Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1159

Chapter 1159
When the roar in front of them happened again, the members of the Twelve Sects suddenly understood one thing, and a feeling suddenly rose in their hearts. Perhaps, the barbarians hiding on the city wall in the distance are easier to deal with than the terrifying man in front of them. much.

"Kill! For the bloody revenge of the brothers!"

"Get rid of the barbarians!"

"Why don't you need a lot of food and clothing when you are born! I just want to be shrouded in the battlefield!"

I don't know who these bastards are or who they are, but one thing is certain now, these people will definitely perfectly achieve what Yan Hong wanted, to attract the attention of the barbarians.

Although their footsteps were too fast for the legion, Yan Hong's soldiers were only exhausted and no one was left behind.

"Everyone get ready! Attack in 1 minute!"

At this moment, Yan Hong did not suppress her shout, and her loud voice spread throughout the desert.

What responded to him was silence, and all the soldiers were sorting out the weapons and equipment they needed to bring, and checking for any possible loopholes.

Hearing Yan Hong's voice, the members of the Twelve Sects were finally not so desperate. At least, Yan Hong sent troops, and they were just a restraining force.

"General! All soldiers are ready, please attack early!"

Just 20 seconds later, a pair came to report the team's preparations.

They all looked at Yan Hong, at the pillars of the Tongmen Gate, and at their spiritual beliefs.

"On this day, we have waited too long to counterattack the barbarians with similar forces! This is the first time in our human history! Brothers, let the barbarians know how powerful our frontier army is! The whole army attacks!"

Different from the scattered charge of the twelve factions, the actions of the frontier troops are very orderly, with the shields in front, and the knives and axes on the two sides. As the main force for attacking, the archers hold their breath and follow closely in the center of the team. .

They don't have the hustle and bustle of the Twelve Schools, and they don't have the momentum to tear everything apart, but they are more like a patient poisonous snake, ready to bite the opponent's most vulnerable place at any time and tear the opponent's defense.



"Tianji Yin!"

When they were 50 meters below the city gate, the barbarians didn't fight back. They just watched the people from the Twelve Sects rushing over, and they were even a little indifferent.

Standing on the city wall, Ke Man just sneered as he watched the humans rushing in from below.

When the first explosion sounded, Ke Man had already led the crowd to the city wall. As for the hard-to-discern information, Ke Man rationally chose not to believe it, and mobilized more than [-]% of the troops to garrison at the top of the city.

"These humans are really scheming."

Ke Man looked at the crowd approaching the city wall, and then, without any scruples about the loss of vitality, he bombarded the city head indiscriminately.

It seemed that the momentum was huge, and even suppressed the barbarians in a short period of time, but Ke Man was not in a hurry.

The bronze gate is more than ten meters high, and these people don't have any equipment to attack the city, so they can only release their skills under the city. The barbarians on the city wall have a very safe angle. Although the human attack is very strong, they are not injured to them.

"Archer ready."

Ke Man saw that the time was almost up, the humans under the city had released a lot of spells, and their vitality was almost exhausted, so he ordered to the soldiers behind him.

Keman's tribe is different from AKS' tribe. They are not mainly brave and good at fighting. Although they are barbarians, they are good at defensive warfare. It is his style that makes him famous among the barbarians not good.

However, after each battle, Ke Man's men always survived the most, which made him more determined in his opinion.


Taking advantage of the cover of the night, an arrow suddenly flew out from the gap between the battlements and pierced into the chest of a human being. It was so powerful that after penetrating the human, the entire arrow did not enter the sand. There, except for the sharp whistling sound and the thumb-sized pit in the sand, there was no trace of it.

"Zhou Yu, what's wrong with you!"

Everyone looked up at the city wall, and didn't notice the abnormality of the man who was shot, until he couldn't hold on any longer and fell to the ground, a person exclaimed and hurried to Zhou Yu's position.

However, it was too late.

This arrow was just the beginning. The barbarians no longer hid themselves, and shot arrows crazily at the people who had no cover under the city wall. When the arrows rained down, it was the people of the twelve sects who were wailing.

Fortunately, a dark cloud floated from nowhere, blocking the bright moonlight in the sky, and the whole world was darkened.

"Go! Withdraw!"

This is the first time that the barbarian's powerful bows and arrows have been shown in front of these people. After many years of stable life in the inner land, coupled with the fact that they usually rely on martial arts duels, the sudden powerful arrows drilled out made them panic. .

In the confrontation with ordinary humans, all defensive skills are mainly to resist the attack of vitality, and become weak in the face of weapons with super penetrating power like arrows.


The crowd fled in a panic, not even caring about the safety of their companions, like a group of sheep who encountered a fierce beast, unable to raise the will to fight.

What's more, Yan Hong behind him had already pulled out the army, and no one blocked his retreat.

Ke Man looked at the fleeing human beings, and for a moment there were countless doubts in his heart. This was really just a feint. Moreover, among these people, he did not see Yan Hong's soldiers. During the last fight, Yan Hong's soldiers The neat team left a deep impression on him, it was not comparable to the stragglers in front of him at all.

"Is that information true?"

Ke Man murmured in his heart for a moment.But according to his fighting habits, he will dig all kinds of tunnels needed for retreat and transfer in advance. He has dug nearly a hundred passages in the entire Tongmen Pass. Even so, he has not found the tunnels left by humans. It is very unlikely that the city wall will appear directly inside the Tongmen Pass.

"Arrange one-third of the manpower to patrol the city."

After making such an arrangement, Ke Man was relieved a little. He has always been so cautious. Even so, he was not completely at ease. The cunning of human beings left a deep impression on him.

As these barbarians patrolled inside the Tongmen Pass, the number of barbarians on the city wall suddenly decreased a lot. Ke Man dared not be careless and led soldiers to patrol the edge of the city wall to prevent humans from taking advantage of this time to make a surprise attack.

Boom, boom, boom...

Hearing this sound, Ke Man panicked and shouted: "Everyone go back to the city wall! Humans are going to attack! Sentinels find out where they are, immediately!" "

 It took me a day to change the script before I could update it, sorry!

(End of this chapter)

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