Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1148 The True Art of Imperial Power

Chapter 1148 The True Art of Imperial Power
"I just feel that it is very close to the thought of Taoism, so I have this question."

"This trial was handed down from previous masters, so I don't know too much. Could it be that the mystery in it is related to Taoism?"

The old man was a little uncertain. After all, he had never heard of a craftsman being associated with a Taoist sect. After thinking about it, he decided to return to the mystery of the trial first: "You know, this trial , to make the whole world reasonable."

Zhang Kun nodded: "Indeed, the combination of flesh and machinery, at least according to the current strength of your craftsmen, cannot make them the same as normal people."

One sentence pointed out the embarrassment of the craftsmen, Zhang Kun continued: "If you want to make this world reasonable, there are only three methods, two of which must be known to you, the first is to improve them, and the second is to improve them. The second is to destroy the entire world."

"Then, what about the third one?"

The old man couldn't hold back anymore. The birth of every new idea always made people look forward to it, as if a mechanism that had been troubled for a long time in his hands suddenly got an answer.

"That is, I leave."

Zhang Kun said indifferently, completely ignoring the three masters and apprentices whose expressions changed drastically.

"As long as I don't exist in this world, everything in this world is reasonable. What they eat is also rice. There is nothing wrong or strange in their eyes."

"So, as long as I, a different kind, leave from them, the whole world will return to its original rationality. All the irrationality is because I appeared in that world."

After explaining, Zhang Kun looked at the faces of the three people in front of him with a little embarrassment, and wondered: "Could it be that this result has special meaning for you?"

Zhang Kun believes in his own abilities, and his massive morality can give him great theoretical support. There will be absolutely no problems with this set of rhetoric.

But the middle-aged man sighed softly: "If all craftsmen are talking like you, I am afraid that there will be no profession of craftsman in the world long ago."

Hearing this, Zhang Kun understood why their faces were so ugly.

As craftsmen, they would naturally think about how to perfect these machines to be like real people, and even take this as the ultimate goal, but they didn't realize it. In Zhang Kun's case, they directly denied that they had always insisted on Nothing hits you more than that.

"Actually, it's just that everyone's choice is different, there is no distinction between superior and inferior."

Zhang Kun could still remember clearly that he wanted something from others, so it was not good to just hit them like this.

"Oh, do you have any opinions, little friend?"

The old man raised his eyelids and looked at Zhang Kun.

"Facing difficulties is the essence that all human beings should have. Whether it is a cultivator, an alchemist or a craftsman, they are all moving towards places that others think they cannot do."

Zhang Kun finished speaking with a smile, which finally made several people feel better, and even felt that it made sense.

Just kidding, Zhang Kun has the truth that black and white Taoist priests have meditated in the sandy abyss for thousands of years.

"Little friend, do you want to join the profession of craftsman?"

Zhang Kun shook his head again and again: "I just want to ask my senior for advice, and there is also a letter from a friend."

As he said that, he handed the letter written by Daoist Ning Yu to the old man, and then said: "I think you all know something about the crisis of the frontier army. Now we have a chance to counterattack, but we lack similar A launcher for bows and arrows."

"Oh? What's your request?"

As soon as he mentioned his field of expertise, the old man's eyes lit up, and a majesty was naturally revealed.

"The elixir is too fragile to shoot with a bow and arrow, but it can't be shot very far with human power."

Zhang Kun said the biggest problem.

"Will it explode when it collides? Then, why not tie it to the arrow? If it's troublesome, you can use a crossbow."

The old man looked at Zhang Kun with the eyes of an idiot, thinking it was a difficult problem, but he didn't expect it to be just like this?

I really don't understand my brain at all.

But Zhang Kun didn't get angry because of the old man's words, on the contrary, he seemed to be enlightened.

This is where his thinking fell into a misunderstanding. He always thought about how to shoot the Sky Thunder Pill without detonating the Sky Thunder Pill, but he ignored a very important thing, why can't it be tied to the arrow?

With the arrow itself as a buffer, and the fact that you don't have to hold the elixir directly when drawing the bow, the possibility of detonation is extremely slim!

Moreover, crossbow arrows are also a good choice. Launching and drawing the bow are two completely separate steps. As long as the bowstring is not bombed at the beginning, there is no problem!

Seeing that Zhang Kun packed his things in twos and twos and was about to leave, he didn't think about it. The old man hurriedly stopped him: "According to the rules left by the masters of the past, you have solved the mystery of the trial, and this book of power control is yours." gone."

After taking a look, Zhang Kun made sure that the old man was not joking with him, then took the exercises and ran away without looking back.

Now he just wants to go back to Hanhaiguan and start the journey to the interior of the barbarians as soon as possible!Solve the serious problem in your heart as soon as possible.

"Master, he is not a master craftsman, why did you give him that exercise?" The woman said dissatisfiedly: "As long as we don't tell, who knows these rules?"

"Rules are rules, and they are set to be followed, not trampled upon."

The old man's face turned cold, and he gave a warning, and then he staggered towards his yard.

One day later, in Hanhaiguan.

The huge explosion sound had made all the soldiers accustomed to it, and they all looked at Zhang Kun who was disheveled and laughed.

Today is the 130th test, but no success.After rushing to Han Customs, he has been busy working until now, even the clothes on his upper body have been blown away.

"Or not."

He murmured something and drew his bow again.

Zhang Kun was a little annoyed. The old man said it very simply, why is it so difficult to do it?
Even after searching the entire barracks, Zhang Kun couldn't find a suitable bow to shoot.Often, the moment he let go, the Sky Thunder Pill tied to the arrow would have already exploded.

However, considering his current physique, these low-quality Sky Thunder Pills only have the power of a single blow in the late stage of Mahayana, and they will not cause any real damage to him at all.

The most important thing is that it is recorded in the barbarian's cultivation method that hitting the body can improve the physique and speed up the condensing of the blood.

"Do you still have a bow?"

Glancing at the longbows already piled up, Zhang Kun shook his head helplessly. Every time there was an explosion, one Sky Thunder Pill would be lost, and another bow, within ten meters near Zhang Kun, was full of debris from the longbow.

As long as you can try out the right bow, it's all worth it.

"General Qi, the longbow is gone, and there are still some soft bows, but those bows are too weak to penetrate even iron armor, and have been abandoned for many years."

After the soldiers returned, they saw that Zhang Kun's complexion was getting darker.


(End of this chapter)

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