Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1101 Secret Weapon

Chapter 1101 Secret Weapon
After a brief chanting, countless golden light spots rose from the ground and quietly suspended in the air.

Not long after, those spots of light rushed towards Yan Hong and the others.

On the other hand, Lin Yuxi exhausted her vitality, her face was a little pale, the ancient Buddha descended, this move was something she came across in the Buddhist temple, and this was the first time she used it, once this move was used, everyone who could hear it The souls of the dead under the name of the Buddha can be saved.

"Everyone, these are the frontier soldiers who died in Hanhaiguan. If you have anything to say, please say it early. Later, the ancient Buddha will lead them to the road of reincarnation and avoid the various punishments and pains of hell."

After finishing speaking, Lin Yuxi stepped off the stage. She was no longer needed here, and she also needed to find a place to rest well. She didn't rest well last night, and now that she was exhausted, she was exhausted for a while.

Zhang Kun put his arms around her slender shoulders and sat down to rest.

Those golden spots of light lingered in the crowd for a while, and all gathered in front of Yan Hong. Yan Hong's imposing seven-foot man, his eyes were inevitably a little moist.

These are brothers who once fought side by side. Now that they are about to reincarnate, they still haven't forgotten that they are generals, and they haven't forgotten their original intention of joining the frontier army to protect the territory.

"You guys, follow the ancient Buddha to reincarnate. In the next life, I, Yan Hong, will be your brothers again!"

After finishing speaking, Yan Hong took out the Yan Luo in her hand and held it in front of her body: "I, Yan Hong, will swear to the death to guard the border! Life after life! I, Yan Hong, will wait for you to come back here!"

After finishing speaking, those golden spots of light were displayed one after another behind Yan Hong, a row of ten people, neatly like an army formation, and they flew into the air after the military ceremony was over.

Watching the ancient Buddha and countless light spots disappearing into the sky, Yan Hong collected her emotions before standing on the stage again: "Brothers! Although the barbarians have been repelled temporarily, they will definitely commit another crime! Hanhaiguan is the last place on our human frontier. A barrier! There must be no mistakes! We must guard this place and wait for those brothers who died to gather here again!"

"This time, with the help of Brother Zhang Kun, we successfully defended the Han Customs, but what about next time? We can't always rely on one person, we have to be the pillar of the entire Han Customs, instead of pinning our hopes on brothers body!"

"So, this time I invited all the rich merchants and rich people in Han Customs. There is only one purpose. Behind me is the center of Han Customs. I want to build an inner city here, and I want to transform Han Customs into a solid building. The fortress! Let the barbarians never be able to break through! And everyone's contribution to Hanhaiguan, I, Yan Hong, will remember it in my heart! If there is any request in the future, as long as you say a word, our frontier army will definitely come!"

"Today is the day we see our brothers off, and it is also the beginning of the Han Pass, where there will be no more barbarian invasions!"

After all this was said, the workers behind Yan Hong dismantled the platform and began to build the inner city.And Yan Hong also walked in front of this group of businessmen. In fact, he can fully afford the construction of the inner city. However, if he wants to build Hanhaiguan into a fortress, it is not enough to build an inner city. He needs more money. Within the large formation, countless guardian formations are being built. Even if the barbarians come again and destroy the core of the protection formation, they can still rely on the area covered by the protection formation to resist.

The resources required for this are massive.

Yan Hong looked at the group of businessmen and held her head up: "Please also support me with all your strength."

A group of businessmen hesitated a bit. If Hanhaiguan fell, they could continue to do business in the inner land, and there was no need to invest all their capital here.

Yan Hong was also aware of it, but he had nothing to do, he had nothing to do, businessmen lived for profit, and without profit, they would definitely not give any money to support!
He has talked to these people countless times in the past few days, with little success.

At this moment, Zhang Kun came over and patted Yan Hong on the shoulder: "It's okay, if Hanhaiguan falls, with my strength, no one can stop me if I want to leave. As for these people, let me know A list."

After speaking, Zhang Kun took Lin Yuxi and left.

The businessmen only felt that cold sweat was pouring down their backs. They must have some information about Yanhong. Moreover, judging from the attitude of the two of them, they have a very close relationship. If Hanhaiguan falls, Yanhong will definitely defend it until he is killed. But Zhang Kun is different, he is not an orthodox frontier soldier, but a non-staff member...

The scorching sun shone on their skin, and there were bursts of burning pain from the knife marks left by Zhang Kun on their necks, reminding them all the time that if they offend Zhang Kun, they will only die.

"I am willing to donate all my wealth, and I can promise that before the reconstruction of Hanguan Customs is completed, [-]% of the net profit will be used every month to fund the frontier army."

Someone started it, and the whole thing went a lot easier.

"I'm willing to spend all my wealth, but the business in Han Customs is not doing well now, and I also need to manage the store, so I can only do my best."


Yan Hong glanced at them gratefully, but was more grateful to Zhang Kun in his heart. He was an orthodox frontier soldier and a general, so it was not easy to attack these people, so his progress had been very slow. Now he has With Zhang Kun's help, the whole thing became much easier.

On the ground where the inner city was built, everything had been cleaned up. According to Yan Hong's instructions, several workers dug a nearly two-meter-deep pit on the ground.

Han Mingzhi was tied up by a group of soldiers and sent to Yan Hong.

After several days of captivity, Han Mingzhi finally saw Yan Hong, and immediately shouted: "Yan Hong, you better know what you are doing! The entire Han Customs is under my jurisdiction. What you are doing now is tantamount to seizing power! This I think you know what punishment you will receive in the frontier army."

Yan'er ignored Han Mingzhi's clamor, but said lightly: "Han Mingzhi lost his defense at the Han Customs. The enemy is in front of him, but he only knows how to blackmail his comrades. This is corruption. The team under his command is vulnerable. This is laziness." , Now that the evidence of the crime is in the face, it is a big talk, this is sophistry!"

"According to the rules of the frontier army, you will be buried in front of the gate of the inner city, and you will be trampled and scolded by thousands of people!"

After finishing speaking, Yan Hong waved his hand, and several soldiers pushed Han Mingzhi into the pit.

"Yan Hong, I curse you to a terrible death! You bastards, barbarians are vicious, without my help, I want to see how you can guard the Han Pass! At that time, all of you will have to be buried with me!"

At this moment, a soldier suddenly ran up to Yan Hong: "General Qi, five thousand barbarians gathered 500 meters west of Hanhai Pass. The leader is a four-striped barbarian clamoring to destroy the city."

"Hahaha, God help me, Yan Hong, you all have to die here today!" Han Mingzhi laughed loudly.

But Yan Hong was unmoved, and lightly ordered: "Arrange three thousand elite soldiers, today is the time to try the power of the secret weapon."


(End of this chapter)

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