Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1099 She's My Man

Chapter 1099 She's My Man

Lin Yuxi tidied up her clothes, changed into Buddhist attire, and then slowly walked onto the stage.On the high platform, a long table has been prepared, with scriptures and sandalwood on it, and a little smoke rises.She sat on the futon, picked up a scripture, and was about to save the soul of the dead, when a discordant voice sounded: "Wait a minute!"

It was the same chubby businessman from before, he ignored Yan Hong's cold gaze, and walked straight onto the stage.

He knew that Yan Hong would definitely not do anything to him at this time, because he was a businessman from Han Customs, and he was also the businessman who was about to provide Yan Hong with military expenses. If he hurt himself, it would be difficult for Yan Hong to get any support from the business world in the future.

"Everyone, I have a word to say before I get over it."

The big-eared businessman first bowed to all the soldiers in the audience. These are necessary etiquettes, but, with his fat body, bowing is like the head on the ball rolling down the ball to the position of the navel.

Many people suppressed their smiles, and even their sadness was diluted a little. However, these were just the reactions of the merchants, and the faces of the soldiers standing under the stage were frighteningly gloomy.

If it wasn't for Yan Hong standing by the stage to signal them not to act rashly, they would have rushed up and beat up the fat man long ago!

"What kind of person is this person? Dare to mess around in our farewell ceremony?"

"Baby bastard, I will kill you sooner or later!"

"Where did the beast come from? Why doesn't the general give the order? I can't help it!"

Anger gradually spewed out from the eyes of each soldier, but they all restrained themselves and did not explode on the spot.

Seeing so many soldiers below, the fat-headed and big-eared businessman looked gloomy, and was a little puzzled for a while. He had clearly prepared the etiquette, but, how could he be hated by so many soldiers?
He didn't understand, but he didn't need to understand, because he believed that what he said later would definitely resonate with these soldiers, and then he would drive this filthy woman out with him!
"Everyone, the buddha you invited was resting on a certain man before, and their relationship is close, maybe they did dirty things last night, you would be willing to give such a woman to your brother's salvation ? With his mouth that licked someone else's ##?"

The fat man looked at Lin Yuxi proudly. They had no enmity at all, but at this moment, the businessman found an opportunity to reduce his military expenses for Yan Hong, so he had to step on Lin Yuxi hard and knock her down to the ground. .

Originally, the fat man thought that these people would respond immediately, but he didn't expect that after he said these words, the whole scene was silent.

"Are you really allowing such a dirty woman to save your brother?"

The fat man once again emphasized the central point of the whole thing, this woman, and those dead souls.

However, there was still no response. The fat man was a little panicked, and quickly looked at the businessmen who had been talking about it before. At that time, they agreed to build momentum together, but now, the whole scene has become a farce by himself.

Where the big fat man couldn't see, Zhang Kun slowly put the modest ink in his hand into the mirror area. When the fat man stepped onto the stage and started to say those words, Zhang Kun knew his purpose and his reinforcements. Who, so, while the big fat man was speaking impassionedly, he came in front of these businessmen in an instant, and the Qianmo in his hand left a shallow knife mark on everyone's neck.

It is precisely because of this knife mark that their so-called social status and wealth are so useless. After seeing clearly that the person who came was Zhang Kun, they all shut their mouths tightly and dared not speak.

When Lin Yuxi was targeted, Zhang Kun immediately stood up. If they said that there was no relationship between the two, they would absolutely not believe it!Now, he didn't dare to move anymore, for fear of being angered by Zhang Kun and losing his life.

After finishing all this, Zhang Kun stepped onto the stage step by step, raised his head slightly, walked up to the chubby businessman, rubbed his chin: "You just said that Lin Yuxi is dirty."

The fat-headed and fat-eared businessman took a step back subconsciously, and looked at Zhang Kun timidly.The cold killing intent on his body hurt him a little.

"I'm telling the truth, and I bet you did something dirty with her yesterday, no, I saw it with my own eyes!"

The fat-headed businessman continued to argue.

"Is it."

Zhang Kun did not refute, but chuckled. The next moment, he took out the Qianmo sword from the mirror field. With a wave of the sword, the black blade was already attached to the merchant's neck.

"Help! Yan Hong, why are you still standing there! If I die, you don't even want a cent of the military expenses!"

He screamed and wanted to lure Yan Hong to save his own life, but he miscalculated one thing, Yan Hong herself hated these people who ran amok on their territory.

If it weren't for the fact that his military expenses hadn't been settled yet, I'm afraid he would have done it himself.

Seeing that Yan Hong hadn't moved, the businessman's knees softened, and he knelt on the ground suddenly: "I was wrong, please don't argue with me, adults don't remember the faults of villains. Don't kill me."

Suddenly, he thought of Lin Yuxi, since she is a disciple of the Buddha, she must treat sentient beings generously, so please!Only by begging her can I live a small life.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly knelt and crawled to Lin Yuxi's side, kowtowed and begged for mercy: "Please let me go, I will visit Buddhist gates more often in the future, I will build more temples for you, and I will worship the Buddha!"

Lin Yuxi couldn't bear it. Although this businessman was a bit hateful, he was not guilty of death. When he was about to speak, Zhang Kun gave him a hard look: "Don't worry about it, I will kill this man!"

"Buddha, you have to be sensible, don't be influenced by these outsiders!"

The businessman wailed, begged, and yelled for a while, only to find that Lin Yuxi hadn't moved, while Zhang Kun was getting closer and closer to him.He panicked all of a sudden, pointing at Zhang Kun, with snot and tears streaming all over his face: "You demon! How dare you confuse Buddhist disciples, the entire Buddhist sect will not let you go! At that time, the entire Buddhist sect will be yours Enemy, I have money, a lot of money! As long as I think about it, countless people can kill you! Why do you kill me! Buddha, why don’t you save me!"

"I want to kill you, so I kill you. As for the Buddha, she is mine!"

After finishing speaking, the Qianmo sword in Zhang Kun's hand slashed across the air, and the bright red blood flew in the air. Under the dazzling sunlight, it was crystal clear and very beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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