Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1118 1 Group of Idiots

Chapter 1118 A bunch of idiots

Seeing a group of barbarians surround him, Zhang Kun let out a wry smile, really afraid of something.Zhang Kun naturally understood that with so many people outside, all changes would be discovered, no matter how lucky they were.

"Since you've been discovered, why not just rush out!"

Zhang Kun suppressed the helplessness in his heart. Anyway, he had been discovered, so he simply lifted the stone slightly and looked at the situation outside.

"Human! If you come out now, I can guarantee you a good death!"

A burly, golden-faced barbarian slowly walked up to the stone: "Look at your shrinking head, you look like a gopher, give me a punch!"

The hard fist fell on the stone, and in just an instant, the stone, which was as tall as a person, shattered into countless pieces!
However, after the stone shattered, instead of the imaginary scene of the opponent fleeing, what greeted him was a sharp dagger, fish intestines!
Zhang Kun's idea is very simple, first suppress the barbarians in momentum, and then make a breakthrough!If these barbarians are allowed to pursue unscrupulously, the chance of surviving is almost zero!

The Yuchang sword faced the barbarian's fist among countless gravels!
No matter how tough you temper your body, you are definitely not an opponent of swords!

However, the invincible Fish Intestine Sword failed to gain anything this time. The moment it was about to pierce the barbarian's fist, a burst of red blood suddenly rose from the barbarian's body, blocking the Fish Intestine Sword!


Zhang Kun's heart skipped a beat, he backed away immediately, turned around and rushed towards the barbarian crowd, trying to find a way out.

After killing the golden-masked barbarian last time, Zhang Kun has already understood the barbarian's cultivation method very well. The difference between the golden-masked barbarian and other three-striped and four-striped barbarians is that they are equivalent to the candidates for Buddha and Taoism in the human world. Tong is the most promising seed to inherit the supreme power of the ancestors.

The pattern on the face of the golden-faced barbarian in front of him is the same as the barbarian killed by Zhang Kun last time, indicating that they tempered their bodies, and finally honed their blood energy, using blood energy to replace the vitality of human cultivators, so as to completely ascend to the level of cultivation. The reader's lobby is such a road.

As long as the blood energy is condensed, no matter how much it is, it can play a key role in offense and defense. Their strength can even crush some four-striped barbarians!

It was because of this that Zhang Kun had no choice but to retreat. He had no confidence to deal with such an opponent in a short time. As long as he got entangled, he would definitely be completely killed by the encircled barbarians.

Don't forget, the barbarians dispatched three gold-masked barbarians!
The fish intestine sword in his hand was flying. Originally, Zhang Kun thought that cleaning up these miscellaneous fish was just a very simple task, but he didn't expect that these barbarians all had red eyes and wanted to kill Zhang Kun. This made Zhang Kun Kun's progress was greatly impaired.

"Are these barbarians crazy!"

Zhang Kun is naturally aware of this style of play. After all, he used it before the Tongmen closed a few days ago, that is, exchanging injuries for lives, but now, the last thing he wants to face is such a scene.

He couldn't be injured, even a little wound would become a weakness and a burden in a long-term battle. Moreover, even if he exchanged his injury for his life, with so many barbarians, even if he had hundreds of lives, it would not be enough to exchange for it!

Zhang Kun sternly shouted helplessly, put away the fish intestines, and took Dongyue out of the mirror field. The heavy sword body did not talk to these barbarians about the so-called skills at all, and brutally and unreasonably shot these barbarians one by one. Come on, those barbarians who couldn't dodge were even cut in half!
Without any time to stop and rest, Zhang Kun's physical strength was being consumed rapidly, and he was about to rush out of the encirclement of the barbarians, but the Dongyue sword in Zhang Kun's hand was thrown out!

Power is exhausted!
Zhang Kun quickly used his consciousness to put the Dongyue Sword back into the Mirror Domain, and then took out the Sky Thunder Pill from his waist.

The Tianlei Pill exploded, setting off countless sand waves in an instant, and the roar echoed in my ears, and it will not go away for a long time!
Taking advantage of the sudden emptiness of the barbarian encirclement, Zhang Kun rushed out!

A round of sunset was hanging in the sky, and Zhang Kun ran as hard as he could in the desert.

And behind him, there are densely packed barbarians, and they are also chasing after him!Whenever he was about to be overtaken by the barbarians, Zhang Kun would turn around and throw out a Sky Thunder Pill!

On the peaceful desert, there was another roar, leaving countless corpses on the ground.

"If I can use my vitality, how can it be your turn to be presumptuous!"

Zhang Kun cursed in his heart.

This is true, if he can use his vitality, he can at least fly in the air, without having to suffer as much as now, but his vitality cannot be used here, it is one of the trump cards against the consciousness in the sea of ​​consciousness.

At this moment, that consciousness seemed to be aware of the situation outside, and began to issue tasks through the mirror field: "Temporary mission, escape from the barbarian siege, and keep your body from being damaged! Task reward, use the mirror field for three hours month!"

If it were in the past, Zhang Kun would have been very happy to hear that he could use the mirror domain for three months, and he would try his best to complete this task, but now Zhang Kun has a different mood.

"When I expel you from the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the Mirror Domain will be mine!"

This time Zhang Kun was really angry, and cursed in his heart, if it weren't for this consciousness, how could he fall into such a situation?

Throwing out another Sky Thunder Pill, Zhang Kun touched his deflated pocket, and his heart sank. Most of the refined Sky Thunder Pills were taken by Yan Hong. After this use, the number of Sky Thunder Pills Has fallen to a very scary position.

Touching his pocket again, Zhang Kun's face was gloomy, and there were only seven Sky Thunder Pills left!
"I still don't believe it, the mere barbarians dare to fight against me!"

Looking back, Zhang Kun threw the stone in his hand towards the pursuers behind, and the barbarians hurriedly avoided, but after watching for a long time, there was no movement, knowing that the golden-faced barbarians held the "Sky Thunder Pill" in their hands, Looking at the familiar stone, a flash of anger flashed in his heart, and he crushed the stone into powder: "Chasing! He has no thunder!"

After repeating this for two or three times, the barbarians have completely believed in the fact that Zhang Kun does not have the Sky Thunder Pill. Therefore, seeing Zhang Kun turn around this time, none of them dodged, but chased them even more vigorously.

Flesh and blood flew across the barbarians, and the barbarians who were chasing at the front disappeared without a trace, and those barbarians who were chasing were so shocked that they did not dare to step forward at will.Looking at the group of barbarians being teased by him, Zhang Kun sneered: "A group of idiots!"

This is nothing more than the simplest tricks, but they can even fall for such a simple trick. It is conceivable that if they can use all the tricks of human beings, these barbarians will probably be beaten so that they don't even know their mothers.

After scolding, Zhang Kun turned around and ran away!
(End of this chapter)

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