlessly.

"Damn human!"

The barbarian roared, he was unwilling, as a barbarian, what he hated the most was such a situation, facing these weird moves without even seeing his opponent, this made him extremely angry and waved his fists in vain.

Except for those who could see Zhang Kun, all the barbarians outside the Han Pass waved their fists, trying to drive away the black mist that came out inexplicably, but it was futile after all.

Yan Hong dragged his exhausted body up the city wall, and there was no barbarian left on the entire city wall. Aware of his arrival, a few vines that were about to move raised their heads slightly, but they saw clearly that it was Yan Hong, and then quietly lurked.

"Is it Qingqing?"

Yan Hong looked around and found that Qian Lie was lying on the city wall, and behind him were the soldiers of the Tongmen Pass.

"Qianxi, how is the situation now?"

He hastily stepped forward to inquire that it was Qian Lu and Qing Qing who brought Zhu Shen back to Hanhaiguan that day, and he still trusted the strength of these two people. If he had known that they were still staying on the city wall, he would not have to worry so much.

"General Yanhong, when will the guardian formation be activated?"

There will be answers to Yan Hong's questions, and Qian Shui looked at the scene outside Hanhaiguan and asked.

"It has been activated, and there are still 3 minutes at the latest. The formation will completely protect the Han Customs. Although Han Mingzhi is stupid, he is still smart. He has activated the air-restricting formation. Otherwise, our situation will be very serious." It's dangerous."

If Han Mingzhi didn't even open the air-forbidden circle, those four-striped barbarians would have jumped on the city wall long ago and started killing. How could it be their turn to take action?
"Zhang Kun, you have to come back alive."

After muttering a sentence silently in his heart, Qian Shang ignored Yan Hong, but looked at the figure of that person outside the Han Pass under the glaring light.

"This is?"

Yanhong also noticed something strange in front of the gate of Hanguan City. Although the lightning bolt was powerful, its coverage was only less than 40 meters, and there seemed to be a figure in it.

"Is it him?"

Yan Hong naturally remembered Zhang Kun, and remembered that young man. When they first met, his courage was enough. He heard from Zhu Shen that Zhang Kun had never had the slightest fear even in the face of the barbarian army.

The second meeting was before, when he alone slaughtered the barbarians until blood flowed into rivers. Even under such circumstances, he was still able to maintain his rationality and analyze the situation clearly.

It was he who blocked the gate of the city, so that the barbarians had no follow-up reinforcements. Otherwise, Yan Hong and the others would have been unable to defeat the barbarians guarding the large formation. Yan Hong is very aware of this.

Seeing that his situation was not good, Yan Hong pulled out Yan Luo, and was about to jump off the city wall to help him: "Zhang Kun, don't panic! I, Yan Hong, are here to help you!"

Just stepped on the wall, before jumping off, a thunder flashed in front of him, Qian Xun looked at him coldly: "You go down, it's just a burden, if you want to die so much, I can help you."

Qian Xun believed in Zhang Kun from the beginning to the end, not because she didn't want to use her brain, she never hesitated or overthought what Zhang Kun asked her to do, but this movie meant that she didn't know how to analyze the situation, on the contrary, Her mind is very clear, even if the situation is unclear now.

The barbarians on the city wall are only a strong barbarian with three stripes, even with his toes, he can think that the rest of the strong barbarians with three stripes and four stripes are rushing to the guardian formation, and Yan Hong fought against them before. It is already a miracle to be able to come here alive, and it is absolutely impossible to still have fighting power.

Seeing Yan Hong's hesitant to speak, Qian Xun rolled his eyes at him: "Trust him, and the only thing you can do is go to the gate of the city and meet him."

With one word to wake up the dreamer, Yan Hong hurriedly led them to the gate of the city.

When Yan Hong appeared in front of the gate of Han Customs, it was the end of Zhang Kun's first time running the world as a teacher. The first time he used it, it was unavoidably a little jerky. Moreover, facing such a powerful thunder calamity, Zhang Kun also had some feelings in his heart .

The so-called strong wind knows the strength of the grass, which is probably the case.

The more difficult the environment, the more it can inspire a person's innermost feelings.

At the moment when the thunder light fell, according to the method of using Tiandiweishi's sword skills, he completely emptied his heart and thought of many things, but it was only a short moment, those past things flashed in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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