Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1111 1 accident

Chapter 1111 An accident

This person either got the skills from the barbarians like himself, or he is a spy, but Zhang Kun can be sure that he is the hungry spy of the barbarians!
Because he doesn't know the exercises, he has no way to seize the barbarian's exercises.

"Have these barbarians penetrated into the human world?"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Zhang Kun's heart gradually sank to the bottom.The situation of Han Customs is much more dangerous than he expected.Even, just like the original self, he has unknowingly embarked on a very dangerous path.

There are nine big tribes in the Jiuli tribe, and KS's tribe can only be ranked at the bottom of them. In the perennial battles, both humans and barbarians directly disposed of the captives, and the exchange of information was very rare.Therefore, Zhang Kun's current understanding of the Jiuli tribe is limited to the Aka tribe. He doesn't know what kind of barbarians are in other tribes and what they can do.

After Zhang Kun thought briefly, he casually called out the price: "Five hundred gold."

This price is enough to drive back those who bid out of curiosity.If this person really understands the value of the Blood Vitality Grass, then he will definitely increase the price.

The middle-aged man seemed to feel the pressure too. If he could get this Blood Vitality Grass and hand it over to the barbarians, it must be a great achievement, but why would anyone among humans know the value of this thing!
Although the money on his body is enough for him to increase the price many times, he must consider his own identity, if it is exposed, it will be a dead end.

"600 taels of gold!"

Gritting his teeth, the middle-aged man offered the price.

"A Yuan Essence."

Zhang Kun didn't plan to spend time with him. The previous temptation was enough for Zhang Kun to confirm the identity of the other party. Now that he had got what he wanted, Zhang Kun had no intention of entangled with him anymore, and directly mentioned the other party's identity. A price that an ordinary middle-aged person can never afford.

Zhang Kun was in the room, looking at the middle-aged man lightly, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

If he bids with the middle-aged man, it will give him a chance to make up an excuse, let him think of an excuse to take out one Yuan Essence, or even two, but now, as an ordinary middle-aged man sitting below Man, if he takes out the essence, it will definitely arouse everyone's suspicion.

Zhang Kun is stepping on the lifeblood of the middle-aged people. No matter how much credit he has made to the barbarians, he has no life to enjoy, and no matter how much glory and wealth, what can he do?

The middle-aged man came to his senses and chuckled, "I don't know if that idiot paid such a high price."

But Zhang Kun didn't respond. Now that the enemy is out in the dark, if he can't even see this aggressive method and reveal his identity, then only the word "fool" can match him.

The auction was still going on, and Zhang Kun also bought a lot of things he needed.The rest of the things are easy to buy outside, and the things auctioned here are getting more and more unsightly, so they take Qingqing and leave.

First, he went to Yanhong's military tent, told him what happened earlier, and asked for some medicinal materials as if asking for credit, before returning to his wooden house.

Qingqing has prepared hot water for him, and Zhang Kun directly gassed the stove to completely refine the Qi and Blood Grass.

Because this kind of qi and blood grass can only be produced in the barbarian land, for them, they only need to increase the amount to make up for the shortcomings of insufficient extraction, but for Zhang Kun, he only has this qi and blood plant Grass, so use up every ounce of medicinal power in it.

Two drops of the blood-red liquid medicine were dripped into the hot water, and the whole water turned red. Zhang Kun added several kinds of medicinal materials to alleviate the strong medicinal properties. Then he took off his clothes and jumped directly into the bucket.

Sitting cross-legged, absorbing the medicinal effect of the hot water.

Because his body has been polished by the barbarian cultivation method for a period of time, there is no need to worry about the effect of the medicine on his body.

As the effect of the medicine was absorbed, Zhang Kun only felt a warm feeling all over his body, and the trace of tiredness after having fun with Lin Yuxi for the past few days also disappeared.

Qingqing was on the side, and according to Zhang Kun's previous instructions, put the medicinal materials into the hot water. These are the medicinal materials to strengthen the efficacy of Qi and blood herbs. The barbarians do not know how to use the medicinal materials together, so their use is very superficial. .

At the end, Qingqing fed the flower bud on the top of the Qi-blood grass into Zhang Kun's mouth.

Just here, the mutation suddenly rose.

"what happened?"

Zhang Kun was horrified to find that the sea of ​​infinite qi in his body, which was already silent, suddenly trembled.

"Is it because of that consciousness?"

Zhang Kun quickly plunged his consciousness into the sea of ​​infinite air. Everything here is not unusual, but calm.

"That is how the matter?"

Zhang Kun put his consciousness into his body again, and a hot feeling rushed into his heart.

"Zhang Kun, are you okay?"

Qingqing reached out and patted Zhang Kun's shoulder, but she could feel the frighteningly high body temperature on Zhang Kun's body.

When she was at a loss, the water in the barrel gradually became clear, and Qingqing crossed the water at a glance and saw Zhang Kun's body.A pretty face suddenly turned red.

After Zhang Kun woke up completely, it was already late at night. He rubbed his painful head and shook it, but when he stretched out his hand, he felt something extremely soft. Turning his head, he saw something that was plundered by him. Already Qingqing, she has a lot of scratches on her body.

Seeing a complete handprint with a familiar size, Zhang Kun hesitantly put his hand on it.


Zhang Kun panicked, is this the trace left by him?

"You're awake."

Lin Yuxi at the side stretched out her hand feebly, and pinched Zhang Kun's body.

"How will you be here?"

In a moment of excitement, Zhang Kun even forgot that he told her earlier that he would come to help him refine the elixir at night.

With a sigh, Lin Yuxi got up from the bed, put on her clothes, looked at Qingqing who was still asleep, and pinched Zhang Kun fiercely: "Tell me, what do you want me to do? Let the past matter go away." Let it go."

"Seal my sea of ​​consciousness with the Buddha's name."

Zhang Kun looked at Lin Yuxi and spoke with his lips.


As the Buddha's name sounded, Zhang Kun only felt that the entire sea of ​​consciousness was imprisoned, as if a ball was stuffed in his mind.

Zhang Kun didn't look at Lin Yuxi until the last Buddhist Dharma was chanted, "I want to refine the soul-suppressing pill."

(End of this chapter)

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