Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1152

Chapter 1152
The movement of the head of Qingdeng was obviously a little stiff, but he still stabilized his footsteps with the determination of years of practice. First, he chanted a Buddha's name to buy himself enough time to think, and then said: "They are thanking the heaven and the earth. Everything, providing such delicious food is also one of the morals of Buddhism."

Seeing a group of common people who believed it to be true, the head of Qingdeng thought to himself that he was excited, but fortunately he got this matter back.

But what he never expected was that the people in Han Customs were not stupid. They guessed from Lin Yuxi that they didn't eat meat, and now it was just because they wanted to bribe these monks. confused.

In a place where the head of Qingdeng couldn't see, a man was taking notes quickly with a pen, suppressing his sniggering while writing.

He believed that this story would become a hit, because he and his benefactor, as well as the enemy of Buddhism, had a deep relationship, so it seemed like a good material for a story.

Not to mention these people, Zhang Kun took Lin Yuxi back to the wooden house, but unexpectedly found a person, Qingqing.

She was sitting blankly by the table, looking at the empty bed in the room, wondering what she was thinking, when Lin Yuxi pushed open the door, Zhang Kun picked her up and stepped into the room, the three of them looked at each other with six eyes.

Lin Yuxi quickly knocked on Zhang Kun's chest, struggled to jump down, straightened her clothes, and coughed lightly.

Qingqing suddenly came back to her senses, turned around and was about to run towards the window, but Zhang Kun was even faster and grabbed her: "Qingqing, wait a minute, can you listen to me?"

"No! I don't want it! I won't listen!"

Zhang Kun was stunned for the simple refusal, and sighed helplessly. He let go of his hand: "It's my fault. If you want to see me, come to me and wait for you at any time."

Qingqing ran away from the window without looking back, Lin Yuxi glanced at the disappearing figure, and then at Zhang Kun: "Are you really not going after it?"

"Let's wait for her to make up her mind and come to see me. It's pointless to force her to make a decision now. Let God do it."

Zhang Kun sighed helplessly. Since Qingqing didn't leave, it meant that there was still room for maneuver in this matter, but she didn't understand why she refused to communicate with him.

However, although he can't control this matter, there is one thing he can do. He hugged Lin Yuxi and threw him back on the bed. Then Zhang Kun said with a smirk: "Sleep!"

It was night, Zhang Kun followed Yan Hong and appeared in front of the soldiers, and together with them, there was also the head of the twelve sects of Buddhism and Taoism.

But this time, they didn't have any intention of fighting among themselves anymore, because Yanhong had already announced that they would launch a counterattack on the Tongmen Pass, but as the most critical question, how to take down the Tongmen Pass, Yanhong has always been refused to explain.

It's not that he deliberately whetted everyone's appetite, but because he learned one thing from Zhang Kun last time, that is, there are barbarian spies in Hanhaiguan.Presumably they are already looking for news about Tian Lei Dan, and mixing with the soldiers is the best way.

Therefore, he had to be careful. As for bows and arrows, every frontier soldier would use them, but the level of proficiency was different, so he didn't have to worry about using them on the spot.

After announcing the news, Yan Hong took the twelve sects, as well as the heads of the Buddhist and Taoist sects, into the barracks. As for the reason, it was naturally to discuss the weapons for attacking the city.

Before leaving, he gave Zhang Kun a look, and Zhang Kun understood, and smiled lightly: "Leave it to me."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Kun took a group of soldiers and began to prepare for daily training. After taking a look at the scattered shooting range, Zhang Kun specially mobilized the soldiers, went to the warehouse, and found out all the firearms. These primitive weapons had long been After being eliminated, a group of soldiers were a little confused.

Under Zhang Kun's deliberate mobilization, a gap appeared on the way to Yanhong's barracks.As long as the night is properly covered, you can avoid soldiers and overhear confidential information.

"You, come over and watch them for me, I'll go to urinate."

Zhang Kun randomly pulled a soldier over to take his place, and then wobbled to the toilet.

In the dim night, a pitch-black figure was between the barracks, taking advantage of the blind spot of the patrol team, approaching the barracks where Yan Hong was step by step.

When he got close, he crept up to the top of the tent, took out a small knife, and quietly cut a hole in the top of the tent, and then quietly looked inside.

"Yan Hong, you called us here, but you just showed us these maps, I don't know what it means."

One of the twelve sects was the first to call out, and since entering the tent, Yan Hong kept silent about the weapon attacking Tongmenguan, but just took out the sand table and explained the tactics he had drawn up. It was taken in one stroke, and they didn't even leave time for questioning.

"Don't be impatient."

Daoist Ning Yu said slowly, he stroked his beard thoughtfully.

Zhang Kun, as the general who fought against the barbarians, did not appear here. Secondly, Yan Hong kept silent about the issue of weapons. Moreover, when the previous few people left, he did not let the soldiers disband. All this shows one thing, the decisive battle It is likely to be opened tonight, and Zhang Kun must have a special mission, so he didn't show up.

But it was not easy for him to express his inference, so he could only persuade him like this.

"Dao Ning Yu said it lightly, what does it mean to call us all here in the middle of the night?"

The man was still chattering, and there were quite a few people who were dissatisfied by him. Seeing that the situation was about to get out of control, Yan Hong slammed it on the table: "I will explain the weapon when the time is right, but if you are on the way to attack, Anyone who leaves the team and does not march according to the regulations will be treated as a frontier soldier! You should know how my frontier soldiers behave!"

After saying this, those people immediately died down. Even if they were dissatisfied, the battle had to continue. At least before retaking the Tongmen Pass, all the people here, no matter which sect they belonged to, had to obey the command of the frontier army. Something that can't be changed.

The man on the roof stared carefully at the picture below, listening to the battle plan below.

He didn't notice the changes around him, or in other words, he was too careless, thinking that these soldiers would pass by below, and no one would come up to interfere with him.

But Zhang Kun came up in this way. He was wearing night clothes, and he smiled and made a hissing gesture with a few passing soldiers. Then he covered himself up and climbed to the top.

The man in black before was listening attentively, and suddenly covered his mouth with one hand, tightly locked his body with his legs, preventing him from moving, and stretched out his hand in front of his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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