Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1090

Chapter 1090
"Thousands of scorpions!"

It's not because Zhang Kun's soul is stronger than that consciousness and can withstand the power of thunder disaster, but because he has a thousand scorpions, a genius who uses thunder!
"Help me protect my soul, I want to enter the life-defying body."

Qian Shang nodded without hesitation. If he was talking about other aspects, he might not be able to do it, but it was just using Leifa. For her, it was as simple as eating and drinking tea.

Zhang Kun's consciousness separated, and Qian Xun quickly used thunder to protect him, and Zhang Kun entered the body of the life-defying common people.

What he has to do is to maintain this illusion, and the thunder calamity in the body of the rebellious common people is fierce, and it is no longer suitable for the illusion that the soul is in charge!Only in this way can he take back the control of the life-defying common people from the hands of Nadao consciousness.

Wandering in the dantian of Qihai, Zhang Kun refined the ownerless primitive Dao Lei little by little, and then maintained them in this trend. After working hard for an entire hour, Zhang Kun finally refined all the original Dao Lei, thanks to In the world of Tai Chi, the acquired morality, his comprehension of the original Dao Lei is already very terrifying.

After refining Daolei, Zhang Kun originally planned to use Daolei's power to expel the power of Buddhism, but something unexpected happened to him.


Among the life-defying creatures, the original Dao Lei is the majority, and the Buddha's name is also overwhelmed, but after Zhang Kun refined the original Dao Lei, he was shocked to find that he could actually refine those Buddha's name!

"Buddha is the Tao?"

Zhang Kun suddenly remembered the question that the black-robed Taoist priest had pondered for a long time in his mind.The reason why the original Dao Lei can coexist with the Bodhi Branch is precisely because of this unbelievable saying that the Buddha is the Tao.

Thinking back carefully, this is indeed the case. Taoism’s palm thunder is dedicated to souls, while Buddhism’s Buddha name and economics are both born to suppress souls. Although the two have different beliefs, there are many similarities in the way they deal with things. It's just another way of saying it.

During these leisurely thoughts, Zhang Kun has regained the control of the life-defying common life body, and arranged the body of the life-defying common people in the appearance of the original Dao Lei and the Buddha's name, and Zhang Kun threw it back to Jianqiu among.

If he didn't put the Fate-Defying Creature Body back to Jianqiu for a long time, I'm afraid that consciousness would guess and be wary of Zhang Kun's every move.

This is too dangerous for Zhang Kun now.

He hasn't grown up yet, and the means laid down by that consciousness have not been pulled out, but two of them have been dealt with. His mental strength is not strong enough, and his consciousness is not strong enough. These are just some cards for himself.The most important thing is to use the magical place between heaven and earth to suppress the power of the soul.

Savage Valley, we have to find a time to lure him over there!
However, before Zhang Kun could think of a solution, the consciousness said: "The mission is to find a treasure land or medicinal materials that warm and nourish the soul. The time limit is within one month. If you can't achieve it, you will die!"

Hearing the rather harsh conditions, Zhang Kun suddenly realized, did he hurt his soul by mistake?

You must know that the entire interior is very large, except for the time spent asking people and searching, there is almost no time left.This is simply forcing Zhang Kun to search immediately, but how could Zhang Kun do what he wanted.

He can't tell the wild valley now, it will inevitably arouse his suspicion, what Zhang Kun needs to do now is to delay, go to Yan Hong's place tomorrow, and the two of them will stage a big drama quietly!
Obediently agreeing to the system's request, Zhang Kun collapsed on the bed and fell asleep.

Lying on the bed, the corners of his mouth are slightly raised. Now, he already knows one thing, that is, in his sea of ​​consciousness, he is not an invincible or even powerful opponent. He also has weaknesses and will be defeated. There are also things you can't see.

"If it continues like this, my chances of winning are not small."

Zhang Kun secretly thought that the soul in his sea of ​​consciousness was injured and urgently needed nourishment, which meant that the injury was serious, so he would delay for a while, wait until he was extremely weak, and then trick him to the wild valley, and take him down in one fell swoop!
The next day, Zhang Kun came to Yan Hong's military tent. He sat alone in the tent, looking at the extinguished fire in front of him, under the thin smoke, there were sparks flickering.

He looked at the pile of documents piled up on the table and rubbed his headache.

Seeing Zhang Kun walking in, he quickly greeted him with a smile: "Why, what can I do for you?"

Zhang Kun glanced at him, his eyes were already bloodshot, although he was smiling, he still looked a bit out of breath.

"For them, death on the battlefield is the best destination."

Zhang Kun said in relief, this is like a cultivator, even if he dies, he must die on the road of breakthrough. This is the decision he made when he chose this road.

He had heard about Yan Hong's subordinates. A group of wounded soldiers killed four barbarians at the cost of all their deaths. This record was insignificant, not even worth mentioning, but thinking of the wounded soldiers, they dared to form a team Zhang Kun also has a lot of feelings in his heart about such things as charging.

"I know that this is their choice, and I respect them. What worries me is that there is no news of the reinforcements from the interior, and the twelve sects are still fighting among themselves, and they all ignore the safety of the border!"

After finishing speaking, Yan Hong sighed helplessly: "If the mainland can give our frontier army the greatest support, how dare these barbarians clamor at the border."

Looking at Zhang Kun's young face, he felt a little better: "There will always be talents in the interior, but there are too few people like you who are willing to contribute to the frontier army."

Zhang Kun naturally knows the fierce fighting methods of these frontier troops, but he also knows the problem of insufficient quality of frontier troops. These are ordinary people left after being screened by big families. Even after training, they cannot make up for the lack of talent. gap.

He didn't have any solution to this matter, so he had to say some nonsense to comfort Yan Hong: "The Taoist and Buddhist sects will send people out soon. They are a big gang in the world. As long as they set an example, the twelve sects will not be able to do so." Don't let go of internal fighting, and contribute to the frontier army."

Although the Taoist school pursues a happy and long life, they are also the first to jump out to do things when there is a disaster every day. As for the Buddhist school, Lin Yuxi is a Buddhist disciple today. With her temperament, it only takes four or five days to send someone to support the frontier army It's just kung fu.

"Let's not talk about that, today I mainly come to ask you one thing, is there any treasure that can restore mental strength?"

As he spoke, Zhang Kun stretched out his hand and wrote the words Wild Desolation Valley on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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