Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1109 Buddha, please don't be willful

Chapter 1109 Buddha, please don't be willful
Lin Yuxi looked at Zhang Kun, and then said: "Please tell the old man about the situation of Han Customs in detail. I am also a newcomer, and I don't understand as thoroughly as you."

Hearing this, Zhang Kun immediately understood Lin Yuxi's intentions. As long as the old man understands the crisis in Hanguan, he might be willing to accept the important task of improving Tianlei Pill.

"Sir, I don't know that in the previous war, the soldiers of Hanguan Pass retreated without a fight, nearly half of the soldiers of Tongmenguan were lost, and there were countless wounded. Sir, I thought that these new soldiers who entered the battlefield could really fight against the barbarians. In the face of the ferocity of the people, do you raise your determination to fight?"

In one sentence, Zhang Kun pointed out the biggest problem of Han Customs.

That is, the quality of the soldiers is extremely low, and they cannot be used to resist the invasion of the barbarians at all, not to mention that the Han Pass is larger than the Tongmen Pass, and there are more positions to be guarded, and the soldiers in Yanhong's hands can only barely defend.

The old man understood the meaning of Zhang Kun's words, but still shook his head. The identity of an alchemist has always been to refine alchemy to improve his cultivation, and to refine pills that hurt people. You can also open up a large defensive formation and stick to this place, where there is a big river above and dangerous peaks below. You can only invade from the front. There is no problem in sticking to it."

"Mr.'s words make people laugh. Even Baimi is negligent, let alone guarding and defending? And the last time the barbarians invaded, the position of the eye of the guarding array has been pinpointed, and the guarding array needs to be maintained. The cost is huge, since human beings dare not send troops, why can't the barbarians be stationed near the city, which consumes the resources of Han Customs, and if the guardian formation cannot be maintained at that time, it will be a disaster for the city."

Zhang Kun spoke lightly about the secrets and resources behind the seemingly invincible guardian formation.Together with the array, Zhang Kun also dabbled a bit, knowing these basic common sense.

Without waiting for the old man to speak again, Zhang Kun continued to add: "Nowadays, there are constant battles in the human world, and the twelve sects have ulterior motives, and even want to bring down the Qiongyu Palace. Even if these reinforcements come, it is still unknown how much help they can give."

"Even if they resist with one heart, they can't be allowed to carry Hanhaiguan all the time. What if the barbarians invade again after they leave?"

"Once the Han Pass is broken, there is a straight road behind, pointing directly at the hinterland of mankind. If the barbarians enter, what kind of devastation will be, sir, it is not difficult to guess."

"The root of all these problems is that the frontier army has no means of defeating the enemy! If they can repel the barbarians, they can capture the Han Pass, and they can rely on the guards to rest, and the barbarians dare not camp near the city! Therefore, the common people in the world You can avoid being slaughtered! Whether this common people can be saved or not depends on the old man's thoughts."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Kun quietly waited for the old man's answer. After the battle between heaven and man in the bottom of his heart, the old man sighed: "Let me try it, your refining technique is very exquisite, if you change it Without the means of the alchemist, the power will inevitably decrease."

"Lin Yuxi died for the people of the world, thank you old man."

Lin Yuxi watched the old gentleman leave respectfully, and then took a proud look at Qingqing.At least, in this matter, she proved that she is not a vase, and she definitely holds more weight in Zhang Kun's heart.

Thinking about it like this, he held Zhang Kun's hand, with a charming face: "I also want to praise you."

At this moment, the head of Qingdeng stood at the door and shouted: "Lin Yuxi, what are you doing!"

Glancing at the people around, the head of the Qingdeng waved his hand, and countless people drove out the alchemists in the branch, and then said seriously: "Lin Yuxi, you are now a disciple of the Buddha, please pay attention to your identity, and go back with me , Buddhist disciples miss Buddha very much."

Having said that, after what happened last night, the head of Qingdeng has also learned some lessons, and he is determined not to trouble Zhang Kun. Anyway, his primary purpose is to let the Buddha return to the camp and preserve the reputation of the Buddhism. As for the other , that's all for later.

Taking another [-] steps back, Zhang Kun's strength, he had already seen it that day, and the power of the reincarnation was not something he could resist now.

Lin Yuxi couldn't be self-willed in front of Qingdeng's sect leader. As a member of the Buddhist sect, even if Fan Xin was moved, her feelings for the Buddhist sect could not be simply let go, unless that person asked her to do so.

"The head of the sect, Lin Yuxi, knows his mistake, but what I do now will not affect the reputation of the Buddhist sect."

Lin Yuxi made an excuse, but the head of Qingdeng didn't buy it: "Is this saying that it has no effect on Buddhism? You have broken the precept of sex this time. If you don't go back with me now, I will report to the Buddha and abolish you." The identity of the Buddha!"

Becoming a Buddhist disciple was her ideal. She glanced at Zhang Kun, but Zhang Kun didn't express anything.

I am about to step into the barbarian tribe, and the barbarian tribe is fierce. I absolutely cannot take Lin Yuxi to the barbarian tribe. After he leaves, I need to give Lin Yuxi a place to settle down. Her body was completely destroyed, and with the protection of Buddhism, Lin Yuxi could spend the rest of her life in peace.

What's more, Lin Yuxi herself yearns for Buddhism, so Zhang Kun naturally doesn't want to be the obstacle between her and Buddhism.

After whispering something in Lin Yuxi's ear, Zhang Kun left the crowd as if no one was there, and Qingqing gave Lin Yuxi a suspicious look, and then followed Zhang Kun to leave.

"Buddha, please don't be so willful in the future, let's go, I will send someone to send you to the Buddhist temple, you are the future Buddha, and this place is so dangerous, you must not be allowed to stay here anymore. "

The head of Qingdeng tried to persuade him earnestly, but Lin Yuxi was unmoved, and replied flatly: "Now that the barbarians are about to invade, as a Buddhist disciple, I should compete with the barbarians. If I go to the Buddhist temple, wouldn't it be Being ridiculed by the people of the world? What's more, the Buddha has taught that if I don't go to hell, whoever will go to hell."

After finishing speaking, Lin Yuxi didn't give the head of Qingdeng a chance to speak, and walked directly to the tent.

On the other side, Zhang Kun and Qingqing walked into the black market.If one wants to maximize the power of the soul-suppressing stone, something is needed to extract the essence of it. Otherwise, the soul-suppressing stone itself is not much different from a broken stone.

This time it is to fight against the consciousness in his brain, so Zhang Kun needs to activate the power of the Soul Requiem Stone once to avoid future troubles!

(End of this chapter)

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