Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1087 Something Worse Than Death

Chapter 1087 Something Worse Than Death

After collecting the elixir, the president did not rush to study it, but patiently asked Zhang Kun to sit in his room. Now that the elixir was obtained, he had more time to study it. He had offended the great alchemist earlier, so naturally It is necessary to explain well and make an apology.

"Then go sit down, I like quiet."

As soon as he walked to the door, the president quickly asked Zhang Kun to sit in, and couldn't wait to explain what happened earlier.

"Sir, please forgive me for the rude behavior of the old man. Wait, you can take all the things that come into this house as long as you like. It will be regarded as the old man's apology. Please give the old man a chance to explain."

"Tell me why."

Zhang Kun asked lightly. In fact, he simply didn't want to stay outside, because it was too eye-catching.

He still doesn't want to be famous so early, it's not good for his future development, the so-called "Tao" word, just follow the heart.

"Actually, the old man was helpless. That Jingping is a lazy bastard. If it wasn't because there was really no other way, how could I choose him to train? To be honest, the barbarians invaded last night, and my few favorite students , died tragically, and I am old, and I have the ability to make alchemy, so there must be someone to pass it on."

"In the entire branch, I am the only great alchemist. I urgently need someone to help me share the hard work. The war is coming, and the demand for elixir is great. Although Jingping is useless, it will help It’s still okay to refine some low-level pills, so I want to give him a favor first and let him be completely tied to the branch.”

"Praise him as a genius, increase my status among the alchemists in Hanhaiguan, and then call on those alchemists to refine pills and provide them to the soldiers."

After listening, Zhang Kun also understood what he meant.

To put it bluntly, because of his age, he may not be able to bear the bumps of leaving here, so he has already been tied to Hanhaiguan.

Zhang Kun nodded, expressing his understanding. He also needs to rest in Hanhaiguan for a period of time, and then go to the holy land of the barbarians, the barbarian valley, to completely solve this trouble on his body.

As for Qingqing and Qianlu, he didn't know if he would be able to come back this time, and he didn't plan to take them with him.

"Bring my medicinal materials, it's getting late."


Hearing Zhang Kun's urging, the president couldn't say anything more, and got up to urge his subordinates.

Not long after the president left, a woman in a hot dress came in and bowed to Zhang Kun. Most of the white ball seemed to jump out of her clothes. Seeing that Zhang Kun was unmoved, she smiled slightly , walked to Zhang Kun's side: "The president told me to come with you to see if there is anything you are satisfied with, and then make a list. He asked me to send you a message, take whatever you want here, including me."

Zhang Kun cast a cold glance at the woman in front of him. Although she was quite handsome and had a very hot figure, she always carried a sense of worldliness, which he didn't like.

Even, a little tired.

As a late stage of the Fit Realm, coupled with the status of a great alchemist, there will be countless people who want to get in touch, but Zhang Kun will never forget Lin Yuxi, this seemingly ordinary woman.

In terms of appearance, Lin Yuxi was indeed not outstanding, but the kind of purity engraved in her bones was unmatched by anyone else.

"Get something."

Zhang Kun said lightly.

Seeing this, the woman took a step back tactfully, stood there, and ordered the people outside to come in one by one.

"This is thousand-year-old ice silk, and it is an important medicinal material for refining ghost fire pills."


"This is cold wood. It can be taken by people who practice ice-attribute exercises. It can improve their cultivation and stabilize their foundation."


"This branch is the bodhi tree branch treasured by the president. Don't worry about its dark appearance. This is the trace left by the original Dao lightning strike. It is said that Dao and Buddha were two opposing schools at first. Branches can coexist with two kinds of morality, so it is very rare."

"I want it."

"Put it on sir." The woman ordered.

What Zhang Kun valued was the original Dao Lei on this branch. With its existence, the difficulty of refining the body of the life-defying common people would be greatly reduced.


Zhang Kun picked a total of nine kinds of medicinal materials, and then stopped. What he needed was enough. The reason why he didn't stop now was to see what other weird things the president had.

"This is a little girl from the Nanban. It is said that although the men of the barbarians don't use their brains very much, these women are very smart, and they are very powerful in sex."

The corner of the woman's mouth curled into a smile, and someone brought in a little barbarian girl.

This girl was captured a few days ago, and the president was thinking of giving it to the big shots above to try it out, but now because of the barbarian invasion, the plan was abolished, so he brought it to Zhang Kun to pass.

The girl from the barbarian race was naked, and she was carried and pressed in front of Zhang Kun. Although she was a barbarian, her skin was surprisingly white, even much whiter than that of the humans in the interior.

Even though she was being pressed down, the little girl did not lower her head. No matter how embarrassing she was, she still raised her head.

"Which tribe are you from?"

Zhang Kun suddenly became interested, but it was not that he wanted to try new things, but that deep down in his heart, war should always belong to men, and women and children should not pay any price for these things.

Especially in the barbarians, men are superior to women, and barbarian women have never participated in all war discussions, but when the war started, they had to go to the battlefield.

"No comment."

The barbarian girl raised her head stubbornly, refusing to answer Zhang Kun's question.

"Stubborn, slap your mouth!" The woman next to Zhang Kun couldn't sit still. She hated these barbarians very much, and immediately wanted someone to teach this barbarian woman a lesson.

In the past, it was because she was going to be gifted to a big man, so no one dared to touch her, but now, the situation is different. A gift that no one wants has no value in existence.


Zhang Kun waved his hand, stopped the woman's movement, stepped forward, and asked the two escorts to let go.

The barbarian woman stood up from the ground at once, raised her head, and turned her head: "It's up to you whether to kill or cut, but we, the barbarian, have never bowed their heads to die."

That generous appearance made Zhang Kun clap his hands: "Yes, I appreciate you very much."

For Zhang Kun, even those barbarian men are not as decisive as this woman, she is like a pot of strong wine that burns through the entire throat.

"But, you have to know, there are many things in this world that are more terrifying than death."

Zhang Kun smiled lightly and stretched out his hand to tuck the messy hair on the woman's forehead behind her ears.

"Do not touch me!"

The barbarian woman shouted angrily and raised her hand to fight back, but how fast Zhang Kun reacted?Grabbing the barbarian woman's waving hand, she smiled softly: "Don't take any chances, what you worry about will happen to you soon, if you don't want to come with me."

(End of this chapter)

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