Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1163 You Have a Fate with the Barbarians

Chapter 1163 You Have a Fate with the Barbarians
With a palm, the Dongyue Sword has been included in the Mirror Domain, replaced by the Fish Intestine Sword.

The small and exquisite Fish Intestine Sword is very flexible, without giving Ke Man any time to react, Zhang Kun has already rushed in front of him, and the Fish Intestine Sword never leaves his vitals!
It was the first time that Ke Man felt difficult. Zhang Kun, as long as he seized the opportunity, he would be attacked with uninterrupted moves, and there was no room for him to adjust and counterattack.

"Go away!"

Slashing with a knife, according to common sense, according to Zhang Kun's previous fighting style, he should retreat and keep a distance from himself.

Ke Man thought so, he must take advantage of this gap to adjust his state, so as not to be restrained by Zhang Kun's moves. Zhang Kun's sword is too sharp, and his swordsmanship is exquisite beyond his imagination.He couldn't figure out what kind of person was able to practice such swordsmanship at such a young age.

From the very beginning of Dongyue Sword, it was calm and majestic, and its momentum is like a rainbow. Now Yuchang Sword is precise, elegant, and close to the point!Such a terrifying comprehension of swordsmanship, even he couldn't help but sigh.

What he didn't know was that Zhang Kun had a sword mound, and there were countless famous sword holders who tested and trained him. Regardless of his young age, he had a lot of experience in fighting.And unlike those ordinary cultivators, the one who practiced against Zhang Kun was an immortal-level powerhouse.

Their fighting awareness and fighting style, even if they just compete with them, will be very rewarding, let alone Zhang Kun, who let the life-defying people practice in Jianqiu if nothing happens.


Grasping Ke Man's brief opening, Zhang Kun never thought of letting go.

When fighting an immortal, as long as one wrong step is made, it is a wrong step, and there is no room for retaliation at all. This is Zhang Kun's accumulated experience in many battles.

Now, it is time for him to show these combat experiences.

Lowering his body abruptly, Ke Man's knife slashed across his head, but Zhang Kun didn't realize at all how close he was to death, and the fish intestine sword in his hand stabbed straight at Ke Man's dantian!


Ke Man only felt that his whole body was full of strength and there was nowhere to show it. Being pointed at his vitals, he didn't dare to give it a go. The most important thing was that Zhang Kun's body skills were so terrifying that even he couldn't figure it out!
"Not yet!"

Ke Man didn't care about the traditions of the barbarians, and shouted, hoping that his subordinates could come to help him relieve the pressure.

Seeing this, Zhang Kun's heart sank. If these people rushed up, his plan to remove Ke Man's head would be in vain.

"Fellow Daoist Zhang Kun, don't worry, the old man will help you."

Daoist Ning Yu stretched out his hand and pointed, and a cyan light swept across the barbarian crowd in an instant.

It was as if they had been hit by a freeze spell, and their whole bodies froze in place.

The next moment, their skin aged rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. The dry, yellowish brown skin was covered with spots that only the elderly would have.

The barbarians seemed to be crazy, they kept beating their bodies, trying to arouse their consciousness with pain. In their eyes, such a thing could only be an illusion. No one has ever been able to shake the long river of time, and can accurately Use it on yourself.

"Spring goes and autumn comes, autumn goes and spring comes, every year, the common people are obsessed with the hustle and bustle of the world, they don't know how time goes by, the sun and the moon change, and when they get old, they suddenly wake up, the years are not forgiving."

Daoist Ning Yu didn't move after only one shot. He knew that Zhang Kun could take off Ke Man's head. What he needed to do was to ensure that the city gate would not be closed by the barbarians, and that Zhang Kun and Ke Man's contest will not be affected by outsiders.

For him, Ke Man's life and death have nothing to do with him. Too many things are created by fate and fate. He doesn't want to be contaminated with the karma brought about by killing Ke Man. It's much better than giving yourself a person who is outside the frontier army.

Watching Zhang Kun gradually push Ke Man into a desperate situation, Daoist Ning Yu suddenly had a whim and pinched his fingers to make a fortune for Zhang Kun.

When the hexagram was finished, his complexion suddenly became weird. He looked at Zhang Kun, then at Ke Man who was still struggling desperately, and after a long time, he sighed: "Fate creates cause and effect, this evil fate , it seems that there is no escape."

With a flick of his fingers, a gust of wind knocked Ke Man back. Zhang Kun glanced at Daoist Ning Yu in surprise: "Why?"

Only after three tricks at most, he was able to take off Ke Man's head, but was destroyed by Daoist Ning Yu.

Zhang Kun looked at Daoist Ning Yu, and for a while, countless confusions arose in his heart. He really couldn't find a reason for Daoist Ning Yu to help Ke Man.

If he had a relationship with the barbarians, he only needed to give the barbarians an accurate information before, and they wouldn't be broken into the city gate so quickly.

But since he has nothing to do with the barbarians, why did he take action again to save Ke Man? You know, if Ke Man can be killed here, then Yanhong's plan to settle the three passes and finally march into the barbarian border pass, Yuhu Pass, is justified. can be easily achieved.

At that time, I will be able to easily enter the barbarian territory and look for the barbarian sacred place, Wild Valley!


Ke Man was as confused as Zhang Kun, but he valued the chance of escape more. Now that human soldiers have occupied the Tongmen Gate, they are orderly inserting the barbarian soldiers through this gap. Defense line, in such a place, the human phalanx can exert stronger strength.

The barbarians are good at fighting, and there is no way to gather a large army of barbarians here. It can be said that the defeat is doomed.

"Old man, I remember you."

Leaving this sentence behind, Ke Man sneaked into a nearby private house and disappeared instantly.

Zhang Kun was about to go forward to chase him, but was stopped by Daoist Ning Yu: "Zhang Kun, just listen to me."

With a long sigh, Zhang Kun knew that he would not be able to hunt down Ke Man today no matter what.

Judging from the previous move alone, Daoist Ning Yu's strength is at least at the level of refining the void, and may even be at the level of transforming the gods. , he is not sure of winning.

"Master, please speak."

Now that he has given up his plan to hunt down, Zhang Kun naturally wants to have a good talk with Daoist Ning Yu.

"From the first time I saw you, I felt that you were also a member of my Taoist sect, because the infinite sea of ​​energy in your body is the magical sea of ​​energy that countless people in my Taoist sect dream of. People know how to use it. Therefore, I have always treated you as my Taoist disciple."

After a slight pause, he continued to add: "Please believe me about today's incident. It will definitely not do you any harm. It will only be a good thing in the future. You and the barbarians have a predestined relationship."

(End of this chapter)

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