Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1106 Cold and Long Night

Chapter 1106 Cold and Long Night
Although the head of Qingdeng was a little puzzled, he still followed him to the camp.

The soldier said to wait a moment, and went to the kitchen. The wait lasted for two hours, until the sky gradually dimmed.

A few soldiers outside the tent couldn't help snickering: "Those stupid donkeys are still waiting, it's so ridiculous."

"What are you laughing at? Did the general agree to what I told you?"

"Agreed, the general also said a word, let us punish to death, it is best to put all these bald donkeys back to the courtyard wall to feed tonight!"

"Haha, the general is still protecting his weaknesses. Zhang Kun is a member of our frontier army. If he provokes the frontier army, the consequences will be very serious."

"That's right, did the cooks get the food ready?"


Just when the head of Qingdeng and others were so hungry that they could hardly bear it, a soldier came in with a plate in his hand: "Masters, please eat."

The dozen or so soldiers who followed behind him served dishes one after another, and after taking a look, the face of the head of the Qingdeng became uglier than pork liver.Buddhism has always paid attention to vegetarianism and does not kill animals, but unexpectedly, these soldiers broke a table full of meat for themselves!
The most important thing is that these meats can't smell the smell of meat at all. Instead, they have a faint fragrance of vegetables. The group is already very hungry. Although it is meat, it tastes like the vegetables they eat on weekdays. I couldn't help swallowing, but because of the Buddhist rules, I could only watch.

"What do you mean?"

The head of Qingdeng looked at the soldiers, his eyes were full of raging fire.

The soldier in the lead glanced at the table in doubt, and hurriedly asked everyone to take it away, and said with a smile: "I took it wrong, our general likes to eat meat, but he doesn't like the taste of meat, so we can only use this kind of food." The method, every time the general eats meat, his mouth is full of vegetables, so people can't notice it, it's really an excellent method."

How could these soldiers not understand the ridicule of the soldiers?Isn't this implying to them that although they are all vegetarians, they eat meat?

Although their faces were ugly, they still endured it one by one. However, a group of soldiers carried a big bucket and put it on the table, and took out several wooden bowls, put them on the table and said: "Use it slowly."

After speaking, several soldiers left directly.

The head of Qingdeng's fist has been completely clenched, wishing he could slam the door out now, the stench coming out of the barrel, what else could it be if it wasn't feces?
Buddhism walks in the world and is admired everywhere, no one has ever dared to despise my Buddhism like this!

"You guys have a word for Yan Hong..."

However, before he finished speaking, those soldiers knocked on the iron basin that had been prepared long ago, and roared at the top of their voices, not caring about the reaction of the head of Qingdeng at all.


He came out with a flick of his sleeves and walked away, looking very personable and extremely chic.

But only the head of Qingdeng knew that his heart was filled with anger, and even once raised the intention of retreating.However, he was suppressing his anger tightly, and he could vaguely sense that if he retreated at this time, it would have a great impact on the reputation of Buddhism.

He wants to leave this place of right and wrong, then calm down and think, and then make a decision.

Seeing that they were about to reach the gate, it was not a coincidence that Yan Hong was also at the gate of the barracks, chatting nonsense with two soldiers.Every one of those dirty and obscene words hurt the nerves of the leader of Qingdeng.

"I didn't expect that General Yan Hong, whom everyone respects, would be such a low-class person."

The head of Qingdeng couldn't bear it any longer, pointed at Yan Hong and shouted sharply.

However, Yan Hong smiled slightly: "A sow blew just now? It sounds like it's about to go into heat, brothers, let's go to the pigsty to have a look."

After finishing speaking, he led a thousand people to the Buddhist residence.

The head of Qingdeng couldn't stand such insult any longer, and shouted: "All the disciples of the Buddhist sect leave Hanhaiguan! This land polluted by demons is not worth saving!"

At this moment, the civilians gathered outside the barracks exploded with a bang.

A fearless man roared loudly: "Buddhism is about to retreat! I heard that they were frightened by the ferocity of the barbarians. General Yan Hong's persuasion is useless!"

"I didn't expect people in Buddhism to be so greedy for life and afraid of death. This is a big deal. I will spread the news in the inner land later!"

"I think everyone should stop believing in Buddhism. How about we join the Taoist sect?"


Hearing these messy rumors spread at a terrifying speed, with people pointing and pointing at them along the way, the head of Qingdeng was so angry that he almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

What he didn't know was that the demon in his mouth, the unforgivable demon, was the benefactor of the entire Hanguan Pass and the hope of the frontier army to retake the Tongmen Pass. Such a person must not be allowed to be slandered by others.

At the beginning, Yan Hong planned to let the soldiers buy off the common people to do this scene, but unexpectedly, these common people were all against the same enemy, unwilling to ask for anything, and clamored to fight the blue lantern master.

Amidst the accusations of the common people, the head of the Qingdeng finally returned to the Buddhist Anza camp. However, looking at the monks who were starved to death, and the common people who "kindly" provided them with meat , he broke into the camp, just as if all this hadn't happened.

However, after resting in the tent for less than 10 minutes, the biting cold chilled him out of bed.

"What the hell is this weather!"

After cursing casually, he decided to buy some cotton clothes to wear.

During the day, it was so hot that even an egg could be cooked when it fell on the ground, but now it was bitingly cold, and the water basin at the door had been frozen into a whole block of ice.

This is the characteristic of the desert. The temperature difference between day and night is huge. The people of Hanhaiguan who live here all year round naturally understand these things. They prepared cotton clothes early, lit the fire, and heated the kang head.

The head of Qingdeng knocked on a door: "May I ask if the benefactor can give some clothes to the old monk to keep out the cold."

The young man who opened the door glanced at him, then closed the door impatiently, and there were still words in the room that he deliberately raised his voice: "Dogs and monks are not borrowed!"

The head of Qingdeng was really pissed off. Besides him, there were also some disciples from the Buddhist sect who came to wear warm clothes, but they were all rejected, and there was no room for transfer.

He sighed helplessly, he knew that this was the method of envoy Yan Hong, called his disciples, returned to the camp, and began to preach Buddhism, hoping to spend the cold night in this way.

This night was destined to be a cold and extremely long night.

(End of this chapter)

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