Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1130 I don't want to be a vase

Chapter 1130 I don't want to be a vase

He did it, and under the siege of the barbarians, he persisted until Yanhong's support.

He did it, stepped into barbarian territory, and stalked within it for three days.

He did it, facing the barbarians stationed at the Tongmen Pass alone, without fear.

After accomplishing all this, his consciousness reached out to his own sea of ​​consciousness, looking at the boundless sea of ​​energy he had created, and seeing the sword hill that was taken into it by the mirror domain, he grinned.At this moment, the huge pressure that consciousness put on him has completely dissipated.

"One day, I will completely erase you from the sea of ​​consciousness! The mirror field will belong to me, Zhang Kun!"

The words that Sword Master Qian Mo said when he came suddenly appeared in his mind, and his confidence increased a bit: "You are indeed a sword for killing, whether it is the living, the dead, or... soul."

"It's really, my luck to meet you."

With a sigh of emotion, Zhang Kun put the restored Qianmo sword on his lap, and looked at the black as ink blade.

It was because of him that I broke into the sandy abyss and discovered my consciousness in the sea of ​​consciousness, and it was also because of him that I was able to defeat the barbarians who tried to break into the vast customs without using my vitality.

Because of its appearance, too many changes have taken place in Zhang Kun.

"Zhang Kun!"

The barbarians below had already been decimated by the geese falling into the city twice. Even though the human trees were far inferior to the barbarians, they still retreated.This is the first time in human history.

"Zhang Kun, are you okay!"

Lin Yuxi stepped over layers of barbarian corpses, her white skirt was stained red with blood, and the air was filled with the smell of blood, but she rushed to Zhang Kun's side without hesitation, exclaimed, seeing this man who resolutely left a few days ago go man.

His naked upper body was already covered with scars. Behind him, just at the entrance of the Dianjiangtai military camp, were the corpses of two gold-masked barbarians, and farther away were the corpses of those four-striped strongmen. But now, they all turned into corpses.

"You came."

Zhang Kun stretched out his hand with great difficulty, his hand was covered with blood and mud, and gently touched her face: "Why cry, I can't die."

With a grin, Zhang Kun's hand dropped suddenly, his eyes looked at the dark sky and the black battle flag fluttering in the wind, and his eyes slowly closed.

"Zhang Kun!"

Regardless of the blood all over his body, Lin Yuxi held him in her arms, tears streaming down her face: "Why are you so stupid, so stupid!"

With the support of the soldiers, Yan Hong finally came to the general stage, seeing Lin Yuxi who was crying bitterly, felt very uncomfortable for a while.

"Are you still late?"

He murmured, his expression was a little dazed, he had spent so much effort, he did not hesitate to block the safety of the Han customs, and he wanted to save the people, but he still couldn't save them?

Seeing this scene, the soldiers behind Yan Hong couldn't bear it, and comforted him: "Buddhist, please look away, the man's ambition is in the world, and being able to sprinkle his blood on this land is already an excellent destination." gone."

Yan Hong sighed, slowly broke free from the soldier's hand holding him, and walked to Zhang Kun step by step. He was about to kneel down and salute, but he suddenly found that Zhang Kun's chest was rising and falling regularly.

Rubbing her eyes hastily, and confirming that what she saw was not a hallucination, Yan Hong's heart-piercing shout resounded throughout the Dianjiangtai: "Not dead yet, hurry up! Escort Zhang Kun back to Han Customs!"

When Zhang Kun woke up again, he found that he had returned to the familiar log cabin.

Stinging pain all over my body!

Gradually recalling everything that happened on the stage that day in his mind, Zhang Kun also had a general understanding of his body, and it seemed that he had to rest for two or three days.

His neck was so sore, he simply rolled his eyes and looked around.

Lin Yuxi was still wearing the same white dress, but there were old blood stains around her feet.At this moment, she was propping her head up and looking at the pile of food on the table, but she showed no sign of doing anything.

And Qingqing was already lying on the table, not even noticing the saliva dripping from the corner of her mouth.


Zhang Kun opened his mouth with difficulty.

It was just a small voice, but it made Lin Yuxi wake up suddenly from sleepiness, and hurried to the bedside, seeing that Zhang Kun had opened his eyes and was smiling at her.

"Bad man!"

Raising her hand, Lin Yuxi was about to hit him, but looking at Zhang Kun who was wrapped up like a mummy, her hand never fell down, she bit her lip lightly, stretched out her hand and tapped Zhang Kun's forehead, and then turned her head away : "Come back if you can't hold on, why don't you listen."

Zhang Kun knew the reason for Lin Yuxi's anger, so he just smiled and didn't give any explanation. What he will do in the future will be hundreds of times more difficult than what he is doing now.If you give up all of this easily, then you will just wait to be taken away in the future.

"answer me."

Seeing that Zhang Kun didn't speak, Lin Yuxi felt a sense of grievance for no reason, bit her lip, and tears rolled in her eyes.

"Pour me a glass of water first, I'm thirsty."

Lin Yuxi got up quickly, poured hot water for Zhang Kun, and fed him little by little.

After the water was finished, Zhang Kun looked at the roof with an unusually calm expression: "I want to be able to live with you, whether it's Ascension to Immortal Realm or Dayan Realm in the future, I just want to be me .”

After finishing speaking, Zhang Kun looked at Lin Yuxi and said softly, "I like you, do you understand?"

Lin Yuxi didn't expect Zhang Kun's answer to be so straightforward. How could she not know that there was another consciousness in Zhang Kun's body?
She lowered her head and thought for a long time before she said leisurely: "You can call me."

"How can that work? Men are working hard outside, and women are better at taking care of their children at home except when necessary."

Zhang Kun smiled shamelessly. In his heart, he already regarded Lin Yuxi as his wife.

"I don't want to be a vase!"

She almost yelled out this sentence, she wanted to help Zhang Kun share the responsibility on her shoulders, and wanted to make his life easier, but Zhang Kun never gave her this chance.

Zhang Kun was taken aback by this sentence, but it also woke up Qingqing who was sleeping beside him.

"Lin Yuxi, what happened?"

She glanced at Lin Yuxi and Zhang Kun, and found that Zhang Kun had woken up, and they were looking at her in unison.


With a scream, Qingqing blushed and ran straight out, not giving Zhang Kun and Lin Yuxi a chance to keep her.

Seeing this, Zhang Kun just gave a wry smile helplessly. He hadn't figured out how to deal with Qingqing before that accident.

(End of this chapter)

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