Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1122 One husband is in charge, order the general platform!

Chapter 1122 One man guards the gate, order the general!
The shrill howls of the golden-masked barbarians echoed throughout the deep valley.And Zhang Kun was only shocked by the power of this punch and leaned against the stone wall. The fighting method among the barbarians is so simple and brutal. Whoever can hold the opponent's fist wins!
Dragging his somewhat tired body, Zhang Kun hurriedly walked out. He could already hear the sound of the barbarian chasing soldiers. It is not difficult to imagine that they were trying their best to find his whereabouts.

"It seems that Han Customs can't go there for the time being."

Zhang Kun spat out the blood foam in his mouth, pressed the wound on his waist, and walked towards a historic site.

This historic site is located between Tongmen Pass and Han Pass. It used to be a buffer pass between Tongmen Pass and Han Pass. It is easy to defend but difficult to attack.Only after Yanhong arrived at Tongmen Pass, this historic site was gradually forgotten.

In the map of Tongmenguan that Yanhong gave Zhang Kun, these important strongholds have already been clearly marked, and the nearest to Zhang Kun is this historic site - Dianjiangtai!
In Tongmen Pass and Han Pass, they both rely on the same mountain range, which is extremely steep and difficult to climb.Therefore, it is listed as a taboo by military strategists, and few people are willing to cross this mountain.

The mountain range connects Tongmenguan and Hanhaiguan. On a steep mountainside between them, there is a relatively flat open space. In the past, this was a military center with a large number of soldiers. His existence formed an angle with Hanhaiguan. Unless the barbarians have too many troops, no barbarians would dare to ignore this stronghold and directly attack Hanhaiguan.

But in the same way, when attacking the point general, the soldiers of Hanguan can also double-team the barbarians from the side.

It is precisely because guarding such a place requires extraordinary courage and courage. Every time the barbarians break through the Tongmen Pass, no matter who it is, as long as they can successfully defend against the barbarians here, their combat achievements are enough for him to serve as a general in the interior. Therefore, there is the name of the image of Dianjiangtai.

Zhang Kun ran towards the top along the winding path.On the platform, there are only countless dusty houses, and even large areas of houses have collapsed, which is enough to see the dilapidation here.

"It's a pity, if soldiers are stationed here, the barbarians will definitely not dare to act rashly."

When going up, Zhang Kun saw that the only road was rugged and winding, and, most importantly, with its unique high-step structure, people below had to face a lot of resistance if they wanted to attack.The narrow road is really one man guarding the gate and ten thousand men not opening it!

After hastily treating the injuries on his body, Zhang Kun held the Qianmo Sword and stood guard at the entrance of the road.

Countless barbarians clamored, wanting to rush up and tear this hateful human into pieces before they could vent their anger.

However, the narrow road did not allow them to go up together, and this kind of half-person-high steps was doomed to Zhang Kun's great advantage.Just glanced at each other, and all the three-striped barbarians gave way to the four-striped barbarians.

On flat ground, they are no match for Zhang Kun, let alone he still has an absolute advantage now.

"I come!"

A barbarian with a four-patterned golden face took a look and walked up first.In a condescending battle, as long as there is no negligence, you will never be in a desperate situation.

Therefore, Zhang Kun's persistence was very easy, but with his movements, the blood on his body gradually overflowed again.The barbarian's four-stripe strongman, in such a disadvantageous geographical environment, only persisted for about 5 minutes before Zhang Kun seized the opportunity and stabbed his throat with a sword, causing the barbarian to fall from a high cliff of tens of meters.

When Zhang Kun was engaged in the final decisive battle with a group of barbarians in Dianjiangtai, Yan Hong in the Han Pass slammed the table hard, staring angrily at the head of Qingdeng in front of him.

"Listen to me, bald donkey! This is a military camp. I don't care what your previous identities are. When you arrive at the military camp, you will obey the dispatch! Otherwise, you will be subject to military law!"

He couldn't help being angry about the whole incident. Earlier, he had inquired about the news that Zhang Kun was retreating to the general's platform, and quickly summoned his men to attack these barbarians.

Between Dianjiangtai and Hanhaiguan, there is a very short soil slope. Standing on the Hanguan tower, you can easily see the battle at Dianjiangtai, but the barbarians under Dianjiangtai are surrounded by this short side. The earth slope completely blocked the view, and they were busy attacking Zhang Kun at the moment, and they didn't even leave half of the sentinels, so when they don't send troops now?
"General Yan Hong, please calm down and listen to the monk explain to you slowly."

Coughing, the head of the Qingdeng signaled his disciples to bring the Buddhist scriptures. It looked like he wanted to start by explaining the Buddhist scriptures.

Yan'er glared fiercely at the monk in front of her, almost gnashing her teeth and said: "Master Qingdeng, if you refuse to send troops, then I, Yan Hong, will take people with me!"

Now nearly half of the Twelve Sects have come, but as the Twelve Sects, they have always obeyed the words of Buddhism, so the number of soldiers controlled by Yan Hong has not increased because of this.

On the contrary, when dispatching troops, there are many obstacles.

The leader of Qingdeng knew very well that if Yan Hong was allowed to lead the soldiers to attack now, those soldiers under him would be sent to die.If they die, the entire Hanhaiguan will be controlled by cultivators like them, but they don't even understand the military formation or the strategy of fighting, so Hanhaiguan will definitely not be able to defend it.

Marching in an army can never rely on the strength of one person to defeat the opponent's army!

"Amitabha, is General Yan Hong going to disregard the safety of the people in the world?"

The master of Qingdeng chanted a Buddha's name and clasped his hands together, as if regretting Yan Hong's decision.

"Hmph, you hypocritical Buddhist, how can you save the world if you don't save anyone! Every one of our frontier troops is for the sake of human territory, spilling their blood on the battlefield. Is it your turn to sit in a Buddhist courtyard and stand up and talk without backache?"

Yan Hong was really angry. He wanted to save Zhang Kun, but with the strength in his hands, he couldn't do it at all.

And these twelve sects are not willing to obey the command of the frontier army. After all, no matter how they perform here, as long as they return to the inner land, the Buddhism and Taoism will have the final say.

Coincidentally, the people from Daomen are still on the way, and there are still two days before they arrive.Therefore, all of them are Buddhists and follow the lead.

"General Yan Hong, please listen to this old man's persuasion. This kind of devil is not worth saving. If he is saved, the whole world will surely suffer a massacre."

"Fuck your motherfucker!"

Yan Hong was annoyed, she slapped the table hard, and decided not to talk to the old monk anymore.

"All the frontier soldiers obey the order and follow me! Hmph, a group of monks are still trying to dictate the general's decision-making. I really don't know who gave you the courage. It's a shame that Buddhism has a leader like you!"


The leader of Qingdeng, who is a respected character in Neitu, was immediately unable to sit still after being reprimanded by Yan Hong, stood up suddenly, and pointed at Yan Hong angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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