Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1124 Unexpected Transformation

Chapter 1124 Unexpected Transformation

Although there are [-] Tianlei Pills, its power is not comparable to that made by Zhang Kun himself, and the barbarians will definitely be on guard this time, so he wants to take advantage of the nightfall and the dark sky, The sneak attack with no flags and drums, using the quantity of Tianlei Dan to make up for the lack of quality, and then smashing the barbarians in one fell swoop!Save Zhang Kun!
Apart from this method, he couldn't think of a more suitable way of fighting. Although the soldiers in Hanhaiguan have the determination to fight, they have no fighting experience. They just rely on their blood. The barbarians are equal, and it is estimated that they will only be wiped out.

"I didn't expect to see such a scene after more than ten years."

The head of Qingdeng walked up to the top of the city leisurely, looked at Zhang Kun who was fighting against the barbarians on the stage, chanted a Buddhist name, and then looked at Yan Hong with a smile: "General, since you arrived at the Tongmen Pass, the barbarians have not stopped. Dare to invade, this place that made countless people famous and famous, finally fell silent, but if you let Zhang Kun ascend the platform, it will definitely damage your reputation, so you will stand still, right? "

When the head of Qingdeng finished speaking, several soldiers under Yan Hong sneered disdainfully.On the contrary, Lin Yuxi was a little more worried out of thin air. She didn't understand military law, let alone marching and fighting. If she was in charge of the Qingdeng, it would indeed be in line with the current situation.

"However, Zhang Kun can trust Yan Hong."

Saying these words from the bottom of her heart, Lin Yuxi's doubts about Yan Hong immediately dissipated. Even if Zhang Kun left, she did not choose to let Buddhism protect her, but asked Yan Hong to give her a protective umbrella. Therefore, Yan Hong can be trusted. He just has his own considerations.

Seeing that Lin Yuxi was a little emotional earlier, the leader of Qingdeng thought that his strategy had worked, but he didn't expect that Lin Yuxi didn't respond, and just stood there calmly, waiting for Yan Hong's order.

Since the plan of divorce was ineffective, the head of Qingdeng rolled his eyes and came up with a plan: "Buddha, my Buddhist school has always valued compassion, even a butcher, as long as he is willing to put down the butcher knife, he can still get the Buddha's forgiveness, but this Zhang Kun, it is clearly the behavior of the devil, even if you want to use yourself to influence him, do you think he has accepted it? The corpses of the barbarians make people feel distressed."

From the perspective of Buddhism, there is no problem with these words. Buddhism has always been merciful, and even bodhisattvas cut their flesh to feed tigers.

But his words were extremely harsh in the ears of the frontier army.

Yan Hong grabbed Qing Deng's head by the collar, and stared at him fiercely: "What you said is very reasonable, then should I throw you down, and you can reason with those bastards?"

A soldier also stared at the head of Qingdeng with fierce eyes: "General, if you are not easy to do it, let me do it! This kind of person will have trouble sooner or later in the barracks."

"I think it makes sense. General, if you don't want to do anything because of your status, we will come. We will ensure that the barbarians treat him well."

"These barbarians have always enjoyed killing. I think that since the head of Qingdeng is a Buddhist disciple, he should set an example and take the initiative to wash his neck clean and send it to them."

Hearing the words of the soldiers around him, the head of Qingdeng immediately said angrily: "Yanhong, I advise you to let me go! Not everyone in our Buddhist sect can be provoked!"

Hearing this, Yan Hong didn't have any intention of being afraid, and with a sudden force on her hand, she lifted the head of the Qingdeng up: "I tell you, I don't care what status you have outside, if you offend the frontier army , don’t blame me for the consequences!”

After finishing speaking, he left the head of Qingdeng aside.

It's not that the master of Qingdeng's cultivation is inferior to him, nor is it that the status of the master of Qingdeng is lower than that of Yan Hong. The reason why the master of Qingdeng only dares to speak and dare not do anything is because of their status as frontier soldiers .

Any human being who dares to attack the frontier army is a public enemy in the world!This is the reputation accumulated by the frontier army guarding the border for hundreds of years, and it is also the majesty forged by the frontier army with the heads of provocateurs!

"Master Qingdeng, I, Yanhong, can only tell you one thing. Before the barbarians submit to my inner land, before they kneel in front of the soldiers' tombs to repent, I, Yanhong, will kill one of these barbarians when I see them!"

Leaving this sentence behind, Yan Hong shook her arm violently, looking at the still bright sky, she felt a little more anxious in her heart.

Marching in the dark is the best plan!That's because it can get closer to the barbarians and maximize the power of Tianlei Pill. However, Zhang Kun has already lost six of the [-] long steps of the general's platform, and the situation is not optimistic!
There are a total of twelve high platforms in Dianjiangtai. In normal times, these high platforms will play a huge role in blocking the attack of the barbarians.But that was in the past.

In the past, this place was just a stronghold. Even if they attacked, the barbarians on it would only fight more with less. It was difficult to occupy such a place. The most important thing was that they didn't need to waste their lives here.

But now, it's different.

"Kill him!"

"Barbarian warriors, kill him!"

"My compatriots' bloody enmity depends on you being able to cleanse it thoroughly today!"

Following the bewitching of A KS and Ke Man, the barbarians under him rushed forward one by one, especially those barbarians with one and two stripes, howled and rushed up, and then fell under Zhang Kun's sword, but they purpose has been achieved.

The piles of bones made the height of the steps lower and lower, from the height of a person's chest, gradually to the height of the waist, and then to the height of the calf!
"A bunch of lunatics!"

Zhang Kun cursed, killed the Sanwen barbarians in front of him, and hurried down the next step.

The wound on his waist became more and more painful after a long period of exercise, and the gold-masked barbarians above the four-striped barbarians have never shown up. It can be seen that as long as he falls into a disadvantage, these gold-masked barbarians will definitely touch it , to end his own life.

Climbing up the steps with difficulty, Zhang Kun put away the Qianmo sword and held the fish intestines instead. This road is already narrow, with a hard wall on one side, and the use of the long sword is greatly restricted, so it is better to use A small dagger, and, most importantly, the dagger will reduce the efficiency of killing the enemy, but at the same time, it also buys more time for oneself.

"That guy Yan Hong must know that I'm here, there's no way he didn't send troops out."

Zhang Kun already knew what his top priority was, and that was to delay as much as possible.However, Zhang Kun still underestimated the IQ of the barbarians. Originally, he thought that these barbarians would always rush forward to die in such a foolish way, but unexpectedly, things changed suddenly.

He remembered very clearly that it was a one-striped barbarian, but it was him who changed his advantage of relying on the terrain to defend.

(End of this chapter)

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